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Valley People (May 24, 2023)

THE UKIAH WOMAN killed last week in a single-vehicle crash near Navarro that also hospitalized the driver, Timothy Marino, was identified Tuesday as Christa Brodsky, 41 of Ukiah. She was the sole passenger in a Isuzu box truck headed east on State Route 128 about 12:50 a.m. last Thursday night (May 17th) when the vehicle left the roadway and struck a tree near Navarro. Ms. Brodsky was pronounced dead at the scene. She is the daughter of Ukiah-based journalist, Carol Brodsky. Marino suffered major injuries and has been hospitalized at Providence Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital. The cause of the accident remains under investigation.


This Sunday, May 21st, 4-5:30pm, Anderson Valley Senior Center.

Join us for a look at the various housing situations in the valley with a panel of representatives from intentional living communities (like Cheesecake and Mendo Dragons) and nonprofit groups that work on housing solutions in the valley (the Elder Home and the Housing Association). These groups will briefly share their experiences, with time for questions at the end. 

Refreshments served and Door Prize

Please Note: Our gatherings are open to everyone, but COVID Vaccinations are now REQUIRED - please bring your vaccination card (one time) as proof. Masks optional - thank you in advance for your understanding. 

Please RSVP with the coordinator – thank you!

Anica Williams

Cell: 707-684-9829


FAL ALLEN'S talk Sunday on the history of the Boonville Brewery was well-attended. From all accounts, Fal's often humorous account of Mendocino County's oldest brewery was lively and informative.

THE LOCAL SKATEPARK TEAM has been working hard to fundraise. For Phase One they need $46,000. They have raised $24,608 to date so they still need $21,392 more dollars by June 30th. If there are any of you out there who have more than you need to provide for yourself and your family, this is a great opportunity to make a big difference in the lives of Anderson Valley youth. Your money will not go into a mega-fund to pay for administrative salaries. All this money will go towards the actualization of a dream that many hardworking community supporters have been dreaming of for a very long time. Go to AVSKATEPARK.ORG for more information. For more info, see the updated FAQ elsewhere in this week’s paper. (Terry Sites)


Hello AV Families!

As we wrap up ordering our first round of new playground equipment and resources for the park, I wanted to loop back to inquire what outdoor musical instruments your family has actually engaged with that have been successful in inspiring creative play? Do you happen to have photos of them you might share?

We have the option to add 1 or more musical elements to the park and are hoping to dial in on what pieces are most effective and which tend to disappoint.

Here is a photo and a link to a potential vendor, Percussion Play, for inspiration.

Want To Learn More? - Want to be more engaged with our local park? Join the growing team of individuals working hard to bring improvements and enhance recreational opportunities for our community in Anderson Valley! From toddlers to teenagers, young adults to seniors, we want the park to serve everyone, offering a place where all members of our community can come and share in healthy activities together.

How To Help? - We will continue to need help with Fundraising, Outreach, & Planning in the years ahead. Please, reach out and let us know what you can bring to the team! 

(Elizabeth Jensen)


Mark Scaramella has been a fixture at CSD meeting for over 30 years. Not only has he attended CSD board meetings as a member of the public, he has also been a voting member of the CSD’s budget committee. Unfortunately, due to health concerns, he has not been able to join either group for the last few months and has stated that he will not be coming back. We are missing his presence on both committees. For the Board meeting, he would often contribute by offering his opinion and would volunteer to take on special projects or craft letters. He was depended on for parliamentary and procedural advice as he was encyclopedic in Robert’s Rules of Order and kept us legal as we navigated the Brown Act. On the Budget committee, he would get into the weedy details of expenditures and revenues. And, of course, for both he provided a transparency that we are now lacking, by reporting on the meetings. Thanks, Mark, for your years of contribution.

THE CSD Budget Committee is looking for a member of the public to fill the spot vacated by Mark. The committee meets once a month, on the 2nd Wednesday, starting at 3pm. The committee’s purpose is to review the financial activity for the prior month and to make recommendations to the CSD Board about finances. If interested, call Cora Richard, CSD General Manager, at 707-895-2075.

(Kathleen McKenna, Trustee, Anderson Valley Community Services District)

BACK IN THE 70’S, the late Dave Burgess, the late Wayne McGimsey, the late Jim Clow, and the late Homer Mannix pushed for, and got, Boonville’s two fire hydrants. The hydrants are supplied by the Fairgrounds well and its 100,000 gallon bucking bronco storage tank. (Which should have been a community swimming pool but was stopped by little old ladies of both genders because hippies would swim in it and everyone else would die painfully of communicable disease.) Burgess and McGimsey also made sure they had enough hose to cover all of Boonville’s structures down to the high school intersection to the north, to the Ukiah Road south. Without the farsightedness of these men, a lot more than the Mannix Building could have gone up in flames that terrible Wednesday night in 1997.

