TYLER G. FIELDS, 19, of Ukiah drowned Tuesday in Lake Mendocino His body was recovered by Sheriff's Department divers early Tuesday evening. Fields was reported missing a little after 3 Tuesday afternoon by the three other young men he'd been swimming with. All four had gone into the water at the South Boat Ramp, designated as a "swim at your own risk" area. The Lake is already quite low. The swimmers had apparently been trying to reach a small island that appears when the Lake drains early.
THE SWINGIN' BOONVILLE BIG BAND will perform at Lauren's Cafe, Sat. night June 1. Show starts at 9 PM. Donation at door is $5. Proceeds to fund the Adult Ed Program in Anderson Valley. See you all there.
Humboldt CO. Sheriff Press Release:
The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office and Shasta County Sheriff’s Office is seeking assistance from the public with the identity of two hikers who were on the beach at the end of Lighthouse Road, Petrolia on Wednesday May 8, 2013 during the late evening hours.
Investigators were aware on the night of the homicide that the Miller family pet “Gigi,” a tricolored Dachshund, was unaccounted for. On Monday May 13, 2013, Humboldt County Detectives learned that a woman from the Petrolia area was in possession of Gigi. This subject was contacted and it was confirmed the Dachshund she possessed was Gigi. The woman told detectives she was on the beach at the end of Lighthouse Road in Petrolia during the late evening hours of Wednesday May 8, 2013. Two hikers were walking off the beach and were carrying Gigi. The hikers said they found the dog and were not able to locate an owner. The woman offered to care for the dog and took possession of Gigi. Names were not exchanged with the hikers and their identity is not known. It would be greatly beneficial to this investigation and the search of Shane Miller, if the location Gigi was originally found was known.
The Humboldt and Shasta County Detectives are asking the persons who located Gigi call the following numbers to provide that information. Shasta County (530-245-6025) or Humboldt County (707-445-7251).
Gigi remains in the care of the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office and arrangements are being made for the safe return of Gigi to members of the Miller family. Gigi was in excellent health when she was found by the hikers and injury free. Attached are photographs of Gigi.
Update on Search for Miller

The search for triple homicide suspect Shane Miller continues this morning. Efforts are a continuation of yesterday’s tactics, consisting of foot searches in the King Range trails and door to door searches of residences and cabins in the Petrolia, Honeydew and Shelter Cove communities. As a reminder there is a 5:00 PM community meeting scheduled at the Honeydew School. The King Range Conservation Area remains temporarily closed to all recreational activities.
Agencies and Resources Assigned:
Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office, Shasta County Sheriff’s Office, Trinity County Sheriff’s Office, SWAT Teams from California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation at Pelican Bay and High Desert, Fortuna Police Department, Humboldt County Drug Task Force, California Highway Patrol, Humboldt State University, Eureka Police Department, helicopters from the California Highway Patrol and Homeland Security.
AVA, MAY 14/15, 2013: FOR YOUR NO SHAME FILES. Darryl Cherney has broadcast this pathetic (and false) appeal, an appeal that leaves out the fact that he said his hagiographic movie was packing them in and not only packing them in but was up for an Academy Award. The appeal also ignores the fact that Cherney owns two valuable pieces of property in Humboldt County and he won nearly a million dollars in his successful libel suit. The guy's loaded. Anybody who sends him money is even a bigger sap than the cult-brains who believe his phony Bari narrative.
“DARRYL CHERNEY/In Memory of Judi Bari - Who Bombed Judi Bari? is broke & has $5000 of upcoming expenses-music licensing, closed captioning, etc. in prep for digital, Netflix. etc. DVD's are out and you can buy a signed one for $20 or a t-shirt or just make a nice donation through our paypal or via regular mail. And encourage libraries and schools to buy it!”
