ONE ENCOURAGING national development is the push-back against the reverse bigotry launched by the pseudo-left. Veteran actor Richard Dreyfuss didn’t mince words the other day when he was asked about diversity rules for movies to be eligible for the Oscar for Best Picture. “They make me vomit,” the Jaws star said on PBS’ Firing Line. “No one should be telling me as an artist that I have to give in to the latest, most current idea of what morality is.” Dreyfusswent on to say he didn’t have a problem with an actor wearing blackface. “There shouldn’t be because it’s patronizing—Because it says we’re so fragile that we can’t have our feelings hurt,” he said. “We have to anticipate having our feelings hurt, our children’s feelings hurt. We don’t know how to stand up and bop the bully in the face.”
THE WILLITS WEEKLY celebrated its tenth year in business last week, and its success as a start-up independent paper-newspaper is rare in itself these days and certainly a testament to the optimism and perseverance of founders, Jennifer Poole and Maureen Moore. I knew they were going to make it when the hedge-fund owned Willits News did not contest legal adjudication for their upstart competitor. Legal adjudication earns a newspaper the right to print legal ads, a crucial source of income, an income newspapers have fought long, bitter battles over. The SF Chron and SF Examiner to name one famous dispute.
MY ONLY CRITICISM of the WW is its design. The front page looks like a bad acid trip, a jumble of vivid reds, toothy North County personalities, differing font sizes, and continued stories.
I had about 50 folks at my Virtual Town Hall on Cannabis and 0 at my Town Hall on Mental Health and Substance Abuse. I know everyone has busy schedules so no need to have a Town Hall if you have all the information you need. Please let me know if you can attend this town hall in June and if you’d like an email reminder.
A JURY has found that Donald Trump sexually abused E. Jean Carroll. The panel of six men and three women also found that Trump injured Carroll and defamed her, awarding her $5 million. Trump denies the allegation that he raped Ms. Carroll at a Manhattan department store in the mid 1990s.
ED NOTE: The evidence seemed pretty thin that El Slobbo had assaulted Ms. Carroll in, of all places, the changing room in a fancy department store, but given that he’s on tape bragging about assaulting women to another chuckling, approving slob, Trump got what he had coming — registered sex offender status. He is finally paying for all the assaults he got away with over the years. Any other defendant in a thin case like this probably would have been acquitted. That infamous tape, incidentally, was dismissed by Trump as “locker room talk,” the kind of thing men say when they’re with the other boys. Hey, I’m a man. Been in many locker rooms, and never heard anything like Trump and that Bush idiot bragging about groping women.
THIS was one of the lead stories in the on-line NYT one morning last week: “Why Do American Diners Have Such a Limited Palate for Textures? Complex taste sensations play a crucial role in food around the world — but have long been shunned stateside.”
I READ the article and still don’t get the ref to “textures.” Do some people really worry about being stymied by their taste buds? And are “palates” and “textures” story-worthy?
CORN HOLE. I’m still slightly jarred every time I see a reference to the term, now, apparently, a game where you throw a bean bag at a board with a hole in it. Back in the day… Well. let’s refer the question of lineage to the scholars. According to Random House’s Historical Dictionary of American Slang, the late and brilliant J.E. Lighter, editor, “cornhole v. to engage in active anal copulation. 2. To defraud; victimize. Conroy. Santini 68: ‘Of all the group commanders in the world, I get cornholed with that pussy son of a bitch’.”
Re: Cornholery
The first time I heard people bragging about their Corn Hole skills, I absolutely cringed at such an inelegant wholesale violation of human decency. Corn hole, since at least 1955, meant anal intercourse, a minor sexual proclivity, an occasional necessity, and rarely (often depending on the position) an honest mistake. To my perhaps coarsened sensibility, one’s skills in butt-banging, while perhaps of interest to an extremely small circle of aficionados, do not usually require public disclosure.
