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Posts tagged as “region”

Valley People (February 15, 2023)

HELP ALISHA & JOHN ORNBAUN Alisha and John Ornbaun and their family lost their home and belongings in a fire this week. Alisha is an employee of Laytonville School District and John is an employee…

Glad Rags & Gun Bags

Interesting start of the week on Monday, Jan. 30th when in the afternoon someone dropped off a tool bag with me that didn’t have any tools in it but did contain a couple of guns.…

‘For WAR, What’s Another $40 Billion?’

When the editor forwarded the letter from Robert Mailer Anderson that appears on page 2, I thought for a split second that it was a belated apology. More than 25 years ago RMA had slandered…

The State Of The City

We cautiously started 2022 hoping for the best and learning from all the challenges of 2021 and 2020. Surviving sometimes competing emergencies, the City fared better than predicted. The community members and City staff have…

Mendo’s Police Misconduct Controversies 

An emerging pattern of police misconduct involving alleged sexual assaults is dogging Mendocino County prosecutors who remain stubbornly silent in the face of growing public scrutiny. No doubt a string of local police misconduct cases…

Ukiah Police Chief Candidates

Three candidates remained in the running for the Ukiah police chief position last week as what was expected to be the final round of interviews was conducted Friday, according to one of the local applicants.…

County Notes (February 9, 2023)

At the January 24 Board discussion of the budget deficit, Supervisor Dan Gjerde complained about the continuing increases in the Jail Expansion project.  We’ve written about this before starting last July when the Board seemed…

Off the Record (February 8, 2023)

DORA BRILEY: Adventist Health is closing its women’s health office in Ukiah. A staffer told me at my visit earlier this month. There goes another preventative health care venue and having a choice of where…

Valley People (February 8, 2023)

REPORT ON BOONVILLE’S DRINKING WATER PROJECT (from January Water Projects Committee Meeting minutes):  JACK LOCEY (Brelje and Race engineer) continues to work on negotiations [with water source property owners]. In January Jack will present the…
