WITH LAST MONDAY'S MURDERS in Nashville, America is on course for having the bloodiest year yet, as this shooting brings the grim total up to 129 this year. Last year, the US hit 100 mass shootings on March 19, almost two weeks after this year's date.
WHY? I'd say the cause of senseless violence is the whole show — disassociation from family and sensible friends in the overall context of an alienating media including the insanity of the internet, toxic popular culture, bad food, estranging architecture and its concomitant visual squalor, an utterly corrupt political system, the constant threat of violence, poor schools, unhealthy constant sexual imagery, materialism, poverty, and so on, the whole of it — the gestalt as the shrinks say — all of it constituting the way we live now.
WITH PUTIN again rattling his nukes, and some of the lunatics around him threatening to take out London, and worse, Putin's war on Ukraine seems more threatening than ever, especially since Ukraine has fought off the Russians and, from all reports, including Russian reports, Ukraine has inflicted huge losses on the invaders, so huge that Russia’s offensive is stalled as Ukraine is apparently poised to beat them back over the borders between the two countries. At which point, or just when it looks like the Russians know they've for sure suffered a great humiliation, out will come the battlefield satchel nukes, with the London-obliterating nukes coming right up.
I WAS so young and dumb and generally oblivious in '62 during the Cuban missile crisis that while everyone around me was bidding each other farewell, I was certain in my bones the nukes would remain sheathed. This time, though, I'm scared, especially when I look at what passes for leadership on our side. With Kennedy versus Kruschev it at least seemed like sensible people were in charge of the SS USA. Now? The Biden admin? Everything's in place for…The End of Days.
THE BIDEN REGIME, the wackiest, least competent in American history apart from Trump’s, ought to be leaning on Ukraine to negotiate, which is what everyone else in the world is saying, before matters veer into catastrophe. We fund Ukraine, for chrissakes, which is all the leverage required to force Ukraine into a negotiation with Russia.
THE CURRENT dysfunction of the Mendo supervisors was caused by their craven capitulation to former CEO Carmel Angelo whose judgement, to put it gently, was flawed. Off the top, this is a short list of Angelo's legacy, or more accurately, the Angelo-Supervisors legacy. In no particular order:
THE SUDDEN and unnecessarily brutal firings of competent management staff going back to Alan ‘The Kid’ Flora with its legacy of wrongful termination lawsuits yet to be settled, farmed out to City lawyers at great cost to Mendocino County.
A FALSE claim of a $20 million reserve that nobody can find.
LACK of budget and management reporting.
MUSICAL CHAIRS of pot program managers.
FAILURE to set up a permanent emergency operations center.
WASTING millions of Measure B dollars on facilities and architects.
PICKING an expensive fight with the Sheriff for no reason at all.
THE UNNECESSARY $400k Board chamber remodel.
FOSTERING ENDLESS back-biting among top staff and supervisors.
PRESIDING over the Aumentum property tax selection and implementation which doesn't work to this day.
THE ORTNER MENTAL HEALTH PRIVATIZATION DEBACLE which ended up costing Mendo millions of dollars, unresolved to this day and steered tens of millions in Mental Health Services to Angelo’s personal friend, Camille Schraeder with an ongoing, unquestioned sole-source contract.
USING vacancies to balance the budget without consulting the Supervisors and without concern for increased workloads for remaining staff.
RETAINING an underutilized and costly Juvenile Hall.
USING an overpriced Sacto architect-consultant for jobs that could be done locally, costing hundreds of thousands of extra dollars, raising the cost of construction, not supporting local businesses.
PUSHING for an inland ambulance service consolidation (“Exclusive Operating Agreement”) as a solution to the ambulance funding/response problem which never had a chance of working and died after four years of costly failed attempts.
CREATING a bloated Executive office and absorbing the Clerk of the Board function in blatant power grab.
AGAINST ALL ADVICE, supporting the consolidation of two separate county bureaucracies — Treasurer/Tax Collector and Auditor/Controller resulting in fiscal confusion, lack of independence and resulting in loss of revenue to the County.
