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The Return of Bruce Anderson

MS: Why have you returned? BA: I didn't want the paper to fall into the wrong hands. MS: Whose hands would those be? BA: Pick…

Dear Boonville

I drive straight down your lonesome middle the other day and almost don’t recognize where I am. There are a lot of fancy city cars…

The Redleg Boogie Blues (Part 1)

INTRODUCTION After eight years in rock and roll bands on the east coast, living in motels and doing everything from playing frat parties and low-life…

The Redleg Boogie Blues (Part 6)

SERGEANT BILL Sgt. Bill was a rare cop. He used to park his cruiser in a vacant lot near one of our illegally-placed landing docks,…

The Redleg Boogie Blues (Part 5)

HEAVY DUTY CRUNCH BAND IN COMBAT CONDITIONS The band seemed to thrive on what we came to call “combat conditions.” When other groups fussed about…

The Redleg Boogie Blues (Part 4)

RIP TORN BOMBS OUT AT THE BERMUDA PALMS The upper level of the Charles Van Damme was occupied by Chris Roberts, an artist with a…

The Redleg Boogie Blues (Part 3)

THE HOT MOLECULE Our next home was another small plywood barge, an upgraded version of the Hot Set-up. We called the new place the Hot…

The Redleg Boogie Blues (Part 2)

THE REAL REDLEGS STORY I couldn’t have been more wrong when I first arrived and thought the waterfront/Redlegs scene was a cult. It was not…


It was 1971 and we had just moved from the city to the Mathias Ranch six miles south of Boonville with an overwhelming load of…