WE’VE got to go back to April Fool’s Day 1963 for the last big structure fire in Anderson Valley prior to the loss of the Mannix Building. About midnight that April 1st, with the new owner of the Weise Valley Inn looking on from across the street, Weise’s multi-purpose pleasure palace burned to the ground on the site of today’s Buckhorn Saloon. Weise’s was a little bit of everything — a bar, a restaurant, a bus stop, and odds and ends store. Old man Weise and his wife, a large woman who shuffled around behind the counter in her bathrobe and slippers with a cigarette perpetually dangling from her mouth, provided the set for many local Valley stories. One night old man Weise, having warned a bar customer to watch his language “in front of the ladies,” delivered his second command via a sawed off baseball bat he kept behind the bar, bopping the foul mouthed customer into silence. On another memorable occasion, a young and limber Billy Owens placed two bottles of beer — one in each side of his mouth — turned his head backwards, and walked on his hands the length of the bar top, downing the two beers as he went!

GARY LEVENSON PALMER: Great to see the Anderson Valley pulling together to develop a skateboard park. They were even given a spot to raise money at the Anderson Valley Pinot Noir Festival.

HELLO EVERYONE: As many of you guys know me as the small engine repair guy from the valley. I have moved to Ukiah to pursue my college career. With that I can’t run my business over here. But great news, my dad is going to be continuing the business at the same location I was. He was the one who taught me how to fix the machines and has fixed many of your machines. For anyone looking to get their machines fixed or have any question if he fixes or does a certain job feel free to ask. You can contact me and I will forward you to my dad and we can go from there. Hope you guys all the best and if there are any questions feel free to ask. Daniel Garibay, (707)684-6449.

SCHOOL BOARDS and school management used to drive me nuts, or further nuts as some people would argue. Lately, though, we have a responsible school board in Boonville, and we just happen to have a school superintendent in Louise Simson who I would put up against any school superintendent in the country, big school district or small. What she's accomplished here in two years to turn around a low morale, physically collapsing school district is simply amazing. I just hope we can keep her, and I'm sure we can because most school districts go for blah-blah artists over the rare can-do person. 

BUT I HAVE one remaining school beef. I've suggested for years, to generations of disinterested AV school boards, to re-name the Anderson Valley Elementary School after an eminent local of yesteryear. “AV Elementary”? Really? Rock, Blonk, Cronk, Shronk. The institution could be personalized after, say, Blanche Brown, pioneer local teacher, well-known botanist, founder of the annual Wildflower Show. The late Edna Sanders might also be a re-name candidate; Julia Franklin, too. All three exerted memorable influence on generations of Valley students. 

SO HERE'S WHAT the school board did the last time I brought it up. They put up a notice containing three punctuation, one grammatical, and one spelling error in a 30-word paragraph that said, “At the AVUSD Board Meeting of June 10, 1997 a community member, Bruce Anderson, suggested renaming the elementary school to Blanch (sic) Brown Elementary School. Blanch Brown was a teacher at the elementary school and a local botanist. If you are interested please sign below.” 

ANDERSON VALLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL is about as impersonal as a school name can get. Ditto for Anderson Valley High School. Our schools need names to establish specific identity, history, sense of place, and all that. The only response was from someone who printed in big block letters, “Julia Franklin Elementary sounds better.” Fine with me, probably fine with everyone, so…?


Try moth balls, especially with camphor in them. I've used them for years and seen the bear go up to the bin, smell, and leave. Yes, they are toxic, but if you tie them in a cut-off old sock and duct tape them to the inside side or lid of the bin, they can be disposed of as toxics. Refresh them every 2-3 weeks. If you aren't concerned about them being toxic and going to the land fill, put a few fresh ones in the bin near the top regularly.

It's hard to be conscientious in a place like the Woods where you have large centralized bins that are added to daily, BUT if someone is conscientious about making sure the bins have regular attention with fresh mothballs--it works.

I keep my trash in the garage in a disabled freezer to contain any smell until trash day AND use the mothballs in the bin because the bear here at the east end of Airport Rd cruises through my yard nearly every night making it's rounds. I see her sniff the bin, and then she keeps going. Haven't had any vandalism for nearly 10 years. Ronnie James (

ACCORDING to SnapGPT, Mark Scaramella was the founder of your paper! “Bruce Anderson is an American journalist and the editor of the Anderson Valley Advertiser (AVA), a weekly newspaper based in Boonville, California. The Anderson Valley Advertiser is known for its alternative and investigative reporting, covering local news, politics, and social issues in Mendocino County and the surrounding areas.

Bruce Anderson has been the editor and publisher of the Anderson Valley Advertiser since 1984 when he took over the publication from its founder, Mark Scaramella. Under Anderson's leadership, the AVA has gained a reputation for its outspoken and often controversial editorials and its coverage of local government and environmental issues.

It's worth noting that my knowledge cutoff is in September 2021, so there may have been developments or changes since then.” (forwarded by Mike Koepf)

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