* * *
SUPERVISOR DAN HAMBURG, MAY 15, 2013, on the Coast Listserve: “The AVA's endless badgering of Darryl Cherney and Mike Sweeney, and the entire legacy of Judi Bari, is shameful. It is also demonstrative of the intrinsically flawed thinking of Bruce and Mark. These two men masquerade as ‘progressives’ while in fact being reactionaries. I found it interesting that when Darryl came to Boonville recently to show the film on Judi Bari at the Methodist Church (just across the street from the AVA offices), Bruce and Mark stayed away. They could have attended participated in the discussion of the film but apparently were too busy to ‘educate’ the locals with their ‘inside knowledge’ of the events surrounding the bombing.
* * *
HAMBURG knows nothing about the case and doesn't bother to inform himself. And, of course, doesn't cite any particulars here because he's ignorant of it. Some time ago, I spent many nights at bookstores and any other venue that would invite me making, or attempting to make, the basic point that the case can be solved. In all the time I was on the road making the case that a handful of self-interested crooks were in the way of an honest investigation, there was never any sign of Hamburg. (Cherney either, for that matter. The Bari Cult tried to shut down those talks, and when they couldn't, they sent people to attempt to shout me down.) Hamburg was also among the missing during Redwood Summer. And here he is weighing in on this dead controversy almost a quarter century after the fact, riding into Boonville to watch Cherney's deliberate falsification of Bari-related events to call us ‘reactionaries.’ I know what Cherney does. I'm not going to pay my way into to watch him perform. Predictably, Hamburg, always the weasel, doesn't even insult us in a forum we belong to. I wouldn't even have known about his idiotic blast if someone hadn't forwarded it to me. But anytime The Great Liberal and Cherney and, or his jive attorneys — any or all of them — would like to debate the subject I'd certainly be pleased to participate. But they won't. Hamburg certainly won't debate. The guy's all hat, no horse. Always has been.
RE: CALTRANS WILLITS BYPASS PROJECT and Ryan Creek Remediation Project, and Anadromous Fish in the Outlet Creek Watershed and Little Lake Valley
Dear Director Bonham,
On April 29, 2013, Keep the Code, a California non-profit public benefit corporation, submitted to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), through our attorney Rose M. Zoia, a request for a stop work order on California Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) Willits Bypass project based in part on noncompliance with the Incidental Take Permit (No. 2081-2010-007-01) issued on July 14, 2010 (ITP). Subsequently, significant new information has come to light and a major decision has been made by Caltrans and the California Transportation Commission (CTC) in contradiction to the ITP and to the detriment of anadromous fish in the Outlet Creek Watershed and Little Lake Valley. Assessment and Recommendation
As you know, for the Outlet Creek Watershed that includes Little Lake Valley, Coho salmon are listed as Threatened by the State of California and are listed by the United States as Endangered; and for the same watershed Chinook salmon and Steelhead are listed by the United States as Threatened.
“Historically, Little Lake Valley was a large seasonal lake. In 1910, the lake was drained to repurpose the former lakebed for cattle grazing and potato production. During the same timeframe, the watercourses through Little Lake were connected via dredging to Outlet Creek and the creek and its tributaries underwent channelization. Subsequent Highway 101 construction precipitated Outlet Creek’s realignment. Records from the late 1980s found that coho salmon spawned in Long Valley, Reeves Canyon, Ryan, and Haehl creeks and several Outlet Creek tributaries, including Willits, Broaddus, and Baechtel creeks. Salmonid habitat conditions were most suitable in the Outlet Creek Basin for refugia on Ryan Creek. However, culverts on Ryan Creek are barriers to juvenile out-migration.” (Outlet Creek Basin Assessment Final Draft, December 2008, CDFG)
“The Middle Mainstem Eel River coho salmon population is at high risk of extinction given the extremely low population size and negative population growth rate. The Middle Mainstem Eel River coho salmon population is not viable and is at high risk of extinction because the estimated average spawner abundance over the past three years has been less than the depensation threshold.” (Public Draft SONCC Coho Salmon Recovery Plan, January 2012, NMFS)
When the fish population size declines below the depensation threshold, then the fish population is no longer able to sustain itself, it is said to be at critical depensation. Depensation is the effect on a fish population whereby a decrease in the breeding population leads to reduced survival and production of eggs or offspring. Ultimately this may lead to the fishery's collapse, or even local extinction. The Middle Mainstem Eel River coho salmon population, which includes the Outlet Creek Watershed, is approaching local extinction. Page 2 of 3 Following is a map of the Outlet Creek Southern Subbasin (Little Lake Valley Watershed) showing the estimated current range of Coho and Chinook salmonids and Steelhead.
