A KIND OF STONER'S WOODSTOCK is on for this coming weekend as thousands of people are expected to join marijuana celebrations in Colorado and Washington, two states where the love drug has recently been decriminalized. More than 50,000 potheads are expected to light up outdoors in Denver's Civic Center Park on Saturday to celebrate decriminalization in Colorado, while similar events are planned for Seattle. Marijuana activists consider April 20 a day to celebrate the drug and push for broader legalization. The origins of the number “420” as a code for pot are murky, but for decades pot people have considered the date 4/20 as a day for group light-ups.
MARIJUANA is still illegal under federal law, and its sale without a doctor's recommendation isn't allowed in Colorado or Washington. Neither state allows open and public use of the drug. But authorities look the other way at public pot-smoking, especially at festivals and concerts.
ACCORDING to a recent posting on Sheriff Allman's Facebook page: On Saturday, July 13th, “We are having the kick-off event for my re-election. We have booked a live band, have arranged for some great food and I promise it will be a great night in Willits. More information to follow, but please, if you have not planned anything for Saturday, July 13th, stay tuned. It will be a blast.”
NOT SO MUCH as a rumor of anybody emerging to run against the Sheriff, a masterful politician with enthusiastic support from every area of the County where he seems to appear so regularly its as if he's some kind of five-in-one wizard.
THE MAJOR HERE, reporting from the AV School Bond Oversight Committee: Last Wednesday evening the Oversight Committee listened to a lengthy presentation from Miguel Rodriguez of Caldwell Flores, the Emeryville-based school bond financial consulting outfit which is arranging to borrow the $15.25 million to upgrade and modernize the local elementary school and high school. So far Rodriguez has arranged to borrow about $6.5 million. More will be borrowed when Caldwell-Flores calculates that the $60 per $100,000 of assessed value can finance the additional borrowing. Most of the first $6.5 million has been spent on remodeling and upgrading of the elementary school classrooms plus some refurbishment of the high school gym locker room area. About $2.2 million of the $6.5 million was spent on solarizing the elementary school. We will spare you the “bond math” as Mr. Rodriguez described it, but suffice it to say that when the dust settles, a lot more money will be spent on interest than is spent on school remodeling and modernization.
MOST PEOPLE, including me, didn't realize that when they voted to approve the $15.25 million bond issue a few years ago, they were actually voting to assess themselves well over $30 million, give or take, depending on the actual interest rates for the various bonds which will generate the principal of $15.25 million. The way the system works is that schools must pay a loan shark, er, lenders, investors and banks, in the range of twice the amount they want to borrow for the privilege of having enough money to upgrade their edu-facilities.
SOME OF THE BONDS (the first $2.2 million) are what are known as “clean and renewable energy general obligation bonds,” others (about $4.1 million) are “general obligation series B-1 bank qualified bonds,” and a small amount is via what are called Capital Appreciation Bonds. Rodriguez said several times that capital appreciation bonds are “not the devil,” as they have been portrayed in a flurry of news stories in recent months when some of them were exposed as huge ripoffs with huge balloon payments that some school districts cannot afford to pay, causing modernization plans to be significantly scaled back or discontinued unfinished. (They are the devil, actually, but that’s a story that’s already been told, not an argument with Mr. Rodriguez.)
THE BOND FINANCING methods in some districts like Willits, suffer as much from depressed home values which nose-dived in the Great Wall Street Swindle of 2008, causing the revenues produced by the $60 per $100,000 of assessed value to be significantly reduced, meaning that the school districts cannot afford to pay back the loans/bonds that they assumed they could with tax revenues.
ANDERSON VALLEY has not suffered a significant drop in assessed value — the Golden Horde has made Valley property quite valuable — so the estimated tax revenues appear to be sufficient to pay back the bonds as scheduled, albeit at usurious rates of interest.
RODRIGUEZ also pointed out that Anderson Valley is fortunate to have scheduled their bond financing after some early Obama Administration legislation which provided for partial subsidies for the interest on the loans (i.e., bonds), significantly reducing the net interest rate for the bonds that have been sold so far, making the total amount of interest to be paid back by the school bond property tax increment substantially lower. (Never mind that tax payers still have to pay the interest, just not via local property taxes.)
WHEN YOURS TRULY asked Rodriguez if there was any difference in the fees that Caldwell-Flores charged for the higher interest loans/bonds, Rodriguez admitted that the higher the loan amount, the higher the interest-rate, the higher their fees. As he attempted to explain why this was rational, I couldn't help smiling at the rationalizations. Rodriguez looked quizzically at me saying, “I see you’re smiling; it looks like you're not buying this.” I replied that I agreed with Ben Franklin’s dictum, “Neither a borrower nor a lender be.”
LATER, in discussing the financing arrangements with the school district’s bond project construction manager Don Alameida, we agreed that it would be better if school budgets included a line item that legally mandated savings for modernization and remodeling which would accumulate to cover construction costs incrementally as they became necessary (administered by a board independent of the school board). But given the way school budgets are arranged these days, that's impractical to the point of impossibility, forcing taxpayers to finance such facility improvements in a way that gives at least as much money to banks and investors as it does to actual construction. (—Mark Scaramella)

ON APRIL 11, 2013, at approximately 10:57pm, deputies received a call for service regarding a victim of a battery awaiting contact at the Mendocino Coast District Hospital. Upon arrival Deputies contacted the reported victim, who identified himself as Mark Prouty, 41, of Fort Bragg. Prouty had visible minor injury to his face. Prouty identified Daynes Pabo, 19, of Fort Bragg, as the person responsible for his assault, which took place at a residence on Pudding Creek Road in Fort Bragg. Prouty told Deputies that shortly before his arrival to the hospital, he initiated contact with Pabo after observing him on the property. Prouty had been assisting the property owner for the past two weeks in trying to evict Pabo from the premises. Both Prouty and Pabo resided at that location but in separate structures. Upon contact with Pabo and after directing him to leave the location, Pabo punched Prouty in the face. Pabo then left the location on foot, vandalizing Prouty’s vehicle in the process. Prouty proceeded to the hospital and summoned law enforcement. Deputies contacted Pabo, who arrived unexpectedly at the hospital to seek medical treatment for an injury. Deputies contacted Pabo and observed that he had a visible injury to the back of his head. Pabo admitted to Deputies that he had punched Prouty in the face and vandalized Prouty’s vehicle, but only after being struck in the head by Prouty. Prouty entered Pabo’s trailer after Pabo arrived home. Prouty directed Pabo to leave and threatened to strike Pabo with a blunt object if Pabo refused. After Pabo exited the trailer and began to leave, Prouty struck Pabo in the back of the head with a padlock attached to a metal cable. Deputies ultimately arrested Prouty for assault with a deadly weapon and burglary. Prouty was transported to the Mendocino County Jail where he was booked and held in lieu of bail set at $50,000. (Sheriff’s Press Release)

ON APRIL 13, 2013, at approximately 5:25pm, deputies arrived at 18901 Dwyer Lane in Fort Bragg in order to carry out a probation search of Steven Claus [no relation to Santa], 38, who resides at that location. Deputies knew Claus to be on active probation and subject to terms not limited to submit to search and seizure, anytime, day or night. Deputies also had knowledge that Bradford Ewing, 50, was residing at the same location. Deputies knew Ewing was also subject to search and seizure (a term and condition of being released on his own recognizance in a pending court matter). Deputies contacted both subjects at the location and a probation/OR search was conducted. During that search, Deputies located several items of drug paraphernalia related to the sales and distribution of controlled substances, approximately 8.0 grams of what field-tested presumptive positive for methamphetamine, two firearms (one of which was loaded) and a 7.9-ounce canister of pepper spray. Both Claus and Ewing were arrested and transported to the Mendocino County Jail where they were booked and lodged. Ewing was booked for Possession of controlled substance for sale, Maintaining place for sale and use of controlled substance, Possession of controlled substance while armed, Commit offense while on bail/OR], and Unlawful possession of pepper spray. (Sheriff’s Press Release)
QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE ANDERSON VALLEY FOODSHED GROUP on Thursday April 18 at Petit Teton Farm, 4 miles south of Boonville on Hwy 128, MM 33.39, driveway on the east side.
We will begin with our business meeting at 5:30. If you are interested in what the Foodshed Group has been doing, please read the project reports below. Come share any new ideas you have with us.
At 6:00 we will commence to devour all the delicious local food brought by all of you! Please remember to bring your own eating wear, drinks and a serving utensil in your potluck dish.
Our 7:00-8:30 program will consist of short talks by four local farmers, with questions encouraged:
Season Extension - Nikki and Steve - Petit Teton Farm
Drip Irrigation - Greg Krouse - Earthdance Landscaping
Dry Farming - Tim Ward - Anderson Valley Community Farm
Seed Saving - Andy Balestracci - Diaspora Seeds
Then we will open the discussion up to all participants to share their best gardening techniques, best crops and seeds for AV, and any other pertinent gardening talk.
Please bring a folding chair if you have one. We would like to be outside, weather permitting, so please dress appropriately.
Hope to see you on Thursday.
AV Foodshed Project Reports Steering Committee
The AV Foodshed Steering Committee meets monthly to help guide the group in its plans and projects. We still have a list of potential projects from our Farmers Roundtable in January. We hope to talk about one or two of them at our quarterly business meeting on Thursday. We would like to see how many people would be interested in a workshop on sales of value-added products. The farmers also expressed the need for help in contacting potential customers, such as a comprehensive email list that they could use to send out weekly notices of products available. Our quarterly business meeting is the time that we can get input from you on these project ideas or ideas of yours. Please come at 5:30 on Thursday to become involved in the important process of protecting our valuable farmers by promoting local food.
Mendocino Local Food Website
If you haven't already, please check out mendocinolocalfood.org. This blossoming website features farmers from around the county. You can search for a specific farm to see what they offer or by a food that you desire to see who offers it. One of our Foodshed project needs is someone to help promote the website. If you would like to help in this way, please contact Linda at lsmacelwee@hotmail.com or Torrey at torrey@lemonfreshdesign.com.
Mendocino County Fair Support
We were able to raise $950 for sponsorship of all of the vegetable displays and some of the fruit. Now, we are looking for someone who would be willing to be a volunteer publicity person for the Fair in the months leading up to August. The word needs to be deciminated thru the newspapers and radio about the deadlines for entering things into the Fair. There may be other messages also that the Fair would like to get out during that time. This person would be working with Jim Brown, the Fair manager.
School Gardens
Spring is here and so are the Leafy Greens! As part of the Harvest of the Month program School Garden Coordinators Tara and Charlene do taste-testing at both cafeterias on Thursdays. Recently they featured this month's item "Leafy Greens" in a delicious juice made of carrot, apple, cucumber and yes--LETTUCE! The students were curious but receptive and said they really liked the cucumber flavor. All the lettuce was started, propagated and grown at the High School by students for students. Other taste-testing dishes will include bountiful salads, lettuce wraps and more healthy juices.
Tara Lane hosted a highly successful fundraiser in March with the Nature's Vision Network. She raised funds for the Elementary School Garden expansion that has just started to break ground. Work has already started planning the site and removing existing stumps. Thanks again to AV Nursery and Tinman Nursery for their generous donations to this project!
Charlene and Beth met with Leo Buc from the Common Vision Organization on Friday April 12 to talk about collaborating on School Orchard restoration. This amazing organization works to create and support School Orchards all over California.
Opportunities to volunteer at both school garden sites are ongoing and much needed. Please contact Charlene and Tara at:avgarden@yahoo.com to find out how you can help with their many horticultural endeavors.
Boonville Winter Market
The Winter Market in front of the Boonville General Store this year has been the best one we've had. We have had about six pretty regular vendors with a variety of products. Anderson Valley Community Farm has provided produce, fermented products, veggie starts and eggs (chicken, duck and goose!) Yorkville Olive Ranch has almost always been there with delicious local olive oil. Petit Teton has brought produce, eggs, USDA pork and their variety of processed goodies. WildeAcre Farm has provided sauerkraut, kefir, herb starts and muffins. Floodgate Farm has come over from Redwood Valley when they can with produce, both fresh and dried. Diane and Jade have been there with crocheted hats, olives and muffins and Alice has had plant starts, olives and jokes! Philo Homestead was there last week with veggie starts and eggs. Joel Kies came over once from Albion with his beautiful array of soaps and some plant starts. Tom was there a couple of times with wild mushrooms and Liz came early on with bread, veggies and eggs. Also showing up a couple of times have been Susan and David with their unique Philo Furniture. Diaspora Seeds has been there with their new line of local seeds. Bill Harper also came a couple of times with plant starts. Our regular local customers are the backbone of the market, with the weekend tourists adding a little fat. We only go until the end of April, when we will see the Boonville Farmers' Market start up across the street at the Hotel with the Annual Spring Plant Sale on May 4.
Not-So-Simple Living Fair
NSSLF 2013 is on track for July 26-28 at the Mendocino County Fairgrounds in Boonville. Our fourth annual event will be better than ever. The workshops are being organized, with new presenters and new topics being added. We have some new blood on our organizing committee, which means new energy and great new ideas. The exciting entertainment ideas are being formulated and craft and food vendors are being drawn in. If you would like to volunteer to help this year, please contact Kate Castagnola at 895-2956 or hillmuffins@yahoo.com. Craft Vendors can contact Rainbow Hill at rainbow@handleycellars.com. For general information contact Cindy Wilder at 895-2949 or cwilder406@gmail.com.
WILDFLOWER SHOW – April 27th & 28th
Earth Day is one day set aside to show Mother Earth how much we care about all life on our fragile planer. This year the California Academy of Science is celebrating Earth Week, beginning April 20th through the 26th. Their newsletter suggested many projects to undertake during the week; from educational nature walks, community gardens, and cleaning Public Lands. Cleaning our watershed areas closest to home is one way to show respect for the Earth. Removing alien invasive plants from our property is another way to help. Every little thing we do to clean up and beautify our roads and public areas, adds to health of our small corner of California. Every year it keeps getting better and more beautiful here in Anderson Valley. This year, Earth Week ends with the opening of the A. V. Unity Club, Garden Section’s Annual Wildflower Show, April 27th & 28th. The outstanding collection of local native plants and introduced species are the main attraction at the Wildflower Show; and they are spectacular. Driving along the roadways recently, I saw a great variety, and abundance of wildflowers, which lends me to believe this year’s Wildflower Show will be the best show in years.
Next week, on Saturday and Sunday, the Unity Club Garden Section will open the doors to June Hall from 10:00 to 4:00, at the Fairgrounds, Boonville . Admission to the Show is FREE. Raffle tickets will be available at the door, for a chance to win some plant-related prizes, including a beautiful, big Rhododendron. The drawing will be on Sunday, April 28th, before closing. You do not need to be present to win. A selection of plants will be available for purchase. Some of which are especially recommended for our Valley by Ken Montgomery, from the Anderson Valley Nursery. Other of these plants have been lovingly propagated by members of the Garden Section. Proceeds from the Raffle and Plant Sales go to Scholarships for two graduating A. V. High School Seniors. You can beautify your home and support our youth at the same time. Books, stationery, and gifts will be on sale, sponsored by “Bookwinkles” of Mendocino, benefitting the Lending Library. Our community Library will be open, as usual, on Saturday, April 27th, from 2:00 to 4:00. The Hulburt collection of fabulous photographs of local wildflowers, will grace the walls surrounding the Tea Room; where you can grab a snack and some tea, or other beverage. The isles of June Hall will be filled with plant specimens from all over Mendocino County. Plant Identification experts will be ready to assist you in identifying those strange plants that inhabit your yard. You may ask, “Is this a noxious weed, or a wildflower?” Literature on Alien Invaders, California Native Plants, and Lyme Disease will be presented for your education. Come prepared to be amazed at the 2013 Annual Wildflower Show; it is the best in California. — Miriam Martinez
Humboldt County, Hoopa Valley Tribe Warn Tunnels Could Take Trinity Water
by Dan Bacher
In the latest battle in the California water wars, Humboldt County and the Hoopa Valley Indian Tribe in northern California on April 12 warned that the Governor’s Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) to build the peripheral tunnels is overlooking North Coast communities’ long-standing water rights to the Trinity River - and “therefore overestimating water availability.”
The Brown administration claims the Bay Delta Conservation plan will fulfill the “co-equal goals” of ecosystem restoration and water supply reliability, while fishermen, Indian Tribes, environmentalists, family farmers, elected officials and other plan opponents say the project will lead to the death of the Delta ecosystem and farming. The multi-billion dollar project proposes to divert a large proportion of the Sacramento River’s flow into two 35-mile tunnels beneath the Delta.
The Trinity River, the largest tributary to the Klamath River, is the only out-of-basin water supply diverted into the Central Valley. The legendary salmon and steelhead river flows though the Hoopa Valley Reservation and Humboldt County before joining the Klamath at Weitchpec.
“The Trinity River is vitally important to the North Coast economy,” stated Humboldt County supervisor Ryan Sundberg. “If the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) and state agencies don’t make the decision to uphold our long-established right to Trinity River water, what confidence can other Californians have that their rights will be honored in the BDCP process?”
Sundberg said Humboldt County is expecting a decision from the Department of Interior regarding its water right and this could upset the BDCP process if the county water is not considered in modeling.
In 1964, the BOR, managed by the Department of Interior, began delivering Trinity River water to the Central Valley through tunnels. Federal and state law limited those deliveries by setting aside water for fisheries and making available an additional 50,000 acre-feet supply for economic development by Humboldt County and other users. The federal law was passed in 1955, while the state permits and Humboldt County contracts were negotiated in 1959.
“Thus far, the BOR has failed to honor this water right, and only recently began to honor fisheries commitments through implementation of the 2000 Trinity River Record of Decision,” according to a joint press release from the County and Tribe.
Humboldt County and the Hoopa Valley Tribe said they have repeatedly warned the Governor and BDCP planners that it is a mistake to assume that 50,000 acre-feet of Humboldt’s Trinity water is available even though federal and state lawmakers allocated it to the North Coast nearly 60 years ago.
They have been in discussions with Interior and are expecting a decision that upholds Humboldt’s water right. Last July, Interior said it would confer with them before any decision is made, but so far there has been only silence.
The Hoopa Valley Tribe, which depends on salmon for sustenance, says it is worried because Reclamation "has stated inadequate fishery water supplies in the Klamath River basin have become the new norm. That means heightened risk of conflict over competing uses due to the fact the salmon are increasingly depending on Trinity flows," according to the County and Tribe.
“Ours is not a speculative concern,” said Leonard Masten of the Hoopa Valley Tribe. “Last year federal, state, and tribal fishery agencies forecasted a potentially devastating fish kill in the Klamath River because of low Klamath basin water supplies and a record-high population of returning fall Chinook. Reclamation took action and set aside 92,000 acre-feet of Trinity River Division water and released nearly 39,000 acre-feet of additional water to avoid a disaster.”
This year another great return of fall run Chinook salmon is forecasted and already government agencies, such as the Pacific Fisheries Management Council, are considering asking for similar action. The Klamath River abundance forecast is 727,682 fall run Chinooks, not the record abundance forecasted last year, but still well above the long term average. A record run of 302,108 fall adult Chinook salmon returned to the Klamath River in 2012.
Humboldt County emphasized they are willing to use their water right to protect Klamath River fisheries.
“In the course of the last half-century, Humboldt County and the Hoopa Valley Tribe have stood fast for our rights and interests,” stated Supervisor Sundburg. “We all have a right and responsibility to protect this precious resource, and urge all Californians to oppose any form of a BDCP that takes more of our water. We also urge Interior to act to resolve this issue.”
Tom Stokely of Mt. Shasta, a former Trinity County natural resources planner now with the California Water Impact Network (C-WIN) online at http://www.c-win.org), supported the County and Tribe’s assessment of the threat to Trinity River water rights posed by the twin tunnels plan.
