[July 25]
Saturday marks the 2-month anniversary of the murder of George Floyd and not enough has changed to improve the situation for Black people in the USA. Please come join in a community protest at Fort Bragg Town Hall on Saturday July 25, from 3-5pm. Bring a sign if you want, there will be some speakers, a march, and updates on what is happening in the County and town regarding racial justice issues, and see how you can get involved to push for change locally and nationally.
We have been promoting social distancing and I believe everyone has been wearing masks at the protests these past 2 months. Let's keep that up while staying connected to each other, and connected to the work that needs to be done.
In sadness and rage,
Andy Wellspring
If “Black Lives Matter” Black-on-Black homicides would cease.
As it is, they are far more numerous than media-mega-hyped White-cop-kills-“innocent”-Black incidents.
(Never mind Black-on-White homicides greatly exceeding White-on-Black homicides, since of course Evil Whitey deserves it.)