A major recommendation of the NMFS Coho Salmon Recovery Plan is to remove barriers at Ryan Creek and remediate the one county, one private, and two Caltrans culverts that have been identified as high priority for fish passage. (Public Draft SONCC Coho Salmon Recovery Plan January 2012, NMFS)
National Marine Fisheries Service - January 19, 2012, Biological Opinion and Incidental Take Statement
The NMFS Biological Opinion and Incidental Take Statement (BO/ITS) protect three anadromous fish species: Chinook and Coho salmon, and Steelhead. The BO/ITS includes the following measure to further minimize impacts to these anadromous fish:
“Fish passage on culverts located at the South Fork and North Fork of Ryan Creek will be improved for all three anadromous species. Both of these projects are required mitigation for the 2081 consultation for coho salmon with the DFG. The fish passage improvements at two culverts on Ryan Creek are expected to improve passage for adult and juvenile salmonids. The improvements will occur at large culverts on the two main Page 3 of 3 tributaries that form Ryan Creek, and will improve access and utilization on a substantial amount of habitat for spawning and rearing. An additional 2.7 miles of salmonid habitat on the South Fork Ryan Creek watershed, and 1.7 miles of fish habitat on the North Fork Ryan Creek will be available to anadromous species. Similar to Haehl and Upp creek, the increase in available habitat at Ryan Creek is expected to increase overall salmonid productivity in the Outlet Creek watershed.”
Caltrans Dam Failure Adjacent to Ryan Creek
In May of 2012, the enclosed Caltrans emails reveal that an overflow culvert at the bottom of a pond had “blown out” and taken out a couple of trees downstream in a Caltrans constructed dam and pond adjacent to Ryan Creek. Caltrans constructed the dam and siltation pond “in response to a Regional Water Quality Control Board violation and that the structure was to be temporary,” but Caltrans had failed to remove the “temporary” dam that was left to deteriorate and not maintained for about 30 years. Caltrans Willits Bypass project manager was notified of the dam failure “due to the proximity to Willits Bypass and Ryan Creek environmentally sensitive projects.” Caltrans responded in an email that, “I don’t think we need to fix the blow-out and restore the ponds for any wildlife concerns…” Since Caltrans determined that they no longer had an obligation to fix the “blow-out”, although there is no indication that the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board was notified of the “blowout” of the dam and consequent sedimentation of Ryan Creek, and CDFW, although they had been notified by the property owner, failed to require Caltrans to restore Ryan Creek. Furthermore, Caltrans chose to not do any remediation of the damage to Ryan Creek, even though Ryan Creek is rank by CDFW as the highest value refugia stream for anadromous fish in the Outlet Creek Watershed.
California Department of Fish and Wildlife - Incidental Take Permit – Coho
The ITP Conditions 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 require that the Ryan Creek Fish Barrier Removal and Mitigation be planned and funded and the South Fork Ryan Creek culvert remediation project shall be completed no later than October 31, 2013. However, on April 25, 2012 in the enclosed Caltrans email CDFW requested that the remediation of both the South Fork and North Fork of Ryan Creek “be moved out two years from the date listed in Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2010-007-01.” CDFW failed to require Caltrans to amend the ITP, then on Tuesday, May 7, 2013, the California Transportation Commission agenda #116 voted not to fund this remediation project and to delay the funding decision for two more years until Fiscal Year 2015-16. There has been no supplemental environmental assessment for this defacto amendment to the ITP for this delay in a vital remediation project that would provide offsite mitigation for the killing and harm to Coho and their habitat caused by the Willits Bypass project in Little Lake Valley.