14TH ANNUAL EARTH DAY CELEBRATION, April 22, features activities, workshops, great food, and lively local music
THE FBI has been politically weaponized since its inception. Why even I, a guy as patriotic as all heck with a total of ten years in selfless service to the red white and blue — eight total years active and reserve time with the Marine Corps, plus two years in the Peace Corps — managed to attract FBI attention for simply associating with alleged subversives here and abroad, and I'm sure my file was updated during the Redwood Summer period when the FBI operated out of the Mendocino Environment Center at 106 West Standley, Ukiah, and at least one freelance snitch I'm aware of was running down to FBI headquarters in San Francisco to regale federal sleuths with false tales of the perfidy of local environmentalists. But lately the G-Men, ironically, have gone full DemoLib, putting in a lot of OT running Get Trump errands for the DNC.
THE LATE ALVAH BESSIE was a friend of mine. He was one of the black-listed screenwriters collectively known as the Hollywood Ten. Bessie had fought in Spain with the Lincoln Brigade and was one of those rare individuals who put himself on the line in defense of his principles. During the 1950s, after he got out of federal prison for refusing to cooperate with the House Un-American Activities Committee (a gang of congressional fascists), he said he was hounded by the FBI for several years. The feds would show up wherever he managed to find work, lean on his employer, and he was out of his job. He was finally hired as an all-purpose grunt work guy by Enrico Banducci, owner of the Hungry I. Bessie said a lot of the movie stars he'd known — he mentioned Lee J. Cobb specifically — refused to help him out with post-prison loans, but Banducci simply told the feds to piss off, and they did. It's a huge irony of history that the feds have been sicced on a plutocrat like Trump by the un-Democratic Party.
JIM SHIELDS WRITES: We had grand opening for the Laytonville Library; lots of people showed up for it, and a great time was had by all. These county-wide library groups are awesome that are bringing back libraries to our rural towns. As I always say, they sure don’t make bookworms like they used to. In my latest column, you’ll find that the county’s Pot Czarina performed her most productive act since hired by the Supes — she resigned. Also, I update you on the County’s unlawful Public Records Act developments, and Laytonville taking action to independently operate its emergency shelter operations. Can’t believe that CEO Darcie Antle’s Emergency Storm Report to the Supes had no mention of the three-day closure of a 70-mile stretch of Hwy. 101, a story that was reported state-wide. Actually, I can believe it, SOP in Mendo County.
THE TRANS issue seems central to MAGA-think lately, and of course lights up the tabloids. But the basic issue with the Tennessee shooter clearly seems to have been a slow mental deterioration, for which she was being “treated by a doctor,” which translates as she was treated with drugs that probably made her crazier. I feel for her parents, but jeez if your kid is stockpiling guns in your house you would think even an inattentive parent would have noticed.
THESE SAD EVENTS are now ritualistic. Thoughts and prayers, teddy bears and daffodils, floods of croc tears from professional office holders. This latest murder of children was followed by a slurred statement about how awful it was by Biden, which he preceded with a joke that “I came down here because I heard there was ice cream,” more evidence that the president is out of it to the point he doesn’t even have a sense of occasion anymore, not that he was ever rhetorically sensible even when he had all his marbles. Next come the rote national demands for a ban on assault rifles and “holding politicians accountable.” Then there’s another mass shooting and we do it all over again. Strict background checks would almost certainly have prevented this shooter from buying a gun, let alone multiple guns.
RECOMMENDED VIEWING, Steve Talbot’s documentary for PBS about Nixon and Vietnam called, “The Movement and the Madman.” For people of my vintage, and there aren’t many of us left, Talbot’s film was a kind of trip down memory lane, but also revelatory. Nixon always seemed cuckoo to me, and Kissinger a Strangelove figure, the military a bunch of blustery incompetents, all of them, taken as a whole, were evil personified.
I DID NOT KNOW that “the movement” — which has moved steadily backwards ever since millions turned out to protest the War On Vietnam — really did force Nixon to cancel what he called his “madman” plans for a massive escalation of the War, up to and including nuclear strikes against North Vietnam and an invasion of the North. The protests, plus the Vietnamese calling Nixon’s nuclear bluff, plus the remarkable mobilization against the War, stopped what could have been an even greater disaster than it was.
THE IRONY, you might call it, is that the situation today — climate change, the war in Ukraine, growing poverty — is even more dire but protests are few and those sparsely attended.
CLOSER TO HOME, Steve Talbot also made an excellent film in 1991 centered in Mendocino County called, “Who Bombed Judi Bari?” which the Bari cult went to extraordinary lengths to suppress — it can’t be mentioned, let alone discussed on Free Speech Radio KZYX, for instance. That film is available on the AVA’s youtube posting. In follow-up interviews Talbot said plainly that Bari herself told him that her ex-husband was her likely bomber.
