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Posts tagged as “region”

County Notes: Get Cubbison, Again

Last Tuesday’s semi-formal Budget Update devolved into another testy Get Cubbison exercise. It got so bad that Supervisor Ted Williams tossed out a motion for a Vote of No Confidence in the Auditor-Controller-Tax Collector. Williams…

Fort Bragg Shooter Hoax Call Update

In an interview with Councilmember Lindy Peters, posted on Mendocino Coast Media, Fort Bragg Police Chief Neil Cervenka provided new details about what happened during the hoax call incident on Monday, April 3, directed at…

Off the Record (April 19, 2023)

THE SLEAZE characteristic of the Tichinin years at the Mendocino County Office of Education seems to have re-established itself with the election of Nicole Glentzer. MS. DAMARA MOORE is the former legal advisor to the…

Valley People (April 19, 2023)

FRANK HARTZELL: Owning chickens is the best defense against ticks. Guinea fowl are even better at devouring the little monsters. The poultry have to be allowed to roam, but if they are they will eventually…

Springtime in Anderson Valley

According to the Visit Mendocino, “The drive through Mendocino County is on many winding roads that will take a while to complete. It is never dull as the locations and views are majestic at almost…

Shelter From The Storm

Quick Weather Report Lots of folks have commented about how cold this winter has been. I agree, we’ve had a prolonged period from Nov. 1 to now where it’s been pretty damned frigid night and…

When Hoaxes Aren’t Funny

On Sunday I had just returned from a rare weekend away with my adult daughter Cassidy, visiting dear friends as five of us met Saturday evening in Sebastopol to hear a familiar band play at…

Dan Ellsberg & The Bioneers

Daniel Ellsberg, who recently announced that he has prostate cancer and doesn’t have much longer to live, sent out an email in which he wrote, “It is long past time--but not too late!--for the world's…

What Happens When Officials Let Lawyers Run Everything?

County Counsel Christian Curtis, the highest paid public attorney in Mendocino County, was scheduled for a performance review during closed session on Tuesday, March 14. The Supes gave him a big raise a couple years…