This collective decision by the State of California places this required mitigation of both the South Fork and the North Fork of Ryan Creek culvert remediation project in jeopardy of not ever being funded, and places anadromous fish, especially Coho, which were already considered at high risk of local extinction, before the Caltrans dam “blow out” and the Caltrans Willits Bypass project, are now at a higher risk of local extinction.
Again, we urge for CDFW to issue a stop work order on Caltrans’ Willits Bypass project that is in violation of the ITP. Sincerely yours, Bob Whitney, Willits
BOYS & GIRLS CLUB and Mayacama Services Begin Job Mentoring Program; Crush Italian Steakhouse Teaches Ukiah Youth Food Industry Job Skills. On May 14th Ukiah’s newest restaurant, Crush Italian Steakhouse, began a job training/mentoring program that has been a great success at their flagship location in Chico. Students from the Ukiah Boys & Girls Club and Mayacama Services will participate in a 10-week program working hand in hand with Crush staff learning how to cook, serve, buss and host in a fine-dining establishment. Every Monday from 5:30-8pm until July 15, 2013, dinners at Crush Italian Steakhouse & Bar will receive service from teenagers assisting staff in performing their various duties. A special menu item will be featured and Ukiah Crush will give $10 from each special menu directly to the Boys & Girls Club organization. Donations are also accepted. The teenagers involved are members of the Boys & Girls Club who have shown interest in learning about job opportunities in the local community and participants in Mayacama Services, part of the Ukiah Valley Association for Habilitation (UVAH). They Boys & Girls Club students participate regularly in the after school programs and have successfully completed the Club’s job curriculum program. Students were selected after an extensive interview process prior to acceptance into the mentoring program. Boys and Girls Club Chief Professional Officer, Liz Elmore is very excited about the program. “This is an innovative program offered to Boys &Girls Club of Ukiah teens. I am delighted about this partnership and working with Crush by expanding members’skills from giving them emotional support and encouragement needed to succeed while furthering their education or moving into the job market and adulthood. The significance of Crush’s mentoring program will benefit Ukiah Valley youth as well as businesses for years to come.” The participating youth gain experience four hours every Monday evening at Crush, located at 1180 Airport Park Blvd in Ukiah. On Monday, July 15th, mentored apprentices will perform their final dinner service and be acknowledged for their achievements by the Crush staff, community members, Boys & Girls Club and supporters at a graduation ceremony. Ukiah Crush principal Doug Guillon and his staff work closely to educate each teen in creating a strong work ethic and sense of responsibility. “The restaurant environment provides an excellent medium for young people to learn skills essential to being a valued employee. Emphasis is placed on accountability and creating communication skills so necessary in today’s workplace,” said Guillon. “This program has raised around $3,000 for the Boys and Girls Club in Chico and over time we intend to make a substantial impact in creating the sort of job opportunities the youth of Ukiah deserve.” For more information regarding this Boys & Girls Club of Ukiah program, please contact Liz Elmore, Chief Professional Officer at 467-4900.