EVERY DAY these sales pitches waft into my computer with the salutation, “Hey, Bruce!” I know that standards have slipped, but wouldn’t you think that professional pitch people would be a little less casual? A little less flippant, a little more formally serious when trying to sell something to strangers? Happens around here all the time, people of all ages. “You, Bruce?” Maybe, sometimes. Why, does he owe you money?
BILL KIMBERLIN: In my view, there is only one way to stop these school shootings. Politically, it can’t be done. We need private enterprise to buy these gun companies. They are not that valuable. Once a majority of their stock is owned, new directors can be hired to stop this non-sense of unlimited lobbying of Congress. Don’t need to put them out of business, just change the rules by which they operate. New owners, new standards. There are over 600 billionaires in this country with enough money to take control of the three major gun manufactures in the world. With control of all three, no other company could compete selling guns against them.
by Mendocino Land Trust Board Member Chet Anderson
The Mendocino Land Trust and all of Mendocino County have lost a strong, passionate advocate with the recent passing of Phyllis Curtis. Phyllis was a founder of the Inland Mendocino County Land Trust and led our fellow land trust to many successes over the years.
Phyllis was inspired to create the IMCLT in 1997 after witnessing the enormous loss of agricultural lands and open space occurring in California. Her work focused on permanently conserving agricultural lands and natural environments in Mendocino County through easements.
PROFESSOR ZWERLING, pied piper of the re-name Fort Bragg non-movement, seemed a little testy last week: “That’s right, we’ll just sit here in our little enclave by the sea with the last municipality named for a Confederate and enslaver in the state of California and the only public schools (FBHS and FBMS) in the entire state also named for a Confederate and enslaver and pretend everything is right with our world. And memorializing a ‘Fort' that played its part in the Indigenous genocide is ok too, I guess.”
THE PROF’S logic and history are way off. It's a big leap on the prof's part to assume an innocent commenter approves of genocide simply because he thinks Fort Bragg's name change isn't happening, and the prof still doesn't seem to know that Fort Bragg was established to protect Indians, not murder them.
TRUMPED! If you’re wondering whether a former President of the world’s most powerful country would have to post bail when indicted on criminal charges, would have to pay fines or forfeit property if convicted on those charges. Would be suspended from being an officer of a corporation that was subject to federal or local taxes. Would have to provide truthful independently audited accounts, of his personal and corporate wealth. Might be forced to sell residential properties, private aircraft, yachts, and car? Could have detailed, responsive answers to allegations of sexual misconduct required as part of a plea deal?
Wonder no more. None of this is very likely, or likely at all, to happen. Because despite all the immediate headline candy in the aftermath of Trump’s 30 count indictment (“No Man is Above the Law,”) many gendered humans are and have always been “above” the law. This true of all nations throughout history. Only a delusional faith rather than fact based zealot would claim otherwise.
— Larry Bensky
ANDREW NEIL: Donald Trump got his way after all. For much of March he was claiming he was about to be arrested for allegedly paying hush money to a former adult-film star to keep her quiet in the last stages of his successful 2016 presidential election campaign. Days came and went. Nothing happened. But Trump still used the prospect of arrest to rally support and raise funds for his 2024 presidential election bid, urging his fans to 'protest' and 'take our nation back', in echoes of his inflammatory rhetoric in the lead-up to the January 6, 2021 riots on Capitol Hill. Some of his legal team advised him an indictment was unlikely. No matter. Just the possibility propelled Trump back to where he loves to be - in the headlines. Once again he was at the center of a feeding frenzy across every conceivable news outlet in the American media. But the 2024 presidential election looks like offering the same unappetizing choice as 2020 between Joe Biden, who will be 82 come polling day in November 2024 (and 86 by the end of a second term), and an unhinged, know-nothing narcissist who threatens to take a wrecking ball to Western foreign policy when the stakes couldn't be higher
WILLITS LIBRARY BOOK SALE. Hello Willits Library friends, patrons, members . Mark your calendars for our upcoming Spring Book Sale at our library, Friday, April 21 10am-5 pm, Saturday, April 22, 10 am-5pm, and Sunday, 10 am-3 pm.
