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Posts tagged as “region”

Ukiah Sees ‘Significant Declines’ In Sales Tax Revenues

As staff members are ramping up work on the city’s next spending plan, City Manager Sage Sangiacomo reported earlier this month that revenues have taken a significant downturn in the past year. “On a quarterly…

County Notes: Transparency, Mendo Style

For two weeks, last week and this week, the Supervisors have spent their meetings entirely in closed session, mostly conducting “performance evaluations” for six department heads. Despite their frequent hosannas to “transparency,” the public has…

It Came Out Of The Sky

Be sure and read Mark Scaramella’s excellent recent report from last week,“Veg-Mod Hell.” Here’s some brief background on this bewildering issue of the Weed Ordinance’s provision prohibiting the removal of even a single tree for…

Off the Record (February 22, 2023)

TUESDAY, the morning of the three-minute snow in Boonville, I drove over the hill to Ukiah half-expecting a regular blizzard up top, but the road was clear, the sun in and out, and the Boonville…

Valley People (February 22, 2023)

ST. ELIZABETH’S CRAB FEED RETURNED WITH A SELL-OUT. After a short hiatus brought about by COVID, St Elizabeth Seton's Crab Feed was back at the Apple Hall on February 18th. The sold out attendance brought…

How Much Would You Pay For A Covid Shot?

It’s been announced that President Biden will end all the pandemic emergency orders on May 11. Seems like just as most folks were getting used to living under permanent Covid regs now they’re going to…

County Notes: ‘Veg-Mod Hell’

The Board of Supervisors spent most of their Tuesday afternoon meeting discussing the County's extremely restrictive rules about “tree removal,” aka “vegetation modification,” for pot grow permits. At present the rules say that trees can't…

Off the Record (February 15, 2023)

DISNEY seems to have abandoned Mickey and Minnie. The mammoth film conglomerate is now featuring a new cartoon series that features black children rapping about reparations. Disney's rappers are called the Proud Family: Louder and…
