TERRIBLE STORY out of Laytonville concerns a sordid parasite called Nick Davila, a drug salesman and performer in gay porn films.
Davila, 30, has lived in the Laytonville-Leggett area for a few years where he managed to ingratiate himself with a young woman named Janelle Quinn, whose modest resources he looted as he steadily mistreated and robbed her before he severely beat the young woman. She has since been retrieved by her family. Prior to Davila's assault on her, Janelle had been seriously disabled in a car accident, meaning he should be looking at a double felony for assaulting a handicapped person. The charming Davila has now threatened to kill his victim. This man should be arrested and prosecuted to the max, but so far he's been difficult to find, although he had once been served with a restraining order. If you know of Davila's present whereabouts please call the Sheriff's Department. This guy's gotta go. (Ukiah: 463-4086; Willits: 459-7833.)
JANELLE'S FATHER, Terry Quinn, has forwarded the following:
Janelle Quinn’s Accident & Assault
by Terry W Quinn
Nicholas Davila Fraud and Assault Charges against permanently disabled and defenseless ex-girlfriend Janelle Quinn.
Financial fraud charges, case #22-29199, Deputy Ochoa
Assault and battery charges, case #22-27562 Deputy Mendoza
We are in fear for her safety. He has threatened to kill her.
Janelle Quinn was in a near fatal car accident 7-14-2020
-She was in a coma and on life support for 12 days in the hospital over the period from July 14, 2020 to November 6, 2020
-She suffered 5 strokes,
-Acute trauma to the body and brain,
-Severe memory loss,
-Lost her spleen,
-Multiple broken bones and a fractured pelvis,
-Permanent stroke related paralysis to her right side.
Janelle has dated Nicholas Davila since 2018. They are no longer together. He’s a convicted felon, a known drug user and distributor. This assault photo attached typical of his frequent and violent rage. He is much more violent when he is under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
Janelle’s jaw injuries are from Christmas Day 2022. She simply wanted to leave with her belongings.
We found out that Nicholas Davila has several aliases. Jimmy Coxx, Jimmy Clay
These are his porn star names. Google him. (Ed note: On second thought, don’t. It’s not what most people want to see.)
We also recently found out he was a former male prostitute under these names. Mr. Davila is well known in the Laytonville area as a convicted felon. It is also known that has been accused of many crimes including theft, breaking and entering, drug possession and distribution along with assault and battery, and weapons charges.
He used Janelle’s identity to open Cash App, Facebook Pay and various financial accounts without her knowledge or consent. He also transferred Janelle’s funds from her personal bank account to these cash app accounts and used these funds at his own discretion without Janelle’s knowledge or permission. He has taken her debit card and her vehicle many times without her knowledge. Transported drugs, left drugs, paraphernalia and loaded weapons in her car and put her in harms' way many times.
The American with Disabilities Act prevents him from harming her in anyway. All ADA and civil rights groups will be alerted. This will be forwarded to all law enforcement, the California state attorney general’s office and various women’s civil rights advocacy groups. Mendocino Supervisor Ted Williams has been alerted to this case and the Crimes committed against our daughter.
Mr. Davila will have to answer for mental, emotional, physical, and financial harm to our disabled and defenseless daughter, Janelle Diane Quinn.
We took Janelle to the Mendocino County Sheriff to file assault charges against Mr. Davila on Friday December 27. The photo is from the Ukiah Sheriff Station. Fearing for her safety and ours, we brought her to her home in Palmdale CA. The same day.
The attached 2020 photos are after she woke up from her 12 day Coma. The blunt force trauma caused her 5 strokes and permanent memory loss and brain damage. Janelle is unable to make common or important decisions for herself to this day. We are preparing a Power of Attorney on her behalf to help her and Conservatorship.
Again, We are in fear that Janelle is in imminent danger of attack from her ex-boyfriend Nicholas Davila. We fear for her safety.
(Terry Quinn, Palmdale)
A SHURIKEN (Japanese: literally: “hidden hand blade”) is a Japanese concealed weapon that was used as a hidden dagger or metsubushi to distract or misdirect. They are also known as throwing stars, or ninja stars, although they were originally designed in many different shapes. The major varieties of shuriken are the bo shuriken (stick shuriken) and the hira shuriken (flat shuriken) or shaken (wheel shuriken, also read as kurumaken). — Wikipedia
THIS SLO LEARNER was stymied this morning by the term “shuriken,” which was one of charges filed against a certain Mr. Mason. I'd never seen the term, and thought for sure it was a typo. As editor and boss man, I demanded that the night shift either make sense of the word or erase it. The night shift replied with a full tutorial on the device as reproduced above. I surely wouldn't want a shuriken hurled at me, and I seriously doubt Mendo practitioners of the ancient Japanese art of warfare have mastered it, but it is considered a weapon, and thus illegal in the wrong hands.
