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Posts published in October 2023

County Supervisors Under Fire for Cubbison Ouster

Mendocino County Supervisor sat silent as they were chastised Tuesday for arbitrarily removing elected Auditor Chamise Cubbison from office without a hearing. Chris Andrian, a…

Fire, Aim, Ready

In a transparent attempt to cover their collective behinds, the Supervisors gave suspended Auditor-Controller Treasurer Tax Collector Chamise Cubbison a technical opportunity to respond to…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday Oct. 31, 2023

Mild | Ravens | Reckless Driving | Muertos Altar | Football Playoff | Forest Health | Moon Shot | Contractor Meetup | Harvest Art | Resident Rights | Noyo Return | Ed Notes | Headstone | Amazing Mockel | Homeless Tip | Guitar Quartet | Oaky Testimonial | Joseph Blow | Benefit Dinner | Yesterday's Catch | SMART Fixes | Carson House | Oakland Crows | Timber Harvest | Rendering | Loathsome Joe | Noyo Theater | Grievance Artist | Niner Fan | Stop Wars | Ukraine | Depop | Gaza | True War | Probe Deeper | Earring Girl | NetanYahoo | Optimism | Jihad | Scary Treat | Biden Complicit | High Five | Ethnic Cleansing | Pumpkin Farmer | Natural Color | Moral Life | Blue Poppy


We as families and individuals living with Serious Mental Illness bear all the hardship and struggle to gain support, treatment and our sanity within a…

Black Like Me

John Howard Griffin—a most extraordinary fellow, a one-man-band of virtue and a virtuoso, who was, quite literally among other things, and at all of these…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Oct. 30, 2023

Brooktrails Deer | Dry & Mild | Volleyball Champs | Got Cleats? | Grange Events | Gualala River | Beardsley Clarifies | Al's Room | Brown Endorsement | Soaring | Ed Notes | Locals Night | Hazel Helm | Yesterday's Catch | Ocean Rescue | Noyo Sunset | Wahoo Divorce | 101 Burger | Niner Loss | Social Blunder | Pecker Hyoid | Zebra Wash | Carolina Twilight | Pumpkin Nightmare | Shooter Warnings | Assault Weapons | Primo Carnera | Just Solution | Wall Art | Campus Protests | Telemarketing Ambush | Ukraine | Wacky Humor | Census Taking | Floral Art | Good Deed | James Wright | Socialist Geese | Pissed Off | Sad Surprise | Devil Time | Ultimate Circle

Flushing The ‘Community Input’ Myth

We’re getting a good hard lesson in state politics as a new county courthouse is rammed down our throats by forces no one can name.…

Late For San Pedro

Bumpy Ride, late landing at LAX. Stateside pilots talk about “a little rough air.” In Mexico, they’re more honest and refer to una zona de…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Oct. 29, 2023

Clear Skies | Chestnut Horse | AVUSD News | Hunter's Moon | Roaring Panthers | Eel River | Cubbison Affair | Reflection | Starr Finance | Victims Identified | Pet Pups | Ed Notes | Outlet Creek | Candidate Brown | Strategic Planters | Mental Illness | Four Stages | Arena Agenda | AV Events | Jewelry Maker | Willits Style | Yesterday's Catch | Louis Bedrock | AI Art | Marco Radio | Food Track | Middle Beast | Punishing Protest | Remote Pilot | Taibbi Stories | Madge's Cafe | Neighborhood Bully | One Person | Gaza | Alien Rescue | Similar Fate | Ukraine | Care Question | Just Peace | Monster Club

Valley People (October 29, 2023)

HOSPICE OF UKIAH COMES TO THE VALLEY   Wonderful News for Anderson Valley. Hospice of Ukiah, having served the valley for 42 years with one…

Another Person’s Amtrak [1999]

I don’t want to mention any names, but the author of a recent AVA article describing diddling woes and decrying Amtrak travel seems a tad…