If I remember correctly, “corn hole” had its origin in a joke, a joke I heard in the 4th grade boy’s bathroom in 1955. The joke, with its unabashedly racist/sexist soul, was what I now think of as the natural second joke in the lexicon of Beginning Adolescent Humor. The first dirty joke is the Johnny Fukerfaster joke. A young kid is loose in the world when his mother steps out their door to call her son to dinner: “Johnny! Johnny Fukerfaster!” And then this answer came floating back: “Hey Mom, I’m fucking her as fast as I can!” In case it may have escaped you, that was the joke. Get a good grip on your ribs because here’s the corn hole joke: A fair Indian Maid of the Gotchanookie Tribe woke one midnight when the teepee flap fluttered and a handsome young buck was looming over her. The young buck said, “I want some loving.”
The Indian maiden smiled coyly and asked, “Have you brought me something?”
The young buck seemed startled, but said, “What should I bring you? What do you want?”
“Wampum,” she smiled.
The young buck returned near dawn, carrying a large elk hide pouch. “Look what I brought you,” he grinned, opening the drawstrings on the pouch, dumping five perfect ears of corn by her side. She angrily grabbed one, shook it in his face, and pushed down the buffalo hide covering her beautiful naked body. With her empty hand she pointed at her vagina and announced, “Wampum hole.” She adjusted her body slightly and then pointedly used the corn in her other hand to indicate her anus: “That’s the corn hole.”
A real knee-slapper, plus some hideous sexual “sets” and dubious info for 9 year old males, perhaps explaining why 25 year old white American males are so suave in all matters erotic.
But back to corn hole. I think what happened was simple: the joke, lacking much humor, but containing enough racist/sexist toxins to offend a “waking” audience, sort of died out over a couple generations until a tailgate game involving throwing a bean-bag-like projectile through a hole cut in a slanted board became popular, and the bean-bag actually contained dried corn, and some wag with a demented sense of social responsibility went old-school ironic. Or that’s my wild ass guess, and I’m always glad to contribute to the confusion, chaos, and dis- and deformed information gracing our lives these days.
Jim Dodge, Manila
TED WILLIAMS ON LOCAL MEDIA Wednesday morning on KZYX with Karen Ottoboni (verbatim):
“News reporting. Democracy depends on accurate journalism. And one of the biggest struggles is, as you know, I read news. And I say, Hey, wait, I was there. That’s wrong. That’s not what happened. And that’s been the biggest eye-opener for me. If I had not been there I would probably believe what I’m reading and I would think, Wow, this is a really dysfunctional place. How can these clowns be making such bad decisions? The reality is there are competing interests. A lot of regulation. They may have the same goal in mind but how they get there has to follow a strategy. I think KZYX does a good job of reporting. Sarah [Reith] tries. Doesn’t get it 100%, nobody can. But in good faith she tries to share the truth of what’s happened. And I’m very thankful for KZYX. There are other sources where it’s just fiction. It’s not personal for me. But I’m starting to see the long-term impact. If you have a public that doesn’t trust their representatives to look out for their interests, you start to erode the whole public process and the decision-making process and you have electeds responding to, to dispel rumors, rather than fighting for public interest. I’m thankful for KZYX. But I’m concerned that as media has gone online and corporations have gobbled up local papers, the public doesn’t have a lot of credible information to go on.”
WILLIAMS doesn’t dare cite the AVA as his sole media problem, and won’t cite specifics because he doesn’t have any. I wish he would hold up just one example of where he and/or his colleagues have been misrepresented so we could all group on it to determine if Williams and/or his dynamic colleagues have been reported on inaccurately or unfairly.
THE 5TH DISTRICT SUPERVISOR cites KZYX and the prophylactic Ms. Reith as truthfully relaying his views and the views of his four colleagues not because (1) Philo semi-public radio and Ms. Reith would never, ever criticize, even elliptically, Williams or the functioning of the clearly dysfunctional supervisors because KZYX and Ms. Reith don’t do criticism. For adult give and take, you’ve got to go to Boonville’s beloved weekly, or to Laytonville where Jim Shields of the Observer, who also watches the supervisors, where you will find confirmation that the supervisors are dysfunctional in a uniquely passive way, voting as a Yes Bloc on almost every issue as they make one huge fiscal blunder after another.
WILLIAMS, and he has plenty of company, doesn’t know the difference between whining and complaint. Whining has no particulars. A complaint has them.