ON THE SUBJECT of Japan, I read with interest my friend Jeff St. Clair's list of the movies representing his all-time faves. I didn't recognize any of them except for two by the great Japanese filmmaker, Kurosawa, neither of which I remembered. But I certainly did remember Kurosawa's ‘Ran,’ a warfare epic I was lucky enough to see on a big screen at the Geary Theater in San Francisco, which so impressed me I still remember where I saw it. I doubt it would have the same overwhelming impact viewed at home on a small screen as delivered by one of the seemingly innumerable movie services, but give it a try, and while you're at it, high and dry and hunkered down as the atmospheric river rushes past, check out my other two seldom seen faves — ‘The Battle of Algiers’ and ‘Burn,’ the latter starring Marlon Brando but not widely shown in the United States, some say because of its radical message. And two more of my all-timers, and don't be deterred by subtitles or more generally movies by furriners, but these two by the great Chinese director, Zhang Yimou, and both starring the amazing Gong Li, will knock you right outta your Birks: ‘Raise the Red Lantern’ and ‘Red Sorghum.’ Meanwhile, I just read somewhere that ‘Babylon Berlin’ is in its fourth season, another truly memorable series first aired on German television, of all places, and we live in hope for more days when we get something as good here in Liberty Land, although we’ve had our fair share and inspired the rest of the world with our filmic art.
NOT A RIGHTWING MILITIA: Two men have been charged in attacks at four Washington State power substations that left 14,000 people with no power on Christmas Day. The duo told investigators that their plan was all in order to steal a cash register at a local business, according to the criminal complaint filed Saturday in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington at Tacoma. After cutting off power to the area — subjecting people to a cold and dark holiday weekend — the men drilled a hole in the lock of a business and stole its cash register.
LAKE SUPERIOR STATE UNIVERSITY performs a much needed annual public service by publishing its banished words list. Some of the big buzzwords of 2022 many of us want to see the end of, included “the greatest of all time or GOAT.” More than 1,500 language-sensitive Americanos submitted choices, which included “inflection point,” “quiet quitting,” “gaslighting,” and “moving forward.” Rounding out the top 10 were “amazing,” “does that make sense?” “irregardless,” “absolutely,” and “it is what it is.” All were selected for misuse, overuse, and uselessness.
MARK SCARAMELLA NOTES: “Moving forward” was former First District Supervisor Carre Brown’s favorite phrase. She used it for a variety of reasons: to shut down discussion of subjects that made her uncomfortable, to sound official, to ignore or overlook past problems or shady dealings, and to pretend that something had been accomplished so that the Board could move onto some other equally minor subject. PS. At the end of the day we’d love to see the end of the phrase, “At the end of the day…”
IT’S NOT THE SAME as Damar Hamlin’s chest injury, of course, but some of us of a certain age still remember back in 1985 when New York Giants star linebacker Lawrence Taylor, probably the most terrifying pass rusher of the era, crashed into Washington Redskins quarterback Joe Theismann on a drop-back, snapping Theismann’s lower leg. Taylor hit Theismann hard and awkwardly breaking two major bones below Theismann’s knee, one bone came jutting right out bare and bloody on National TV. It was one of the ugliest and most high profile football field injuries ever. It lead to a few rule changes about “roughing the passer” and for years made many football fans very nervous whenever a quarterback went back for a pass amidst a posse of much bigger guys hurtling headlong in the QB’s direction, frequently when the QB wasn’t even looking. Lawrence Taylor said afterward: “I knew right away. I heard the leg pop twice, and he was in a shitload of pain. I remember just trying to get off of him ’cause I knew it was bad, real bad. I started waving to the Redskins’ bench to get the training staff out on the field.” The next day Theismann said, “My nurse came in and said, ‘Mr. Theismann, Mr. Taylor is on the phone—would you like to speak to him?’ I said, ‘Give me the phone. LT, is that you?’ He said, ‘Yeah, Joe, how you doing?’ I said, ‘Not very well.’ He said, ‘Why?’ I said, ‘Well, you broke both bones in my leg, for crying out loud.’ Taylor said, ‘Joe, you’ve got to understand something—I don’t do things halfway’.” Taylor later commented: “Listen, I always played the game clean, and that play was clean. Unfortunately for Joe, he got caught between me and Harry [Carson], and the only place his leg could go was sideways. … I certainly felt bad cause it ultimately led to the end of Joe’s career, and I always had a lot of respect for Joe; he was a tremendous competitor and friend. But I’ve never felt guilty because there was no intent to injure. It’s just one of those plays that unfortunately happens sometimes in football.” In 2002, ESPN polled its audience for the “10 most shocking moments in football history.” Readers ranked the Taylor/Theismann sack as the biggest shocker, ahead of O.J. Simpson’s arrest for murder. Years later when the writer and director of the movie “The Blind Side” wanted to use the footage of Theismann’s injury in the opening scene of the movie, the NFL’s lawyers replied, “We would prefer you didn’t use the footage—it portrays football as a violent sport.” —Mark Scaramella (quotes from washingtonian.com)
A COAST RESIDENT informs us that Luke Breit has died. Known to many in the Albion-Mendocino area, Breit was a long-time aide to elected Northcoast Democrats.