INDIAN GAMING Special Distribution Fund – Distribution of Grant Funds — Mendocino County is pleased to announce that a total of $140,772.33 has been awarded from the Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund, which was funded by contributions made by the Hopland Band of Pomo Indians. Each year, funds are awarded to local government agencies impacted by tribal casinos. Awarded applicants from this year’s funding cycle include the Hopland, Little Lake, Redwood Valley/Calpella, and Long Valley Fire Districts, the Sheriff’s Office, District Attorney, Health and Human Services Agency, and the Hopland Public Utility District. The Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund was established by the State Legislature to help mitigate the impacts of tribal casinos, funded by gaming fees. The Indian Gaming Local Community Benefit Committee was created to distribute these funds within Mendocino County. The Committee includes the following members: Shawn Padi and Pamela Espinoza of the Hopland Band of Pomo Indians Tribal Council, Dan Hamburg and John McCowen of the County Board of Supervisors, Ron Orenstein and Larry Stranske of the Willits City Council, and Trevor Sanders of the Point Arena City Council. “We’re very pleased that funds will go toward a variety of activities to assist communities affected by gaming,” said Dan Hamburg, Committee Chair. “Awards will support law enforcement, victim’s witness assistance, a summer youth program, and water infrastructure improvements, in addition to fire protection and emergency medical equipment.” Mendocino County would like to thank the Hopland Band of Pomo Indians for its contributions to the Fund and cooperation throughout the award process, and to congratulate this year’s awardees. For more information, please contact the Executive Office at 463-4441.
AFFORDABLE CARE ACT UPDATE: Budget Proposal Threatens County Health Care Safety Net: CSAC (California State Association of Counties) is leading an education and advocacy effort to ensure California implements federal health care reform in a way that maximizes opportunities to cover as many uninsured as possible by January 1, while also protecting the county healthcare safety net. That safety net is at risk because the current state budget proposal assumes counties will save $1.5 billion dollars when the ACA starts—when actual savings will be far less and won’t occur right away. Over the past two weeks, county officials have joined forces with public hospital systems, community clinics, public health and consumer advocates, labor, and other health care providers as part of the “Protect the Health Care Safety Net” Coalition. As CSAC moves forward as part of this coalition, the mission is three-fold: o To educate the administration, Legislature and public that counties will continue to provide indigent health care and critical public health services even after the ACA is implemented. Counties will also continue to need 1991 health care realignment funding to cover the cost of those services.
• To emphasize that rather than cutting into local health services, we should be investing in the county health system to protect the remaining uninsured and maintain the local health care safety net.
• To urge the Administration and Legislature to move quickly to set up a system so counties can begin enrolling people in Covered California and Medi-Cal and thus avoid missing the opportunity to receive 100% federal funding to expand health care services to this population by January.
CSAC is also actively engaged in ongoing discussions with the Administration and Legislature about how to rethink county health funding post-ACA implementation. However, there is a very real possibility that the May Revise Budget could include the Administration’s initial proposal to redirect up to $1.5 billion in current county health funding to other state obligations, including child care, would significantly erode county health care programs and services. CSAC will be calling on counties to act quickly to educate legislators and the Governor about the devastating impacts this could have on public health care services in our communities. Staff and our Board representative continue to participate in weekly working group and policy committee meetings to monitor developments related to implementation of federal health care reform and implications for Mendocino County;
AB 5 (AMMIANO) - Homeless Person’s Bill of Rights and Fairness Act (RCRC: Oppose; CSAC: Oppose; Recommendation: Oppose): Assembly Bill 5, by Assembly Member Ammiano, would create the Homeless Person’s Bill of Rights and Fairness Act and establish certain protections against discrimination on the basis of homelessness, which the bill defines as “individuals or families who lack or are perceived to lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, or who have a primary nighttime residence in a shelter, on the street, in a vehicle, in an enclosure or structure that is not authorized or fit for human habitation and also means a person whose only residence is a residential hotel or who is residing anywhere without tenancy rights, and families with children staying in a residential hotel whether or not they have tenancy rights.” Additionally, AB 5 contains the following provisions:
• Provides rights to homeless to move freely, rest, eat and solicit donations in public places without being subject to criminal or civil sanctions, harassment, or arrest by law enforcement. (Public spaces is defined in the bill as those owned by any state or local government entity or upon which there is an easement for public use and is held open to the public, including plazas, courtyards, parking lots, sidewalks and public parks and buildings.
• Prohibits law enforcement from arresting individuals for violation of local ordinances (such as encampment, loitering, panhandling and residing in vehicles parked on public property)
unless the following conditions exist:
- The county maintains year-round Section 17000 nonmedical assistance.