Come browse our garden and home project books, as well as children’s, fiction and non-fiction titles. We have an abundance of Specials this time. Books are CHEAP- 50 cents to 1.00, Specials are 3 bucks. On Sunday, from noon- 3, fill up a bag for. $ 5. Come support our library-browse and enjoy.
We also can use some volunteers to help us staff the sale and take down on Sunday. Two-hour shifts. Come in and sign up, or call Melinda, 707-456-9525
Beth Riedel, beth@multitalents.net

THIS COMMENT is mostly true of the mainstream media: “It’s hard to find any news whatsoever on the war in Ukraine, with the MSM anyway it seems to have dropped off the radar. I mean news is available but you have to really endeavor to find it, and it is to be found from European news sources, Al Jazeera, and a few sites from India. You no longer can simply turn on network news and find out how the war on the eastern front is going, not that they were giving you a true picture to begin with.”
THE TRUE combat situations are pretty much impossible to find, only partly because they're fluid but also because neither side benefits from reporting the truth of how they're doing on the ground. I find Al Jazeera is very good at reporting the overall events, as is CNN and even USA Today. MSM tv, where most people get their news, is, as always, functioning as stenographer to the Biden Administration. To hear them tell it, the war is simply a matter of getting more weapons to Ukraine without so much as a hint of what Biden's end game is, not that his feckless crew is likely to have one. From all I can gather here at the Boonville International Desk, the war is pretty much a stand-off, where it can remain endlessly without US pressure on Ukraine to negotiate an end to it. The minute Putin thinks he's losing out will come his nukes. It's a terribly dangerous situation that threatens to spill over into outright catastrophe at any time.
THE BORDER, 1904, as described in a wonderful book by Kelly Lytle Hernandez called, ‘Bad Mexicans — Race, Empire & Revolution in the Borderlands.’ The “bad Mexicans” were in fact great Mexican revolutionaries whose agitation eventually led to the 1910 Mexican Revolution. This book ought to be required reading for all gringos for all it has to teach us about how events then led to events now. “In 1904, there were no fences, no concertina wires, no floodlights, and no wall on the border. The Border Patrol would not be established for another two decades. In 1882, Congress had passed the Chinese Exclusion Act, which categorically prohibited all Chinese laborers from entering the United States. By 1904, epileptics, anarchists, convicts, prostitutes, lunatics, idiots, contract laborers, and the poor, under the rubric of persons ‘liable to become public charges,’ were also banned. The Immigration Service stationed a few armed guards to watch for Chinese immigrants and other proscribed individuals, but they rarely prevented Mexicans from crossing the border. In fact, federal law did not require the inspection of Mexican or Canadian border crossers until 1907. Chinese immigrants often tried to pass for Mexican, cutting their hair, donning serapes, and learning a few words of Spanish. ‘Yo soy Mexicano,’ they would say when stopped by an immigration inspector. Even as land reform accelerated in Mexico at the turn of the twentieth century, pushing tens of thousands of Mexicans to seek work in the United States, UA authorities did little to stop them. More Mexicans meant more workers, and more workers meant more profits for the booming industries of the American West. Every day hundreds of Mexican immigrants crossed the foot and wagon bridge over the Rio Grande at Laredo without so much as a nod from U.S. border guards…”
THE 'WEAPONIZATION' of federal agencies in pursuit of Trump led to both the bogus claims of Russiagate and the even more bogus Mueller Report. These two phony “investigations” of Trump paved the way for his subsequent blanket excuses for all his other real crimes. “The Marxists and the communists have been after me even before I was president, and they're still after me,” Trump whined recently, deliberately conflating the conservative liberals of the Biden-Hillary-Obama Axis with Marxists, of whom there might be 5,000 in the United States, most of them rattling their teacups in faculty lounges. There might be 500 revolutionary communists, if that many, who are about as dangerous as your local Rotary chapter. It's the millions of libs of the Democratic Party who divert attention from their own pathetic political performance who beat the drums for getting Trump, and they include federal police agencies like the FBI, the NSA and the CIA.
HEADLINE from this morning’s Press Democrat: “Healdsburg named among the most beautiful places to visit in California by Travel+Leisure.”
THE SMALL TOWN CHARM that draws people to Healdsburg is just about to be buried beneath huge high end housing developments at either end of town. Weekends these days, the proportionate downtown is so crowded that the ice cream slurpers are walking out in the streets. Sad, that such a nice little town is rapidly becoming another Napa. On to Cloverdale!