VIA NORM DEVALL: Headline in Mendocino Beacon: “County historian writes book on Lake Leonard.”
FORMER SUPERVISOR Johnny Pinches called today to talk about this and that. I asked him if he was staying out of the atmospheric river. “You know, it's all just rain until you turn on the news. Then it sounds like the end of the world.”
PROMPTED by the news in the ava about the County's six million dollar budget shortfall, the aghast Pinches, the only supervisor to carry around a thoroughly annotated copy of the budget with all frivolous expenditures underlined, said he had two ideas for saving some money. Close juvenile hall and close down the pot program “since the pot business is gone.”
PINCHES pointed out that our juvenile hall only has a few inmates at any one time, Mendocino County should partner up with a neighboring county, saving a big hunk of money right there.
THE POT PROGRAM is pretty much funded out of grant money routed to the Emerald Triangle through the state. It employs at least ten people kept busy nitpicking the gro applications from the hapless saps who seem to think the licensing process is reasonable.
APPROPRIATELY, the Pot Program is housed on the upper floor of a structural boondoggle, a North County courthouse erected in Willits nearly forty years ago, it began to collapse the day it was occupied. Locals say the roof still leaks. The County tried to sell the failed structure to Willits, but Willits, rightly assessing the monstrosity as an eternal maintenance bill, said No. The Superior Court sold the Willits courthouse to us as a “major convenience” for court patrons living in Mendo's far flung north, just as they are falsely selling the new County Courthouse at the foot of West Perkins (Ukiah) as an all-round step forward for justice in the county, and we'll pause here for the hollowest laughter. Soon abandoned in 2009 because it was falling apart, this major eyesore fobbed off on an unsuspecting Willits, has for years squatted in the middle of town like a malignant mushroom, housing, ironically, only the Willits Police Department and the pot program. (And maybe the Air Quality District staff.)
I KNOW it's painful for lots of people to even consider, let alone grasp, but Biden is obviously out of it — “What? The President of the United States ga-ga?” But to disbelieve your eyes and ears as this international symbol of elder abuse totters out occasionally to bumble through a teleprompter presentation, calls into question the functioning of your perceptive apparatus. As soon as he's gone we'll get a ton of books by insiders describing Biden's ahem, limitations.
SO, there he was Thursday — “We interrupt this program for an important message from the president's puppeteers” — and then Biden slurs his way to confirmation of Trump's COVID-19 restrictions to expel border crossing migrants from Cuba, Nicaragua and Haiti, while allowing up to 30,000 people from those countries to enter the U.S. by air, monthly. The Associated Press reported ahead of Biden's immigration speech Thursday the broad outlines of the White House's plan - which basically penalizes those who arrive on foot at the U.S.-Mexico border, but still allows asylum seekers to enter the country. NPR's pious intros are especially annoying, as the announcing voice is lowered sanctimoniously as if the speaker is creeping up on sleeping Jesus, and out shuffles this ancient bagman for the credit card companies.
NOT THAT BIDEN is the first leader of our great nation to be non compos mentis. Nixon had become so befuddled by drugs and drink his orders had to be signed off on by at least one other official before acted upon. And Reagan, his last coupla years, ruled through his wife, Nancy, he understandably addressed as ‘Mommy.’ Farther back, Woodrow Wilson, disabled by a stroke, similarly reigned through his wife. The true rulers of our country — Gates, Bezos etc — don’t really care who’s nominally in charge, they roll on rolling up their profits.