- The locality is not an area of concentrated un- or underemployment or an area of labor surplus.
- The county-maintained public housing waiting list is <50 people.
• Requires every local government to have “health and hygiene centers” with 24/7 access to bathroom and shower facilities. The centers would be funded by the State Department of Public Health as part of the Neighborhood Health Center Program through the county agencies that oversee public health programs.
• Provides civil and criminal protections for local agency employees who make public property (such as first aid supplies, blankets, food, water) available for use or distribution to the homeless (without consent of the local agency).
• Requires local law enforcement to annually compile and review the number of citations, arrests, and other enforcement activities made pursuant to laws prohibiting: obstructing a sidewalk, loitering, sitting, lying down, camping, sleeping in a public place, soliciting donations, bathing in public places, sharing or receiving food, inhabiting a vehicle, violating public park closure laws or crossing streets or highways at particular locations. That information would be submitted to the Attorney General and made public.
AB 5 would create a private right of action against any person, public entity or public employer for violation of the rights provided in AB 5, and if a county chooses to move forward with judicial proceedings, the county where the citation was issued must provide counsel to the defendant. While the intent of helping to provide necessary services to homeless individuals and reduce harassment of those who are homeless is an overarching principle CSAC can support, the costs associated with increased reporting requirements, court costs associated with possible civil actions brought against public employers, law enforcement employees or public agencies as well as the usurping by the state of local authority by prohibiting local ordinance enforcement prompts CSAC to seek an oppose position on the bill. (— Mendocino County CEO’s Report, 5/14/2013)
A LAYERED LIFE: "Points of Encounter" reveals paintings by two master artists Catherine Woskow and Larry Thomas offer shifting perspectives
by Roberta Werdinger
How do we know what we know? Is what we are seeing "out there," or is it the result of processes that begin deep inside the brain? For more than a century, artists have been questioning the solidity and reality of the objects and people they encounter by painting new ways of perception. This has resulted in canvases covered with creative patterns, streaks, and arcs in place of buildings, mountains, and people. Painting movements such as Cubism and Abstract Expressionism are well known examples. Lately, scientists have documented how actively the human brain participates in molding its perceived environment. Maybe no one can figure out what is "out there" or "in here," but when we stop trying to force a final meaning, we drop into a moment by moment presence arising from a rich and abiding interchange of body, earth, and mind.
These shifting perspectives are expressed in the Grace Hudson Museum's upcoming exhibit, "Points of Encounter: Catherine Woskow and Larry Thomas," which opens on May 25, 2013. A special preview reception on Friday, May 24, from 5 to 8 pm, is free with Museum admission. Refreshments by Jackie Lee and music by Will Siegel will be featured, along with an opportunity to meet the two artists.
Woskow and Thomas are both internationally known and widely exhibited painters who reside in Mendocino County but whose work is rarely shown locally. Both use the technique of layering multiple images over each other, rendering a simple subject to a high degree of abstraction which yet remains recognizable, sometimes barely so. While Thomas favors the natural landscapes that unfold outside his Fort Bragg home as his point of encounter, Woskow's subject matter is the mysterious and ever-changing personality emanating from the head and face of a human being.
Catherine Woskow is a Ukiah native who has studied, lived, and exhibited nationally and internationally before returning to a quiet life of painting in Ukiah Valley on the banks of the Russian River. While previous works have focused on the human body and its energies, Woskow took up her brush to engage in a dialogue with the head, which she sees as the source of "chaotic thought, most often directed from violent contradiction." The Museum will showcase 12 large paintings from this Head Series, in which multiple layers of colors, shapes and brushstrokes contend on a canvas that seems to literally shift before the viewer's eyes. The familiar features of a human head may be interrupted by a streak running vertically down the face. A head turned to the side highlights bold apricot streaks around the forehead, eyes and nose. Another face, partially obliterated by a wash of white and ice blue, seems to swim up to the viewer's sight out of a deep fog. These impressions converge to create portraits that are at once familiar and ghostly, respectful and confrontational, amusing and unsettling. Indeed, the viewer's reaction to the paintings can be as layered as the process that went into making them, an effect very much intended by the artist. She states: "I make it a priority to continue to learn to trust the process—to get out of my own way and let the work guide and disclose. The outcome of my work is always unpredictable, though my process deliberate."