In March of 1945, after standing on the southeast corner of Standley and School streets in Ukiah since the 1890s, the much-maligned Mendocino County Jail was old and tired.
Its prisoners were looking for a way out, and nearly succeeded in a spring break of their own. Following is a news account from The Ukiah Daily Journal archives about their efforts and the local law enforcement officers, led by Sheriff Beverley Broaddus, who foiled the scheme, along with a 1948 article about the dismal conditions at the jail. It was finally demolished early in 1951, after completion of the current courthouse.
Monday, March 19, 1945 — The Redwood Journal
Vigilance and a timely checkup frustrated another jailbreak here Monday morning when Sheriff Broaddus and his deputies gave the interior of the bastille a thorough going over after they had become suspicious that certain of the county’s guests were about to take French leave.
The discovery was most opportune, for with another 12 hours of time and all who cared to do so could have been free.
The beginning of the attack on the ancient structure was by means of hacksaws which had been smuggled into the cage by prisoners. With these the bars of the cage had been sawed away behind the toilet and with this advantage the prisoners had roamed at will during the night in the corridor around the cage. Here they found a tool box with a number of screwdrivers and chisels with which they went to work on the east wall of the building itself, just about the spot where other prisoners escaped a few years ago. A number of bricks had been removed to make an opening large enough for a man to make his exit. With another night in which to work the wall would have opened.
Heavier tools for this purpose had been obtained by taking apart a prison bunk.
Realization that the plot was well advanced led Sheriff Broaddus to take extra precautions before entering the cage, full of prisoners, some of whom are desperate characters. Armed guards were posted at all vantage points inside the jail before Broaddus and Deputies White and Spreckelsen began their search. Men were also posted outside the jail to act in the event the prisoners overcame the officers inside the cage and escaped to the street.
…The only loss suffered was a part of a case of beer being held as evidence. This was in the corridor when the prisoners broke from the cage. There is no evidence of it now.
As of today, Pebbles is safe in Fort Bragg, but needs a loving local community to rally around her. Her temporary housing has ended and she is effectively homeless. Her rural home is uninhabitable. Her health has deteriorated in the last few months. One emergency after another has drained her savings. As a radical spirit, as independent as they come, residing off-grid for decades, she is now in need of assistance. Her property is in legal entanglements and cannot easily be sold. Low-income senior benefits and attempts to find senior housing are being applied for. But in the meantime, she needs funds for incidentals that are essential to remaining as independent as possible, like grocery money and a phone, transport for errands. While all this gets sorted out, this gofundme is needed for immediate support in the next few weeks.
Pebbles has dedicated her life and financial resources to helping others. In this spirit, we have dedicated time and resources of our own into helping a woman who has so little, yet deserves so much as a treasured elder of the cannabis community. We are asking you to join us wholeheartedly in donating what you have to offer. Please help us help Pebbles.
A bit more of herstory in Pebbles own words:
What I did was endure the consequences of my civil disobedience, rather than take an easy plea for felony transportation and get it over with squandering my opportunity, and eventually getting somewhere worth the effort, proving others could do the same. By losing at the trial court level, I actually gained: 1) the right to transport medicine you can legally possess, which became the 5th right in Prop 215 (left out of the original initiative). 2) the quantity standard which is the amount “reasonably related” to your medical condition, now known as the Trippet standard. The Court replaced the 6 plant limit numbers game with a legal standard patients were entitled to based on voter intent. In 2010, People v Kelly involved an AIDS patient prosecuted and convicted of growing 8 plants instead of 6, to which the California Supreme Court replied: ‘That's not what the voters intended.’ Since I based my case on constitutional rights, the Court took it more seriously and commented, ‘This is one of those rare times when both defense and prosecution agree,’ affirming the Trippet standard in Kelly in 2010. Let this be a long view lesson. This process took 20 years (1990-2010) including appeals, with 10 prosecutions in 5 counties in 11 years. I prolonged my low income status as long as I could until I finally concluded with deteriorating health, that selling the land was the best option for maintaining my independence and using some of the proceeds to collaborate with viable community projects for the greater good. Most people don't know I worked hard for these results, without regrets. I wouldn't ask if I didn't have to, but I know my limits and I've reached them.