DEB KEIPP RECOMMENDS: I saw the BEST baseball story last night on Netflix. The Battered Bastards of Baseball. Have you seen it? Can't imagine you would not enjoy it. It's about Kurt Russell's actor Dad, Bing, who was a character actor in the '60's. He was the sheriff on Bonanza for 13 years and a bunch of other jobs. Kurt and his mother tell the story of his Dad who was an old school baseball fan and player, and his experience with the Portland Mavericks in the 1970's. What a great great story about baseball. Check it out.
REN OSCHIN. DEB SILVA WRITES AVA, You've run a piece about Ren Oschin a couple of times. I gather that someone wants to know what happened to her stuff and who they could contact to find out. Ren's true name was Rene Oschin and she has a few things recorded at the Mendo County Recorder's Office. An affidavit of death was filed 8-16-22, I assume so that her assets could be liquidated. She owned property, and that property was sold. She had a trust. I would suggest that if someone wants to contact whoever was the executor they go to the recorder's office and look at the documents there are on file. There's the name of the trustee on the sale of the property.
MONEY LAUNDERING, UKIAH STYLE Ukiah Police have been experiencing an alarming rise in burglaries of coin operated laundry facilities in recent months, which Officers and UPD Detectives have been investigating. On 01/04/2023, at approximately 10:37 AM, UPD Officers were dispatched to a burglary investigation involving a forced entry into a coin operated laundry machine at an apartment complex. On arrival Officers found that a suspect had entered the community laundry room of the complex, pried open the machine and stolen quarters. The damage to the machine was estimated to be in excess of $400. Officers obtained video surveillance footage from the complex that depicted a male suspect committing the theft. The Officers investigating this event were made aware that MCSO Deputies were presently investigating a very similar burglary of another apartment complex laundry facility located nearby on Brush St. Officers responded to that location and viewed surveillance footage that depicted the same male suspect breaking into a laundry machine. In speaking with MCSO Deputies, a UPD Detective learned that the same suspect was earlier captured on video surveillance attempting to burglarize a Redwood Valley business. While viewing these surveillance videos, UPD Detectives recognized the suspect as Nathan Totten, 40, of Ukiah, a person of interest in another case. Detectives had obtained the license plate and description of Totten’s vehicle and entered it into UPD’s Flock vehicle license plate reader system.
Later that day, at approximately 3:48 PM, UPD received a Flock notification advising the suspect vehicle was being driven in the 900 block of S. State St. UPD Officers and Detectives responded and searched the area for the vehicle. A UPD Detective located the vehicle parked outside a laundromat in the 100 block of E. Gobbi St. and observed Totten outside the vehicle. Totten was taken into custody without incident. At the time of his arrest, Totten was found to be in possession of evidence related to the case and distinctive items of clothing he was seen wearing in the surveillance footage. Totten was on Parole out of Shasta County and was charged with 3056 PC (Violation of Parole), 459 PC (Burglary), and 594(b)(1) PC (Vandalism exceeding $400). Totten was transported to the MCSO jail where he is currently being held.
