I found this on my I-pad just now; I don’t know why I didn’t send it to you when I wrote it, but I thought it relevant today when all we can think about is the damn rain.
REMEMBERING SUMMER 2018: Eastern Mendocino County
Fire Report Monday July 30th with update as of Sunday afternoon, August 5, 2018.
2018. California is disappearing in smoke and flames. Global warming sits on us like a smothering blanket. Out my window I see two fires and there are at least seventeen ongoing fires in the state. Triple digit heat is unrelenting. Leaves are falling from the trees ahead of schedule as a result of a six-year drought with only one year of significant rainfall.
Above, right over my house helicopters sound like tanks rumbling on some stairway to heaven. They pick up buckets of water from irrigation ponds and drop buckets full of water on a fire that is at least 6,000 (later 40,000) acres with very little containment. Compared to the amount of burning acreage the helicopters seem like noisy little mosquitoes. There are two huge fires: the River Fire and the Ranch Fire, together becoming The Mendocino Complex Fire. We really need several firefighting 747’s to put out the two fires.
The state has two such firefighters but they are likely deployed to Redding, a city of 40,000 situated at the head of the Central Valley, where the summer’s triple digit heat accumulates and mixes with strong winds to produce what one scientist likens to a microwave oven, or, to my thinking, a blast furnace. At least one 747 was finally deployed to the Mendocino Complex Fire.
This hell is California’s foreseeable future.
1992. We were warned. Science nerds and policy wonks knew what would happen if we failed to act . They tried to come to agreement for all of us. Out of a conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 came the Kyoto Protocol, under which countries agreed to separately determine targets to reduce greenhouse gases. That was all the best minds could do, human nature being what it is. So what if global warming was global? Apparently, the people running the US and some other governments could not conceive of the global nature of the problem, nor the corresponding need for a global solution.
Even if the Kyoto Protocol had been based on a realistic appraisal of the situation, the US Senate would never ratify it anyway. It’s puny targets were never adopted because the US was unhappy about the fact that third-world countries were not made to share the pain; instead, they were to be compensated for all the years of exploitation by rich countries and that seemed unfair to the American powers that be.
2006. Ordinary citizens and politicians alike got another chance to understand what was at stake when, in 2006, Al Gore explained the science behind global warming so that all of us could understand it. He made it easy in the Oscar-winning documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth.”
Again we rejected the science and the truth.
2009. In 2009 President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton negotiated the United States into the much-ballyhooed Paris Climate Accord. Every country in the world signed. All countries would be singing off the same sheet of music — at least until President Trump decided it “wasn’t good for the United States.” No climate agreement ever “could be good for the United States”; that’s the point. World-wide climate agreements are good for the world. They offer a way for humans to save themselves.
2019. So, the real inconvenient truth turns out to be that we are too stupid to save ourselves.
The real inconvenient truth is there is no scientific verification that what is going on with the climate has much of anything to do with CO2 in the atmosphere. CO2 is going up at a record rate, and for the last 25 years there has been no statically significant increase in average atmospheric temperature. According to the climate models, which are the substance of the global warming hypothesis, an increase in CO2 should result in a corresponding increase in average atmospheric temperatures.
I know, we only have 10 years until the end of times. Or was that 12 years? I would like to know what exact date the end of times will be. Need to prepare. Should I build an ark, or a cave?
Driven by a number of factors, including CO2, average temperatures are rising. The data is available, and the trend is clear. Please see NASA link below. Whether or not one may find that “significant” moves it into the realm of opinion and personal circumstance. The real-world effects are unfolding all around us.