Lee Anthony Joaquin is currently wanted in connection with the recent homicide that occurred in Covelo in the early morning hours of Wednesday, March 29th. Joaquin is an adult male standing 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighing approximately 180 lbs. Joaquin has shoulder-length hair that is sometimes pulled back in a ponytail. Joaquin is considered armed and dangerous. Anyone with information as to the whereabouts of Joaquin or any information related to this homicide, are urged to contact the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office by calling 707-463-4086.
[1] Someone in Covelo has the key to bringing this guy into custody. Yes, Native Americans have been murdered, raped, enslaved and had their land stolen from first contact down to the present day, but that shouldn’t be used as an excuse for shielding vicious killers from being held accountable for their crimes.
Please do the right thing and tell law enforcement what you know.
[2] Truth be told it was happening before white man arrived. In fact it is a common theme throughout all cultures and races from the beginning of recorded time. I am part native and to be blunt the excuse of white man oppression is just that, an excuse to be a deadbeat or criminal. Did natives get screwed over a few times? Yes, but it is time to move forward and quit making excuses for criminal behavior.
[1] I was born in 1954 so I was not around for what went down in the Korean War, but from what my Dad told me, it was 3 years of bravado followed by a bullshit result. I grew up waiting to be sucked into the 10 years of bravado of the Vietnam War, which culminated with another bullshit ending (I was blessed to be able to avoid that while still fulfilling my responsibilities). America went on to propagate many more bravado wars, all ending in bullshit, capped off nicely by the Afghanistan debacle in which our leaders were stupid enough to repeat lethal errors made by both the British and the Russians. Now our brain-dead leadership engages us in another bravado nightmare replicating lethal mistakes made by both the French and the Germans that will clearly end in bullshit regardless of whether or not it culminates in WWIII.
On the political/leadership front during that same lifetime I have witnessed a slow, methodical degradation in those who rule us, all based in bravado, and all headed towards bullshit endings. “Wait till the midterms,” “Wait till the house changes hands,” wait till this, wait till that, wait till the fucking cows come home, all ending in bullshit, sorry. Words on paper, words in media, words spoken by clowns to gatherings of clowns, all bravado, all resulting in the same bullshit ending.
“Words are for lovers, Merlin. I need a sword!” Sorry Uther Pendragon, your sword did not save you and it shall not save us and neither will words. In the end it shall only be bullshit. Hope? You all know where my hope lies, and until He returns, we are going to have to learn to live on a steady diet of bullshit.
[2] The trans thing used to be strictly men, as GA points out, because fetishes are almost exclusively a male thing.
But the 4,000% rise in teenaged girls deciding that they are trans is clearly a social contagion, pushed from the top, and not a sudden female fetish development. When a girl has been told since toddlerhood that sex is outdated and there are 47 genders, and that changing one’s sex is simply a matter of hormones (perfectly safe and effective) and surgery, and then she hits puberty and her body is doing things she doesn’t particularly like, and TikTok is showing her cute videos of the awesome things testosterone does to girls……
gosh, why are there so many teenaged girls having their breasts cut off (by adults) and taking powerful drugs that will ruin their bodies (pushed by adults) and insisting that their teachers call them by their new names and preferred pronouns (such power over adults!)?
It’s a mystery.
[3] Re Pot Permit Director’s ‘Resignation’
The Mendo supervisors have no one but themselves to blame for their failed pot program. Nevedal is a convenient scapegoat but she was handpicked by Ted Williams, hired by bypassing the normal (legal) hiring process, had no experience running any kind of permit or process based system, and had nothing to do with creating and sticking to a fatally flawed local ordinance that didn’t meet State requirements.
Haschak pretends to be the growers friend but when he was Chair he abused his power to block adoption of a permit system that complied with State law and the other four let him get away with it. Then they’ve allowed their corrupt and incompetent CEO and County Counsel to constantly delay awarding equity and grant funds that might have helped a few people get permits.
Unless the State bends on requiring “site specific” environmental review, the program will stay stuck in failure mode. Canning Nevedal does nothing to change that basic reality.
[4] About school shootings…
In my view, the entire educational system in the USA is the root cause of all the mental illness in the country in the first place. This will only become obvious post collapse. It will be impossible for broke governments to come up with the resources to support the incredibly costly and energy hungry system we have now. We have giant schools with kids being bused and driven to them on traffic clogged roads. During collapse, after a few years of no school whatsoever and general chaos and crisis everywhere, parents will be astonished at how well their home schooling goes. Some home schools with larger classes will happen in private homes converted to private neighborhood schools. All of these schools will be within walking distance of students’ homes. Compulsory education will be gone and no men with guns will show up to force kids into schools. Children will walk to school again because no resources and no diesel will be available for the big yellow buses. Those huge mega-schools will be repurposed into local sweatshop factories for making shoes and clothing, or be demolished and scrapped.