Larry Thomas drew his early appreciation of nature from a childhood rambling in the woods and fields of his native Mississippi. After a career which included exhibits at Washington, D.C.'s National Museum and San Francisco's Museum of Modern Art, international artist residencies, and teaching at the San Francisco Art Institute, where he also served as Dean and Interim President, he retired to Fort Bragg. There he continues his daily walks, where the dramatic landscapes of sea, wind, fog, and forest inform paintings that pulse with a quiet delight. Thomas's paintings are both playful and modest, allowing the personality of a place to emerge through fine-lined brush strokes, layered washes, and rich paint surfaces. Dune grass blown about by the strong coastal wind appears as squiggles that suggest Chinese calligraphy, while underneath broad strokes of tawny colors blend into a chiaroscuro resembling the paintings of J.M.W. Turner (one of Thomas's influences). Like Woskow, Thomas uses painting not to define his subject but to create a field in which natural and human instincts come to play. He knows that "each encounter with a landscape is unique even if repeated on a regular basis." He appreciates the coast as the "coming together of the earth with the water, where one becomes the other," painting with an awareness of the Pomo people whose displaced culture and grounds lie close to his home.
"Points of Encounter" runs through July 28, 2013 and will include a docent and member tour led by exhibit curator Marvin Schenck on June 4, and a "Meet the Artists" tour on June 23. Catherine Woskow, a long-time supporter of the Museum, will donate 50 percent of the proceeds from all her paintings sold during this exhibit to the Museum's Sun House Guild, which funded the exhibition.
The Grace Hudson Museum is at 431 S. Main St. in Ukiah and is a part of the City of Ukiah's Community Services Department. General admission to the Museum is $4, $10 per family, $3 for students and seniors, and free to members or on the first Friday of the month. For more information please go to www.gracehudsonmuseum.org or call 467-2836.
EARTH FIRST! HUMBOLDT PRESS RELEASE: Trinidad,CA: 9:00 am. Earth First! Humboldt dropped a large banner 100 ft. up in trees that can be seen from Highway 101 just North of Trinidad. The banner reads in large print “Respect Strawberry Rock”, and below in smaller print, “Forest Stewardship Council and Sustainable Forestry Initiative Green-Wash Green Diamond’s Clear-Cuts.” Green Diamond is the first US based company that has received FSC certification while still practicing clear cut forestry methods, something that FSC is selling to the public as sustainable. For the SFI, industry created label, clear-cutting is status quo. Green Diamond holds both FSC and SFI certifications. Despite much vocal opposition from the community, including the mayor of Trinidad, as well as a few dedicated tree-sitters maintaining tree-sits, Green Diamond Resource Company is continuing its clear-cutting, aka “even aged management” around Strawberry Rock. These plans include logging stands of residual old-growth and old second growth redwoods. Included in the forest is a rare and little understood species, Bishop Pine. Green Diamond has a 45 year clear-cut rotation plan, including all of the land around Strawberry Rock. Earth! First Humboldt is calling for Green Diamond Resource Company to create a special management zone of the Strawberry Rock area in which restoration forestry practices are followed include but are not limited to: not taking more than a third of the annual growth of the forest, protecting rare and endangerd species such as the Bishop Pine, Spotted Owl, and Marbled Murelet, and restoring mature forest habitat. The group plans on continuing to support as well as engage in the resistance to Green Diamond’s destructive forestry practices, and will be hosting a skill building camp beginning June 14th called Redwood Coast Rendezvous.
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