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Anderson Valley Advertiser

Expatriation, Part Dos

I’m at a disadvantage here, writing for the AVA. I don’t have a clue if anyone is even reading this stuff since I can’t get…

Mitch Clogg for Congress!

California's spectacular First Congressional District, the longest C.D. in the lower forty-eight states, stretches 300 awe-inspiring miles from the Oregon border to the San Francisco…

The Rape of Gualala

The unincorporated township of Gualala, in all its virgin beauty and coastal innocence, has been shamefully deflowered by a gang of unsavory phallic intruders that…

The Green, Green Hills Of Anderson Valley

It's been thirty years since Mendocino County fired Ted Erickson for saying that marijuana was Mendocino County's number one export crop. Not only saying it,…

Not Connecting the Dots

THE DENOYER WATCH. James 'Jimmy' Denoyer is going to be re-tried on felony animal abuse charges. The case has attracted much public interest not only…

El Hombre Sin Patria

I used to think that there would be something to look forward to after the midlife crisis. Maybe I would figure things out, settle down…

Travelers, Sour & Sentimental

"I hate traveling and explorers." —Claude Levi-Strauss, Tristes tropiques (1955) * * * We curse the journey in order to praise the destination more fully.…

Where Are They, Jimmy?

Donald "JC" Cavanaugh went missing in 2005. David Neily hasn't been seen since 2006. Both men worked for James "Jimmy" Denoyer on Denoyer's 20-acre horse…

The Return of Bruce Anderson

MS: Why have you returned? BA: I didn't want the paper to fall into the wrong hands. MS: Whose hands would those be? BA: Pick…