But in the meantime before sanity and reality returns to education, the mental illness everywhere will continue to get worse because each year the schools get worse and less connected from reality, The delusional college educated females running elementary education – these females are barking mad themselves and in no position to lead a child anywhere except into woke madness. What goes on in schools now is poorly disguised child abuse. The teachers are sick and so are the students.
The other giant predator institution that will make a massive bang and a huge cloud of dust when it collapses is our “health care system”. It’s a scam similar to the education scam, and it will collapse for the same reasons – no resources left to support it and the public becoming aware of how much damage the system causes. People everywhere will be astonished after they notice a general improvement in public health post collapse. Health improves after we stop with the pills, shots, operations, etc. After we stop eating trash and eat backyard garden food instead. After we quit driving everywhere and are forced to use bicycles. After we mow our own yards because we cannot afford to pay a landscaping company. After we rake our own yards with hand held leaf rakes because fuel and spare parts for leaf blowers won’t be available. After we heat our homes with wood we’ve gathered ourselves, after we after we after we…
There is really good adequate money out there to clean up Round Valley or offer more opportunities for people. $10 million was the last award… Where are positive programs for our youth? Clean places to hang out instead of hanging out with molesters and not so nice people. Yes, yes indeed, things can be better. 100% sometimes hope is all we have. I love Covelo, it’s one of the most beautiful places in the world. Let’s do the work, Covelo. Many opportunities to be had, it’s time to start embracing them instead of wasting them. No matter the circumstances, a 20 year old dead in the middle of the road is not an opportunity.
[6] We don’t know how it will play out because the collapsing economy hasn’t collapsed yet to the point where vast numbers of people are both hungry and homeless. Many of them will be people who have never experienced any sort of real discomfort before. No amount of misinformation, disinformation, or diversion can distract people who are cold and hungry. Until we reach that point, and it affects those who are still comfortable (although pinched) nothing will change.
I know many people who are living very comfy lives right now, lives that appear solid. They have big houses, new cars, they buy new kitchen cabinets every few years, give their last year’s clothes to the Good Will. But none of it is paid for, and their ownership of everything down to their shoes is illusory. They carry a level of debt that would make me sick with terror at every moment of my life, and yet they don’t feel threatened. I don’t know what will become of them, but it won’t be pretty.
[7] Ford has raised the price of its Ford F150 Lightning EV pickup to $61,999 ~ for the basic, sh#tbox golfcart, model. Just 2 years ago this truck was introduced as the “Affordable EV” at $41,999. Adding any kind of accessories jack up the price considerably, so that very few of these vehicles can be found for less than $100,000 on the lot. Just the same, Ford claims there is high demand, and they will be ramping up production soon (as soon as they can access enough rare earth metals necessary) However, prices will not be coming down. My opinion is that a hard pressed American buying public will not be able to afford a $100,000 EV pickup, especially one that cannot plow snow or tow loads very well. With its 300 mile range under ideal conditions what is it good for ~ aside perhaps Suzy Cream Cheese, trophy wife in Greenwich, Ct who wants to “Go Country”, but be “Environmentally Conscious” at the same time, to drive to the spa, and then haul a few bags of groceries home from the vegan market?
[8] That freak admiral or whatever he is in the Biden Administration, he was talking the other day about how important it was that he didn’t “transition” too early. It may have had to do with the World Athletics not allowing men who experience puberty as men to compete as women. I don’t know, I was trying not to pay attention.
He said if he had switched too soon (and he did the whole deal, now they don’t require that because men don’t want to) he wouldn’t have his children.
That’s the mentality, it’s all about what the man wants. Bruce Jenner fathered and abandoned three, count ’em, three sets of children before deciding, “you know what, I’m not your father, I’m your mother” or something like that.
The creepy admiral and other males should be granted the power to decide they are girls when it suits them; to Hell with their wives, their children, girls who want to compete in sports, it's all about the MAN.
A woman in my family who actually saw Brokeback Mountain told me that the disturbing thing about the film and all the accolades for it was that nobody cared about the women in the story, the women tricked and used by the men. It was all about how sad it was for the men.
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