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Posts published in July 2023

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Seasonable Temps | Jughandle Beach | Jorge Medina | Truck Thief | AV Fundraiser | Dusky Sky | Should Mo | Food Bank | Candidate Cline | Elk BBQ | Headlands History | River Log | Festival Photos | Night Out | Ed Notes | Village Board | Homeless Funding | Wandering Peacocks | Angioplasty Drama | Bunyan Days | Winery Settlement | Yesterday's Catch | Chef'Store | Public Notice | Tried That | London Park | Panther News | NYT Hate | Road Fork | Working Stiff | Robert Gottlieb | Purple Hour | Try This | Mainstream Extreme | Gary Webb | Ukraine | Phone Boothing

Affirmative Action & Me

In the late 1980s I felt guilty about using an old boys’ network to secure a teaching position at Sonoma State University (SSU), a branch…

Live! Laugh! Love!

Live! Laugh! Love! has been the constellation navigation Big Dipper guide to my carefree journey through life.  Nothing but severe diarrhea touches me so deeply…

Catholic Segregation

It is axiomaticaily true that the Church of Rome moves slowly. But it has been on this earth almost 2,000 years, and it has yet…

Brazilian Cabbie

Another entry for my bulging file of cab-ride tales. Slipped out early from work and went book shopping, emerging into cold winds on lower Van…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, July 23, 2023

Cooling | Sunset | Whitesboro Events | Fire Jet-Skis | Coast Slope | Water Conservation | AV Events | Pet Andy | Gym Banners | Back Door | Hiring Modernization | County Bookkeeping | Succulent Flower | Supervisors Agenda | Skunk Postcard | Ed Notes | Cornel Spoiler | Inside Voice | Mendo Music | Real Problems | Yesterday's Catch | Un-United States | Dirty Contacts | Marco Radio | Natural Beard | $100 Bills | Open Guys | Grownups Governing | The Swallow | Superboy | Citizenship Test | Fast Elevator | Zigzag Man | HUAC II | Joe Priden | Supporting Censorship | Ukraine | Doggie Drive-By

Comments On Crime & No Punishment

Last week, I said the state of California needs to abandon the Pandemic-era failed experiment with emptying its jails via “catch-and-release” policies that allow crooks…
