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Posts tagged as “oaky joe”

Into the Past (Part 6)

How to explain who I am and what I do now? That’s no easy feat. In my boyhood, I caused a lot of trouble. I was always getting kicked out of school. Before classes started…

Scrappy & Me (Part 5)

This time I’m gonna talk about “Scrappy,” who got his nickname because he collected and sold bottles and cans at the camp ground near Lake Pillsbury, and maybe for other reasons, too. I'd see Scrappy…

In & Out of Solitary (Part 4)

While I was still living in SF I tried to grow weed on Mt. Tam. I was in my late 20s, but still pretty much of a teenager. My plants got to be one foot…

Cannabis, Cops & More (Part 2)

It’s either boom or bust in the pot biz. You’re barely scraping by or you’re flush and buying a new car and a new washing machine and socks and shoes for the kids.
