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Posts tagged as “region”

Sales Tax Decline Buffets Ukiah, County

Sales tax revenue continues to slip in the city of Ukiah, the region’s retail hub, and Mendocino County as a whole, presenting new challenges for local government agencies. Ukiah city officials said they expect a…

County Notes: Look In The Mirror, Supervisor McGourty

(Annotating Supervisor Glenn McGourty’s Supervisor’s Report for next week’s board meeting…) “Budget Ad Hoc Committee: Supervisor Williams and I serve on the Budget Ad Hoc committee and attended all the department meetings to discuss proposed…

Off the Record (April 26, 2023)

LINDA BAILEY COMMENTS: Re: County Budget: Watching Williams and McGourty at last week’s BOS discussion of financial and budgetary matters brought to mind Charles Fraizer’s line in Cold Mountain: “They call this war a cloud…

Valley People (April 26, 2023)

FUNDRAISER FOR ANA CARRILLO LAST SATURDAY, April 22th, a well-attended fundraiser was held at the Philo Grange for local mother and grandmother Ana María Carrillo who was recently diagnosed with stage 4 terminal uterine cancer.…

Fire Resiliency Field Trip

This past Saturday I joined a group of local folks to tour a property on the Nash Ranch to learn about the work that had been done for fire resiliency.  The property has been under…

AV Variety Show: Bring it On!

The Anderson Valley Variety Show is always full of surprises. The most surprising act I remember involved a man named Rudy Knoop cooking soy beans on a Coleman stove live onstage. He had an assistant…

Time To Regulate The Deregulators

Note: I read with some interest the posts regarding the CPUC and PG&E in Friday’s online AVA. Your post was spot-on pin-pointing the bi-partisan collaboration between Republicans and Democrats in fostering the collapse of electrical…

Quick Covid Quiz 2023

True or False: 1. Covid is still killing hundreds of Americans every day, and countless more elsewhere, as in, it’s not “over,” far from it, sorry.  2. Covid is still spreading locally with outbreaks in/from…

Wild Salmon, Can You Return To Us?

I grew up in California in a salmon fishing port. My father was a commercial, salmon fisherman, and I remember as a child that on days when the salmon were running, salmon on the fish…