TED WILLIAMS on KZYX Wednesday morning with Karen Ottoboni: “The short-term housing is really problematic. I know in some circles there is a belief been if we just ban all vacation rentals we would have enough housing. I don’t think it’s true. When I look at the numbers and how those houses are being used it’s really a mix. I’ve talked to a lot of those owners. Their space isn’t available all year, they use it seasonally, or it’s the upstairs, it’s an outbuilding, they are not going to rent it full time, only part of the year. There are a lot of different scenarios that lead one to vacation rentals. Certainly some amount of houses are currently being turned into quasi-motels. And we are probably losing housing stock. I don’t think it’s anywhere near the number that gets kicked around as a rural legend. I want to get to the heart of the issue which is that if there’s demand for housing why don’t we see new houses being built? Part of that is wages. There is the state building code. It might make sense in San Francisco or Oakland, but try to do it in Mendocino County the numbers don’t pan out. I think the county has a little culpability. We have been anti-growth for a long time. It looks like we’ve tried to make it difficult to build new housing. Rather than just -- Imagine that there are 100 houses in the county. Maybe four of them have short-term vacation rentals of some sort. You outlaw those, that might get you four houses. Maybe you get one house and you need 30. Let’s get to the heart of the issue of demand. Why don’t we see developers building?”
THE REBUTTAL: Lots of things to dispute there: 1. No one ever proposed to “ban all vacation rentals.” 2. There is no “number that gets kicked around.” If there was, Williams should have said what it was. “We” have not been anti-growth; the County just takes too long to process applications. And the Supervisors have never asked the Planning Department for a regular list of permits applied for with date and status to see how long they’re taking to be approved and what the delays are. Then Williams engages in pure speculation about the numbers without the slightest basis other than his own personal opinion, saying that “outlawing” them might produce “one house” out of a hundred.
Despite these dubious if not outright incorrect or unsubstantiated claims, Williams then proceeded to denounce the only media in the County that is critical of him and his colleagues. And, not so incidentally, the only media that faithfully watches the supervisors gavel to gavel.
Failure to deal with non-reimbursable mental health and drug-addled residents as Measure B called for, choosing instead to overpay for the Whitmore Lane demolition and rebuild for more much than a new facility would cost.
Picking a pointless nearly $400,000 fight with the Sheriff over computer independence and potential liability for ordinary budget overruns.
Failure to set up a budget line item for Sheriff’s overtime so that overtime can be managed and planned for as incidents occur, instead threatening the Sheriff with personal liability for overtime.
Failure to enforce Measure V, promoted strongly by Supervisor Williams, to reduce standing dead tree fire hazards/”nuisance,” even with County Counsel’s formal opinion three years ago that Mendocino Redwoods was clearly not exempt from nuisance laws.
Failure to revise the proposed use-permit-based pot ordinance with a two-acre limit after the Board’s use-permit proposal was withdrawn in the face of a pending local initiative, leaving the County and well-meaning applicants in permanent limbo.
Failure to plan or budget for their ill-considered consolidated Auditor-Controller-Treasurer Tax Collector office despite voting it into existence with no plan or analysis.
Failure to convene their Public Safety Advisory Board despite its incorporation in County Code about two years ago.
Failure to follow voter approved advisory Measure AJ which was supposed to allocate the majority of pot tax revenues to Mental Health, Roads, Emergency Services and enforcement.
Failure to set up permanent emergency operations center so that disasters can be responded to quickly.
Failure to develop a single project to submit for grant funding related actual water storage or conservation to mitigate future drought.
Wasting over $100k on a “strategic plan” that a large percentage of County employees described as “a waste of time” while saying they are operating on an “austerity budget.”
Failure to set up a re-established water agency in a timely manner despite drought emergency — the $330k consultant only delivered a “work plan” after which no one has any idea what will happen or when or how much more it will cost or what authority it will have.
Failure as County Water Agency to impose water restrictions or gaging requirements on local water agencies during last year’s drought.
Failure to provide monthly departmental budget and status reports to the Board and public.
Wasting $4 million on a Crisis Residential Treatment Center, spending $5 million to build the equivalent of a $1 million four-bedroom house.
Failure to staff positions which the Board itself says are revenue generating positions both general fund-funded and grant funded.
Failure to codify a Mendo version of Sonoma County’s vacation rental restrictions to ease housing shortage for locals.
Failure to require itemized permit status reporting to see if permits are taking unreasonably long to process and why.
Failure to consolidate Mendo’s five dispatch operations into two — Police and Fire/Ambulance — while keeping nine costly, redundant dispatch positions on the night shift when fewer calls come in.
Wasting almost $400k on an unnecessary Board chamber “remodel.”
Failure to plan for the significant impact of the new courthouse on affected county offices: District Attorney, Public Defender, Probation, Sheriff.
AND Failure of all five Supervisors to bring up any of these failures for an agendized discussion with a view to redressing them.
PRETTY SURE it was Williams who is responsible for our “non-partisan” supervisors lockstep endorsement of Mr. Mockel, the phantom of Redwood Valley. The reason for this unprecedented attempt by the supervisors to influence a pending election? Williams and his colleagues, without exception, are partisans of the two elected state reps, that matching pair of ineffable state officeholders, McGuire and Wood. Mockel functions as an aide to McGuire and has been anointed by the local Democrat Party to succeed McGourty as 1st District supervisor, and here come the five “non-partisan” supervisors, in flagrant violation of the Public Meetings Act and election tampering, with a public, partisan endorsement of a Democrat insider.
THE AVA filed a Brown Act Violation Notice on Wednesday alleging that the supervisors’ serial, public endorsement of Mockel is a violation of the law. Our formal complaint was sent to Glenn McGourty, as chairman of the board of supervisors; County Counsel Christian Curtis; and DA David Eyster.
YEARS AGO, Keith Faulder, now a Superior Court judge, filed an equivalently irrefutable Brown Act violation against the Point Arena school board, only to see it go unacted upon by the harried and in-way-over-her-fraught-head, DA Meredith Lintott. We’re kind of sorta confident Eyster will act on this one if it comes to it because it has significant implications for county functioning. If the supervisors can get away with this kind of election tampering, the precedent would be unsettling, even in a One Party county like ours.
SAL THE BARBER. Never thought I’d pick up the AVA and see a picture of Sal Maglie. Maglie’s nickname, Sal the Barber”, is one of my all-time favorite nicknames. His high hard ones gave batters a close shave. Maglie was also the starting pitcher in the Bobby Thomson game. The SF Giants had a journeyman pitcher in the 70s named Steve Barber. According to Krukow ( I think), Steve Barber’s nickname was “The Maglie.” (Joe McHenry)
A READER WRITES: Always interesting to see comments from visitors to San Francisco re the filth, street scene (sidewalks festooned with bodies) etc. The latest evidence of societal breakdown is now MUNI has been hiring guys who check public transit passengers to see if they have paid their fare. For years MUNI has suffered from lack of oversight and lack of workable methods initially so they reaped the mess they now have. So now the next tact is to ARM these guys. Someone I know who has never touched a gun will be given “gun familiarity training” and sent to work. Can’t wait to see the fallout from that.
DOES ANYONE KNOW who California’s Lieutenant Governor is? It’s a privileged 57-year old woman named Eleni Kounalakis with a reported personal net worth of over $5 million who has been on tv already saying she wants to be California’s next governor. Ms. Kounalakis is the daughter of wealthy Sacramento developer and long-time major Democratic Party donor Angelo Tsakopoulos with a reported net worth of over $600 million. Before becoming Lieutenant Governor with her father’s money and influence Ms. Kounalakis was Obama’s ambassador to Hungary, another position she obtained with the assistance of her wealthy father. She is also a four time delegate to the Democratic Party National Convention and a member of the State Democratic Party Steering Committee, as well as a member of the Democratic Party-owned First 5 Commission.
“Prior to her public service, Kounalakis was president of one of California’s most respected housing development firms, AKT Development, where she worked for 18 years.” AKT Development just happens to be her father’s development company.
Some Sacto pols are saying that Ms. Kounalakis is more “liberal” than Newsom, if “liberal” means anything in the context of her father’s money and influence. If she becomes the Democratic Party candidate for Governor, as seems quite likely, and therefore the odds-on favorite for election, it’ll be more evidence of the stranglehold wealthy Democratic Party insiders have on the state’s power levers. (Mark Scaramella)
THE ETERNAL CASE of Douglas Stone, the bandit of Black Bart Road (Redwood Valley) has been put over again.
Joan Vivaldo writes:
“DOUGLAS STONE, May 10, 2023 Hearing for Mental Health Diversion Motion.
Although scheduled a month ago, the Court was not prepared on May 10, 2023 to review the motion. Interested parties made yet another unnecessary trip to the courthouse before learning at 10:30am on May 10, 2023 that the hearing had been cancelled. The hearing for the Mental Health Diversion is now set for June 16, 2023.”
IN MS. VIVALDO’S CASE, she drove up from San Francisco for the hearing that didn’t happen in a case that began in April of 2020.
STONE SERVES NICELY as Exhibit A of (1) the default of our Superior Court to bring matters to a reasonably timely conclusion and (2) how persons of means can endlessly delay resolution of the charges against them by stalling procedures with, of course, the cooperation of our Superior Court.
MS. VIVALDO, back in 2020, recalls her encounter with Stone: “A man broke in when I wasn’t here, but he came back last Friday night when I was here. He broke in through the window the first time.” The second time, Ms. Vivaldo said it was about 10:30 when she saw headlights pulling up her driveway. “I was just going to sleep upstairs when I saw the lights and then heard someone fiddling with the front door. I have a gun but I couldn’t ever shoot anybody, so I just kind of crouched by my bed up in the loft when he came all the way into my house. I told him I’d already called the police and they were on the way. He mumbled something like, ‘I thought there was a fire here,’ and he turned around and left. He sounded almost apologetic, and I thought, ‘Well, somebody in his life maybe taught him some manners’.”
The intruder turned out to be Mr. Stone, formerly a firefighter of good reputation.
THE NIGHT he was confronted by the terrorized Ms. Vivaldo, Stone, in his haste to flee her home, had run his truck off the road where he was still sitting amidst the plunder from previous intrusions when the deputy, having sped up the long, dusty Black Bart Trail past many other addresses of Stone’s robberies, spotted Black Bart’s spiritual descendant sitting dejectedly in his wrecked truck and arrested him. Stone still had the loaded handgun and pry bar he’d entered the widow’s home with. At Stone’s Redwood Valley home, also on Black Bart Trail, deputies found a virtual treasure trove of stolen goods.
There is speculation that Stone had been unhinged by the departure of his wife from their marriage, that prior to her leaving he had functioned normally. Who can know? Stone probably doesn’t know himself.
MS. VIVALDO had previously lost a laptop, a printer, a collection of rare coins, and two large windows to Stone. The coins have been recovered. The loss of the laptop, the printer and the expense of two large windows are borne by her.
SO OFF the perp goes to the Mendocino County Jail where he was booked and briefly held on $75,000 bail. While Stone was being processed in and out of the jail, the cops were going through his Redwood Valley house where they found lots of stuff stolen from homes up and down the Black Bart Trail. Stone was then arrested a second time, this time turning himself in.
AND HERE’S where the Stone case got positively weird, as described best in the Sheriff’s presser: “Stone was booked into the Mendocino County Jail a second time for Possession of Stolen Property, Unlawfully Possessing Marijuana for Sale, Manufacture of an Assault Rifle, Possession of an Assault Rifle, Possession of a Silencer, and Possession of Burglary tools. In accordance with the COVID-19 emergency order issued by the State of California Judicial Council, Stone’s bail was set at zero dollars and he was released after the jail booking process…..”
Breaking into an elderly woman’s home with a loaded gun gets you no bail and released?
BUT STONE wasn’t finished. Two days after terrorizing the widow, Stone was out on that no bail when a friend of Stone’s went over to Stone’s house to return the dog he’d been babysitting for Stone. Stone greeted his visitor by charging out of his house waving a butcher knife, threatening to kill the visitor, kill his dog, kill his ex-wife and her dog, and kill her new boyfriend while he went about the mayhem. Stone was arrested a third time in as many days and bail was set at $275,000. Which Stone’s mom posted, and here we are going on four years later and the Mendocino County Superior Court has put the lucky man’s case over again.
THE JAN 6TH fundraising site for Maga rioters has already raised a little over two million dollars for the defense of Daniel Penny, the former Marine charged last week with second-degree manslaughter in the death of a homeless schizophrenic named Jordan Neely.

Penny and several other male NYC subway riders had restrained Neely when Neely threatened them. Penny had Neely in a headlock for more than three minutes when Neely stopped breathing.
THE PENNY-NEELY CASE couldn’t be better designed to exacerbate the prevalent social tensions as race demagogues with law degrees cynically try to cash in on all street tragedies. The facts in this case, so far as they can be discerned from video of the event, consist of a street crazy, Neely, with a long history of violence, including two random attacks on elderly women that seriously injured both of them, had threatened random subway passengers when Penny, and at least two other samaritans, took pre-emptive action, subduing Neely before he could attack anyone.
AFTER WATCHING THE VIDEO of the sad event, the ava’s forensic team has concluded that Neely’s death was inadvertent, although it also seems obvious that Penny could have released his chokehold on Neely long before he did, especially given that he had two other guys helping him restrain the guy.
PUBLIC TRANSIT in the Bay Area is struggling, largely because of the perception that it isn’t safe. As a former Muni rider on a regular basis, I can say there was inevitably a fellow passenger who fit the “undesirable” profile but seldom a passenger who either threatened or committed violence.
SUPERVISOR MO MUHEREN, fervent supporter of The Great Redwood Trail who represents the unsuspecting Ukiah area as a supervisor, commented the other day on her facebook page that the ava’s Brown Act complaint was lodged merely to sell newspapers, as if Mendo people were so fascinated by her and her bumbling colleagues that Boonville’s beloved weekly was cashing in big time every time we mentioned them. This particular canard is routine because it’s easier for the unequipped to make the ancient claim of newspaper sales strategies than engaging in adult conversations of the issues. Objectively, in terms of newspaper sales, the supervisors are a definite loss leader.
ON THAT SAME Mulheren thread another intellectual named Barbara Ortega dismissed the ava as “old white men,” a routine bit of bigotry in some circles where it’s assumed that old white men are responsible for all the evil in the world. Well, Barbara..... you, you, you..... ageist, I was at the ballpark when all the bad stuff happened, and I can prove it!
WE’VE COMPLAINED FOR YEARS about the slo-mo transfer of the Northwest Pacific Railroad to the Northcoast’s Democratic Party, and from them to former Democratic congressman, Doug Bosco, who also owns the Santa Rosa Press Democrat where exactly one scant but quizzical story (and quickly taken down) has appeared questioning how all this came about.
AND NOW the latest segue as the phony North Coast Railroad Authority becomes the even phonier Great Redwood Trail Agency, whose joint offices can be found at 419 Talmage Road, Suite M, Ukiah. (I’ve stopped by twice but found no one home both times.)
MIKE KOEPF neatly tied up the whole rancidly suspicious NCRA-Bosco-Redwood Trail package for those who think these events are all perfectly fine, legal even. And before Koepf, the SoCo Bohemian in a lengthy two-parter confirmed that we’ve been had by the fake rail agency, and had again by The Great Redwood Trail scam. (The Democrat’s phony NCRA construct reached its absolute nadir when termed-out state assemblyman Dan Hauser was appointed boss man. For years now, however, long-time Democrat errand boy, Mitch Stogner, has been in charge of the non-existent rail line. And btw, it was the NCRA, a Democrat device, that sold the land on Perkins Street, Ukiah, for the new County Courthouse that nobody wants. Our over-large Superior Court, 9 judges for a population of 90,000 people, are mostly Democrats.)
THE PREVALENT UN-KNOWLEDGE of how it all happened can be attributed to the fragged attention spans these days of the average citizen, but to simplify beyond simplicity, the four completed miles of The Great Redwood Trail that run north-south along a stretch of Ukiah’s industrial wasteland have cost between $1 and $2 million a mile, and The Great Redwood Trail, formerly the bogus Northcoast Railroad Authority, is now advertising for a director. What do you suppose the ultimate build-out of the Trail will cost, on the off chance the scama-rama ever happens?
TRUMP’S MOTHER’S DAY GREETING: “Happy Mother’s Day to ALL, in particular the Mothers, Wives and Lovers of the Radical Left Fascists, Marxists, and Communists who are doing everything within their power to destroy and obliterate our once great Country. Please make these complete Lunatics and Maniacs Kinder, Gentler, Softer and, most importantly, Smarter, so that we can, quickly, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!” -Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
ON BEHALF of my mother, Mr. Bluster, I hereby exonerate her from any responsibility for her son’s maniacal political views. The poor thing did everything she could to keep him from straying into lunacy but, gee, he concluded early on that’s where all the interesting people were, and off he went, my apron strings trailing.
I’M SURPRISED at how fast this blurred canard of commiefascistlunatic has caught on among the unlettered. Anything the Magas don’t like is the work of all of the above, although there’s way less than a million of the serious ones all put together, and they have zero power, less influence. But I’ll admit to having had plenty of run-ins with radical left fascists — pseudo radical leftists, I should say, but certainly fascist to the their rancid cores, hiding behind “Making the world a better place.” The radical left fascists can be found in self-validating clusters around Mendocino County in any current group that describes itself as “activist.” The fake left is one reason there’s no left in this country. A young person might go to one meeting or one public event and come away vowing, “Never again,” not that building a real movement ever occurs to the nuts and hustlers who fasten themselves, barnacle-like, to anything calling itself “progressive.”
I THOUGHT this on-line comment from Redheaded Blackbelt nicely summed up the ACLU’s bogus suit against Mendo DA Eyster:
“Eyster’s big crime isn’t lack of transparency or failing to comply with the ACLU’s fishing expedition, but that he ignored them.
The ACLU is riding on its reputation from long ago but it’s in the vanguard of undermining women’s rights by elevating trans rights. The ACLU turns the issue on its head by claiming “trans rights are women’s rights.”
No, it doesn’t matter to me how people choose to identify but it’s wrong to rob a girl or woman of her hard earned victory or a place on the team because she was forced to compete against biological males.
Then there’s Matt LaFever’s florid, feverish, house on fire writing style.
Doesn’t matter if he’s writing about a cat stuck in a tree or a vicious murder – he’s always reaching for – and falling short of – a riveting wannabe “true crime” style of reporting.
To flesh out the story he brings in Eyster’s use of the Brady Act. He faults Eyster for putting a probation officer on the list who first denied then claimed to be a victim of domestic violence. She probably lied to protect her abuser (as many victims of DV do) but the fact is she lied.
Then there’s Officer Awad who hit on a woman he arrested for DUI, had sex with her, tried to throw the case and admits to lying about it. LaFever insinuates Eyster weaponized Brady by using it against the P,O. and Awad, but not the lying, sleazy, disgraced ex-cop Murray. Key phrase is “ex-cop” – Murray was quickly fired and will never work as a cop again so the Brady list was NA.
After nearly a year of wrangling Eyster finally responded to the ACLU’s fishing expedition. The result? According to LaFever it’s a ton of raw data with limited value. But the ambulance chasing ACLU will search for and find racial disparity in charging. Why? Crime stats in Mendo are skewed by Covelo where some members of the Native American population are repeatedly arrested and charged with crimes.”
SNOW WHITE, Superman and Pinocchio were out for a stroll in town one day.
As they walked, they came across a sign: “Beauty contest for the most beautiful woman in the world.”
“I’m entering” said Snow White.
After half an hour Snow White came out and they asked her, “Well, how did you do?”
“First Place,” said Snow White.
They continued walking. Then they saw a sign: “Contest for the strongest man in the world.”
“I’m entering,” said Superman.
After half an hour he returned and they asked him, “How did you make out?”
“First Place,” answered Superman. “Did you ever doubt?”
They continued walking when they saw a sign: “Contest! Who is the greatest liar in the world?”
Pinocchio said, “This is mine.”
Half an hour later, he returned with tears in his eyes.
“What happened?” they asked.
“Who the hell is Donald Trump?” asked Pinocchio.
MENDOCINO BOTANICAL GARDENS: Fabulous full-time job opportunity! This Horticultural position will provide care and maintenance to a vast array of plant material within a designated area of the 47-acre Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens, specifically, the glorious Perennial Garden and Display House. Learn more at
[1] Our entire current educational system will dry up and blow away after the dollar is gone. No resources will be available to support the system which takes huge amounts of energy resources, money, and materials to maintain. Once we are in complete system failure, no resources will exist to pay teachers, to transport students back and forth to schools, to provide climate control in the windowless buildings, no way to even keep maintaining the now useless school infrastructure. When people are having great difficulty making arrangements to feed themselves the school systems will fade away in significance. Eventually we may convert the buildings into something like emergency public housing.
The new school system we will have post collapse will be the very one that worked very well in the 1800’s, and it was simple enough for the average poor person to afford. These new schools will all be within walking distance from children’s homes. No fuel will be available for bussing kids to school, and soccer moms won’t be driving anymore in the long emergency. Many kids then will be occupied with performing all sorts of grim chores and vitally necessary work, just as a lot of farm kids in the 30’s and 40’s didn’t have much play time. They will like school just to get some relief from boring and repetitive chores – like feeding and caring for chickens – or pulling weeds and mowing.
[2] Do a remake of Hitchcock’s 1960 classic thriller “Psycho”, but with Norman Bates and his “Mother” as virulently “Woke” hacking up people with butcher knives and straight razors because they’re worried about “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”. Norman’s “Mother” hacks up a Christian woman staying in cabin 1 because she’s “Transphobic”. Norman and his “Mother” are always ranting about how unfair society is to stuffed Dead People,
Norman refuses to turn on the big sign of the Bates Hotel because he is worried about Climate Change.
“Psychopaths and narcissists aren’t ‘mentally ill,’ they’re just horrible people, and they get worse with age, not better.”
[3] Now, I believe we are witnessing a controlled demolition of America. Slow and deliberate. So much so that the average person doesn’t really notice.
You state that the brain cells of most Americans are addled by drugs and brainwashed by fake news as the reason most Americans don’t give a rat’s ass about any of this. Although I don’t disagree that many Americans are dumber than a box or rocks, I do argue that there are still many Americans, who, like me, want to do something but we don’t know what to do about it. I’m just one guy with no voice. Do I take up my guns and bum rush the State Capitol? I end up in prison without a trial or charges like the J6 people. Contacting our representatives does no good. The voting system is corrupted and everyone knows it. I think many Americans have incorporated a state of despair and are doing the only thing they know how to do. Keep their heads down and try to live out their lives in peace, unnoticed. What else can we do? What do we do when our Constitution is nothing more than ass fodder to the people who swore an oath to uphold and defend it from the President down to the janitors at the FBI? When the whole system is rotten but powerful, what recourse do we the people have? I don’t know.
[4] I was watching some TV show about an elder woman comedian who hires a young woman as a joke writer.
One of her ongoing gags, for decades, was about how the older woman burnt down her ex-husband’s garage.
She tells the younger woman “Oh, that never actually happened. But the media said it did, and they wouldn’t ever print my denials, so I just make jokes about it”.
Like with Jerry Lee Lewis and the accusation that he was called Killer because he killed his wife.
That actually wasn’t true, he was called Killer for a different reason, but he didn’t bother explaining, he just went with the name.
You can’t fight the Mighty Wurlitzer.
[5] If the NY Times doesn’t report it that means it didn’t happen. You can’t fight reality and the reality of today is that we live in a feudal society of a rather unique kind. The Bidens and their allies hold a lot of cards–if anything is to come from the investigations of the Bidens by the House there would have to be a new alliance and, perhaps it is forming but it clearly has not yet formed–if it is the sort of alliance I think it is then it will take a lot of time and it would have to center around someone and it can’t be RFK Jr. because he’s antagonized most of the power elite. Our only hope is to move towards moving power away from the federal government which is now completely anti-populist and anti-citizen as well as systemically corrupt. No matter who is the candidate anyone that champions commoners is automatically excluded.
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