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Posts published in October 2023

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Oct. 28, 2023

Frosty Morning | Printing Error | Boonfog | Rent/Work | Edie 115 | Crash Victims | Dan Gaffney | Fixing Problems | Cabrillo Parking | Measure B | Native Arts | Flawed Process | Albion Bridge | CEO Directive | Bad Timing | Wellness Circle | Hiring Freeze | Elmo McEntire | Ukiah Construction | Tannahill Weavers | Ed Notes | Remain Ignorant | Uncle Arthur | Moores Hearing | Golling | Goby | Love Bites | BC | Climate Corners | Forest Ghoul | Good Party | Pioneer Women | Hedgehog Closing | Candle Making | Bozeman 42 | Circle Dance | Beer/Candy Pairing | Timeless Jazz | Yesterday's Catch | Marco Radio | Madden 24 | Maine Killer | Gun Love | Stress Institute | Tragic Business | Frida & Diego | Genocide Defined | American Magazine | High-Tech Massacre | Cat Shirt | Gaza | First Karen | Sounds Brutal | Large Crowds

COVID: Down But Not Out

I’d been hearing and reading about it for a couple of years and then finally it hit me. I took it personally, though I also…

The Vegan

“You mind not smoking?” It was the girl with the bags and the stony gaze. I looked for a NO SMOKING sign. There was none.…

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Oct. 27, 2023

Cold Clear | Reflection | Backwards Approach | Panther Football | Beach Cleared | Pot Roast | Coast Scene | Masking Order | Fishrock Blight | AVCSD Hiring | No Education | Britton Acquitted | Restoration Tour | Hedgehog Closing | Harvest Popup | Sonoma Water | Skeleton | DUI Events | Owl Plaza | Preserv Listserv | Poison Oak | Brennan People | Owl Neon | PG&E Invitation | Plumbing Tip | Yesterday's Catch | Ballistically Baffled | La Catrina | Bury Lines | Birdfood | Hilarious Amy | Better Haircut | Gaza | Watch Repair | Mossad Missed | War Maid | Less Safe | War Crime | Hanging Chairs | Ceasefire Needed | Teamsters | Ukraine | Big Bopper | Royal Bin | Rich Media | Down & Out | Chet Baker | Lodi | Thanks Tesla | Bad Grammar | Full Moon

Doubting The Cubbison Charges

The integrity of suspended Auditor Chamise Cubbison, facing a felony criminal charge of misappropriation of public funds, is being unfairly questioned, according to two former…

Letters (October 27, 2023)

Tom Cahill lived here on the Mendocino Coast for nearly 30 years. He was our official historian and compiled 3 large albums chronicling life on the ranch during his tenure…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Oct. 26, 2023

Cold & Clear | Corn Crop | Tax Info | Senior Night | Preserve Listserv | Headland | AVLT Job | Firewood Cord | Major Observations | Panthers Win | Ed Notes | Shelter Dogs | Mendo Podcast | Candidate Brown | Dad Fun | Mendocino Village | Picking Mushrooms | Ukiah Doobies | Jacko Season | Celebrating Delusion | Yesterday's Catch | Quake Memory | Fillmore Jazz | Bullet Bra | Purdy Concussion | Irish Drink | Maine Shootings | Population Control | Trump Cult | Just Saying | Crucial Flaw | Packing Heat | Opposing Viewpoints | Speaker Johnson | War Dance | Gaza | Unique Opportunity | Stoplights | Ukraine | Cooperation | Forbidden Island | Luxury

Things Get Worse 

Just when you think things couldn’t get any worse in Mendocino County given its fiscal mess and talk of a bankruptcy-style reorganization plan, things get…

Off the Record (October 26, 2023)

THE DA has charged the dual County officials, Cubbison and Kennedy, of misappropriation of public funds, while the DA himself has hosted staff — a…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2023

Chance Showers | Fog | Senior Lunch | Native Arts | Cubbison Affair | Wave Crash | Human Remains | Skeleton Run | Ed Notes | Sheer Poetry | Volunteer Opportunities | Mattole Mouth | Affinito Case | Yesterday's Catch | Speakerless House | Britney Barometer | Crow Analogy | Welcome Back | U.S. Complicity | News Anchorpersons | Gaza | I Like… | Taylor/Travis Romance | I'm Offended | Collapse Now | Blue Door | Zodiac Case | Missing Stash

The DA’s Non-Vendetta

Last Tuesday, while taking five minutes to tell everyone else not to talk about the felony charges he filed against Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector Chamise Cubbison, District…
