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Posts published in June 2023

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Cloudy | California Buckeye | AVUSD News | Bull Rider | Peachland Farmstand | New Officers | Comptche Upholstery | Watertower Art | Ed Notes | AVA Cats | Banana Slugs | Bragg Baseballers | Mockel Rumor | Yesterday's Catch | Doom Loop | