A BAY AREA MAN named Joe Reiter, attempting to build a house in Covelo, is preparing to sue Mendocino County for meanie-facing him. Reiter alleges that during March and April of this year, Chief Building Inspector Chris Warrick was “verbally abusive” during phone calls, and had mentioned “threats of consequences if I were to complain to Mr. Pinches [Covelo area supervisor] about problems with the building department.”
REITER SAYS his telephone exchanges with Warrick made him unhappy to the tune of $250,000. Reiter also claims that he is owed another $101,837 because of “refusal of building inspector [Guy Parry] to attend scheduled inspection…” and “including voice mail left on claimant’s phone, were vulgar and abusive.”
OK, SO NOW WE’RE up around $350,000 for Parry’s alleged non-appearance and the alleged voice mail insults. “Fuck you,” Warrick said, “you city syphilitic. We’re not meeting you, buttface, at your building site today or any other fuckin’ day because we don’t fuckin’ feel like driving over there.”
WE HAVE NO IDEA what Warrick or Parry may actually have said, but we can’t imagine them being anywhere near this abusive, and even if they’d gone temporarily off message, $350,000?
BUT REITER wasn’t finished toting up his injuries. No sir. $350,000 was not enough for the abuse he’d suffered, the insult of the no-show. He says Interim Planning Director Roger Mobley, Warrick and Parry then triple-teamed him by “retaliation by Building Department officials for reporting their previous retaliatory conduct. Threats to cause damage to project, actions that caused damage.”
THIS THIRD ALLEGED assault by Mendocino County Planning and Building is valued at $275,000 because Reiter says he has suffered “monetary loss of project estimated, intentional infliction of emotional distress.”
BY THE TIME Planning and Building was finished verbally abusing him and not showing up to sign off on Villa Candy Ass, Reiter says he’d been insulted and stood up to the tune of $931,938.

UKIAH’S SCHOOL BOARD handed off responsibility to an expensive team of edu-talent (sic) scouts to find Ukiah a new superintendent, and you’re excused if you wonder why the Ukiah School Board had to pay someone else to do the job they’re elected to do.
GLEN McGOURTY of the Ukiah school board told the Ukiah Daily Journal that the hiring search he and his fellow trustees had paid someone else to do had been “exhaustive and exhausting.” But, his pudgy little fingers bloodied to the bone at the pure effort of paying someone to find — ta da! – Deb Kubin at Willits Unified, McGourty soldiers on.
PREDICTION: As the Willits School Board now commences its own “national search for educational excellence,” Ms. Kubin will be paid slighty more than the Socrates of Talmage, Paul Tichinin, County Superintendent of Schools. Tichinin will surely now turn to his board of trustees to demand that as Mendocino County’s senior educator he simply can’t endure the niggardly $120,000 he makes a year plus and a free car and fuel to commute back and forth to his Fort Bragg home in.

THE UKIAH SCHOOL BOARD hired, at a fee not yet revealed, Jim Brown and Mike Escalante, “consultants” from the “firm” of Leadership Associates to locate ol’ Deb in Willits.
LEADERSHIP ASSOCIATES advertises itself as “Providing the highest quality candidates to meet the needs of your district.” They say they are “California’s premier executive search firm,” which “has assisted school boards in their selection of superintendents in more than 200 California school districts and organizations since 1996.” They go on to talk about their own “integrity” and blah, blah, honkety honk, bleepity bleep.
THE POMPOUS hi-ho’s of the McGourty type get their jive selves elected to Mendocino County school boards where they buy this consultant bushwah for top dollar rather than assume hiring responsibility themselves, dollars that come right out of any hope you might have for a decent education for your kid. And wasn’t it this same consulting firm that inflicted mega-feeb Lois Nash on Ukiah?

Andy, go ahead and mock the bastid but this only higihlights the aristocratic bureaucracy in Mendo…he should call Pinches and make a formal complaint, get him away from his grow out there on the ranch for a few days…pathetic!
This blog was uncivil and disappointing re: the school board post. McGourty and others are unpaid, and serving the public. We’re lucky to have people who care enough about the school system to dedicate their time to improve its performance (much less make themselves vulnerable to the local press to be bad-mouthed about the size of their fingers.) Hiring consultants to solve specific problems and to run a talent search is vastly cheaper than hiring someone full-time to deal with these issues. Every successful organization hires consultants. The status quo– not doing anything and letting problems fester — will create greater and more expensive issues down the road for the school system, as has happened in the past. I grew up in Ukiah and know that the community in Mendocino County fosters a unique system of values. It is a wonderful place. Students there deserve to have the best talent in place to help them fulfill their potential. I would challenge the AVA to report on things that actually matter, with context and civility, so that people in the county can make informed decisions. Instead of criticizing people who are trying to do something to make their community better, figure out the basis behind their decision.