KYM KEMP VENTS: A little frustrated, so I'm going to vent. Scroll past if you don't want to see me get a little salty. A regular reader insists that as I'm providing a free service, “it’s crappy to expect others to pay for it, especially through guilt like NPR/PBS affiliates do.” Just so everyone is clear: I’m not providing a free service. I want to get paid and I know not everyone can afford to pay but I also offer a donate button. Like the rest of humanity, I like to get recompense for the work I do. As I said to the reader... If you want a service, how do you think it is going to keep being there if you don’t help it stay? Just realistically…ask yourself, how does Kym Kemp stay in business if no one contributes…? How is she going to pay reporters and photographers to make sure that you get the news you need about wildfires and road closures? Neither NPR nor I are providing free services. We provide services that we ask those that can pay for to chip in to support. I mean, NPR has to pay reporters, pay for computers, etc. So do I. Do you think money just appears from God? It doesn’t. You use our services, presumably they are helpful and would be missed if they were gone, so why not chip in? Maybe you don’t have the money…hey, when I was a student first listening to NPR, I didn’t either. But as soon as my husband and I got a little on our feet, we began pitching in some once or twice a year. Later, as we got more money, I tried to figure out what it was worth to me personally. How much would I pay to get behind a paywall? Then I pitched in that much per month. You probably throw your change on the dresser and don’t count it but, you know that if every time someone clicked on an article, they gave me just one dime, I’d make well over $15,000 a month on average, closer to $17,000 other months. (That would pay for a heck of a lot of reporting.) Maybe you can get a roll of dimes next time you are at the store and then every time you click on an article, decide if I deserve a dime. Put it in a pile and then donate when you get to $10. And it seems like the amount of information/interest provided is worth at least a dime. Same with NPR, if you listen for a half hour a day, could you give them $.50 per day you listen? That would add up to some great reporting, if even half the people did that. Think of how many reporters we could hire. Think of how much corruption we could expose. Think of the photographers we could encourage. Think of how much we could give back to our communities. Now, you don’t have to pay, but don’t fool yourself it’s because I don’t wish you would. (Also, it’s crappy to expect others to work for you without paying for it and then get righteous about how they are guilt tripping you when they mention they’d like to get paid. We do the best we can to cobble together a living here with advertisers — bless them and please support them if possible — but I pay my reporters and photographer terrible wages only exceeded by the terrible wage I pay myself. We really love what we do but we'd love it more if we were able to cover more stories, provide more consistently good photography, and pay ourselves a living wage.) Rant over. I'm going back to a job I love, helping a community I love, and I know I'm lucky to be where I am. Thanks for letting me vent a little.
Robert Deutch: Here’s a question for Ted Williams and other board of supervisors. When can we expect to get hazmat collection visits to the coast? And why don’t we have a CRV buyback station on the coast anymore? I believe these two issues are contributing greatly to dumping of garbage and waste in our community. Board of supervisors should solve this problem!
Ted Williams replies: Having traveled to places in the world favoring universal trash service and seen the lack of roadside dumping, I think we're going about trash all wrong. We pay for abatement, monetarily and environmentally. The new vendor is working on state permitting for operation. I understand it took about a year in another county. Hard to believe, the level of bureaucracy, but I see their diligence. The issue is government regulation and policy. Recycling has fallen apart in California (and America) because countries in Asia have decided they don't want our waste. We were feeling good about recycling when in fact our recyclables were being shipped across the ocean using fossil fuels to places like China. This change has had a cascading impact. The county could use your county tax dollars to subsidize CRV pickup, but it would leave something else in worse shape, for example, roads. Most of the $356 Million county budget is earmarked for specific purposes. What remains covers mandated services like Sheriff, District Attorney, Public Defender, ... The public could institute another tax, but given local economics, I don't think it would be supported. The puzzle of state mandates and local revenue paints a startling future. While mandates, deferred maintenance and expectations have grown, revenue in real terms has been flat: https://twitter.com/teddotnet/status/1539021255113723904
MERVINIUS On this day in Mendocino history… Mervinius January 8, 1973 - The results of a guessing contest were announced at the Mendocino Hotel. The contents of a jar of coffee beans that had been on display for two weeks were laboriously counted out by three judges. The total number of beans in the jar was 11,829, which included two beans which were thrown at “sitters-bye,” who offered “helpful suggestions” to the bean counters. The Beacon announced the contest in December. “In the lobby of the Mendocino Hotel is an odd shaped jar which looks like an escapee from some far away chemistry laboratory in Transylvania or Guatemala. What it is doing there in that 100 year old landmark is bringing back a touch of the good old days to good old Mendocino. Inside that jar is an unknown quantity of Colombian coffee beans, roasted just the other day in a new coffee roasting establishment called Thanksgiving Coffee Company. To publicize the opening of this unique shop the owners have filled this jar to the brim with beans, sealed it with wax, and are asking all to enter this contest following the great American tradition of guessing about everything.” “The three judges, Vic Biondo (local bon vivant), Alphonse Riede (of Alphonse’s) and Mervin Gilbert (of the Mendocino Beacon) managed the job of counting between, over, and through a dinner served by Hotel manager Neil Hebron. Alphonse, a veteran bead-counter, officially led the tally with 7,529 beans (a personal record).” According to Paul Katzeff, owner of the Thanksgiving Coffee Company, 420 guesses were received, with the most distant entry coming from Cincinnati, Ohio. “Guesses ranged from 202 beans to “1.2 x 10 to the 6th power” (whatever that is).” First Prize went to Max Forseter of Philo with his guess of 11,777. He won 30 drinks from the Thanksgiving Coffee Company’s Menu - all at once, or over the months to come. Mary Kittredge of Mendocino with a guess of 11,727 won one pound each of fresh-roasted Columbian, Java, Mexican, Costa Rican, and French Roast coffees for her second place showing. “An exciting tie for 3rd Prize set nearby tables buzzing. 12-year-old Naomi Ginsberg of Albion and A. H. Assocs. of Green St., San Francisco, both guessed 12,050, and both will get a 4-cup drip coffee maker and a pound of coffee.”