“To the best of my knowledge the 50,000 AF of Humboldt County's water has never been considered in any plans for the Twin Tunnels,” said Stokely. “Historically, the Bureau of Reclamation has never indicated in any way that they would provide this water, even though it is a requirement of federal law, a contract between Humboldt County and Reclamation, as well as being a condition of each of the Bureau's 8 state water permits. The Bureau promised a final decision on this issue over 2 years ago but there is still deafening silence other than the turbines on the Trinity's way to the Sacramento River and Westlands Water District.”
“The 50,000 acre-feet is now needed in the Lower Klamath River because the Bureau of Reclamation is unwilling or unable to provide suitable conditions for salmon coming into the Lower Klamath River in summer and fall during the dry years we are now experiencing,” said Stokely. “In order to reduce the threat of another Lower Klamath River fish kill in 2002 of over 65,000 adult salmon, the Bureau successfully released 34,000 AF in 2003, 36,200 AF in 2004 and 39,500 AF in 2012 from Trinity and Lewiston Dams.”
“The Bureau was prepared to release over 80,000 acre feet in 2012 if it had been necessary. That water essentially is Humboldt County's 50,000 AF. The Bureau ought to just let Humboldt County have their water and then the county can participate as a full partner instead of a colony of the Westlands Water District,” concluded Stokely.
Richard Stapler, Deputy Secretary for Communications for the California Natural Resources Agency, responded to the warning by the County and Tribe. “We’ll take a look at this latest request, but we’ve also written letters on this issue several times in the past," he said.
He referred to a two year old response from Secretary Laird to Assemblyman Chesbro on this issue and a letter from earlier this year from Laird and the chairman of the State Water Quality Control Board to north state water users.
He noted, “In addition, here are comments from the Governor on north state water rights in general: http://www.appeal-democrat.com/video/c/1172740456/news/2152199319001/jerry-brown-ad and http://www.colusa-sun-herald.com/articles/north-10056-protect-state.html.
Along with the threat to Trinity River salmon and steelhead, Delta advocates fear the construction of the tunnels will lead to the extinction of Central Valley Chinook salmon, steelhead, delta smelt, Sacramento splittail and other imperiled fish species that have declined dramatically due to massive water exports to corporate agribusiness, the oil industry and Southern California water agencies.
The Sacramento River fall run Chinook salmon population, the driver of West coast ocean fisheries, declined to record low levels in 2008 and 2009, due to a combination of record water exports out of the California Delta, declining water quality and poor ocean conditions. Although the fall Chinook salmon runs have increased over the past couple of years, the number of fish still falls far short of the nearly 1 million fish mandated under the doubling goals of the Central Valley Project Improvement Act of 1992. (http://www.counterpunch.org/2012/11/23/salmon-on-the-brink)
Celebrate Mendocino County 4-H California 4-H's 100th Birthday
4-H members past and present, their families, friends and supporters are invited to the festivities on Sunday, May 5, 2013 from 1-4pm. Program begins at 2. The birthday celebration will be held at Rod Shippey Hall, Hopland Research and Extension Center. Exhibits, fashion show, speakers, delicious food, friends and family. Come out for a fun afternoon of sharing both the past and the future of 4-H. RSVP 463-0411, Nadine Boer. Food prepared by Beth Keiffer. Extravaganza exhibits and 4-H memorabilia exposition from 1-4pm. The program starting at 2 PM includes the flag honor guard, the American flag salute, the 4-H pledge, Alexis Davis singing the Star-Spangled Banner, proclamation from Mendocino County Supervisor Carre Brown, memories from Arlene Shippey, talk by Bob Dempel (All-Star and long-time 4-H supporter alumnus), perhaps words from Amy McGuire of the California 4-H foundation. Also on the bill are Sid Harper of the Savings Bank, Pete Passoff (retired UC extension representative and current 4-H project leader), Linda Edgington of the Century Families Group. Entertainment will include piano, taiko drumming, fiddling, a knitting group, a fashion show, past and present, awards from the exposition extravaganza and a group sing-along. Birthday cake by Melissa Smith. To get to the Hopland Research and Extension Center: from downtown Hopland (intersection of Highways 101 and 175), take Highway 175 east toward Lakeport. Across the Russian River and proceed through old Hopland (East Hopland). Approximately 3 blocks past the center of old Hopland, enter the traffic circle, exit onto Old River Road (also marked "Road 201," formerly "East Side Road"). At the next opportunity, turn right onto University Road. Follow the paved road approximately 4 miles to reach the Center headquarters.
TODAY’S HISTORY LESSON: P.G. Wodehouse and his wife were in Le Touquet when the Germans arrived. The Germans treated them (as they also treated other English residents) with considerable courtesy. Wodehouse was favorably impressed with the Germans' behavior and let them persuade him to give a talk, in English, on the German radio. His broadcast was mildly humorous and mild in sentiment. Reading the broadcast today, one can find little or nothing objectionable in it, though its attribution to Wodehouse's naivete is perhaps too simplistic. Subsequently he was fiercely attacked in Britain, where some accused him of treachery. That was a malevolent exaggeration. After the liberation of Paris, Malcolm Muggeridge, George Orwell, and others, including Evelyn Waugh, tried their best to rehabilitate Wodehouse. This eventually happened, though Wodehouse, having translated himself to America, never returned to England. — Footnote, page 83, Five Days In London, May 1940, by John Lukacs
THIS SATURDAY, April 20th, Parducci Wine Cellars will be hosting an Earthday Celebration at their Organic Gardens, wetlands and Tasting Room. From 11 AM to 3 PM at the Parducci Organic Gardens right off Hwy 101 at Lake Mendocino exit, the Manager of Edible Ecosystems, Jess Arnsteen, will be conducting free tours and giving gardening tips at Parducci’s Organic Bio-dynamic garden. This will be the first time garden tours have been open to the general public. There will also be sheep, lamb and piglet pettings for the kids. The whole family is invited to experience the garden, meet the animals then continue on your adventure and join us for a complimentary wine and cheese tasting at the tasting room, complimented by fresh garden herbs and vegetables. Parducci will also be raffling off Earthday Friendly goodies including a deluxe overnight stay in The Scale House (John Parducci’s old home), private garden consultations with Garden Guru Jess, an exclusive Covered Wagon tour and tasting for eight at Parducci’s famed Water Wetlands project and Upper Home Ranch, and bags of ranch blended organic compost. In honor of Earthday, all proceeds from the raffle will benefit the Ukiah Farmer's Market discount program for Low-Income-Families. For more information please call: 467-3480 or visit Parducci.com. For more Information Contact- Spencer Brewer Tel-(707) 467-3480
ON SUNDAY, May 12 Deep Valley Chamber Music Series will offer a perfect way to celebrate Mother’s Day. Paul McCandless will be joined by pianist Art Lande and woodwind artist Bruce Williamson for a free-flowing afternoon of both classic and modern jazz. Starting at 3:01pm, the concert will be held at the First Presbyterian Church at the corner of Perkins and Dora, Ukiah. Tickets are $25 ($10 students 8-18), available at Mendocino Book Co and at www.brownpapertickets.com. For more information call 467-1341. Best regards, Linda Malone, Board Member
COMMENT OF THE DAY: “Some would blame our current problems on an organized conspiracy. I wish it were so simple. Members of a conspiracy can be rooted out and brought to justice. This system, however, is fueled by something far more dangerous than conspiracy. It is driven not by a small band of men but by a concept that has become accepted as gospel: the idea that all economic growth benefits humankind and that the greater the growth, the more widespread the benefits. This belief also has a corollary: that those people who excel at stoking the fires of economic growth should be exalted and rewarded, while those born at the fringes are available for exploitation. The concept is of course, erroneous. We know that in many countries economic growth benefits only a small potion of the population and may in fact result in increasingly desperate circumstances for the majority. This effect is reinforced by the corollary belief that the captains of industry who drive this system should enjoy a special status, a belief that is the root of many of our current problems and is perhaps also the reason conspiracy theories abound. When men and women are rewarded for greed, greed becomes a corrupting motivator. When we equate the gluttonous consumption of the earth's resources with a status approaching sainthood, when we teach our children to emulate people who live unbalanced lives, and when we define huge sections of the population as subservient to an elite minority, we ask for trouble. And we get it.” — John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
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