(Mendocino Beacon, January 12, 1973) (Life in Northwest Nowhere, by Mervinius (Mervin Gilbert) — a Collection of cartoon strips that appeared in publications in Mendocino, Fort Bragg, and San Francisco, capturing the spirit of the back-to-the-land movement of the Mendocino Coast in the late 1960s and early 1970s. $15. www.kelleyhousemuseum.org)
[1] The Jan.6th Cmte had several goals. The overriding one was to increase the power of those on the committee, obviously. These people are politicians. A second goal was to further attack Trump. The Deep State must continue attacking him. However, the underlying goal was this. To send a message to the 90% out there. You fuckers can run rampant in LA, or Minneapolis, or Denver… or wherever, we in government don’t give a shit if you do that… but if you come to the center of the power– and riot on the grounds of where we work– we are gonna put your ass in federal prisons, to the maximally allowable time under the law. The Jan.6th cmte was a testament of the hatred & disgust of “the People” that our representatives have towards it.
[2] I see that Skip Bayless got excoriated for strongly questioning the decision to cancel the game. People were screaming, “This man’s life is more important than a game!!!” Our culture is completely pussified now. How does either stopping or not stopping a game save this man’s life? The doctors at the hospital are not hindered at all by whether the game continues or not. Pussification leads to over-emotional and irrational decision making and thinking. Most likely Hamlin himself would say, “Shoot man! Keep playing! Our team needs this win.” Well, that was old style thinking.
[3] Teddy Roosevelt nearly banned college football around 1904, in which year there were about 18 gridiron fatalities. He didn’t want his sons playing the sport at Harvard, and at the time it was a game played primarily in the Ivy League. A local chap named Walter Camp “The Father of College Football,” worked with Roosevelt to make the game safer and less brutal, changing the rules and coming up with equipment like helmets and shoulder pads. This was before the NFL, which didn’t start out until the 1920s.
[4] Broke my right pinky finger playing dodgeball in fourth grade. Walking in shame to the sidelines – I didn’t catch the ball, so I was out – I grabbed that weird-looking finger – about 90 degrees, up and to the right, from where it should have been – and snapped it back into place. I was in the next game. That finger is still crooked, but works just fine. I was a better man then.
[5] BROOKTRAILS, an on-line comment: “Brooktrails has become a toxic haven. What used to be a playground for the wealthy or the retired has suffered. Many of the homes were passed down and not maintained. Rented out. With far away landlords not monitoring the sites. Brooktrails homes especially on the shady sides deteriorate fast and require a high level of maintenance. Annual pressure washing etc. A good percentage of the homes are occupied by squatters or illegal tenants. Add the issue of remoteness, lack of services, and poor follow-up on derelict properties it’s a perfect storm.”
[6] When I was a boy back in the 60’s and 70’s I remember seeing an occasional obese person. it was the exception, not the rule. Now they’re everywhere, although I think a few of them floated out to sea during the recent storm here in Santa Cruz county.
[7] The reality is that a majority of doctors under 50 (coming out of med school since the mid 90’s) tend to be spineless pussies who can’t stand up to MBA corporate admin people, esp MD/MBA completely soulless corporate types, and just follow orders. Most are too timid or afraid to tell the nazis to go to hell and then go out on their own and break the ties with corporate medicine, or, I should say medical health care (‘medicine’ itself if a fascinating and endlessly interesting science based endeavor, but ‘medical health care’ is now a morass of lies, scams and endless hustles disguised as policies, procedures and drugs, one ‘must have to live,’ pushed on people with minimal, if any, informed consent). I understand the issue of med school loans and family expenses preventing doctors from being responsible to their patients (I was from a working class family and owed 6 figures right out of med school). But myself and many other MDs have found that the public is very supportive of doctors who are independent of corporate entities (e.g. hospital systems) and do not push unnecessary hospitalizations and hospital procedures and aspire to tell them the truth about issues like fake vaxxes, highly toxic metal implants, and drugs with myriad side effects. I have seen that personally.
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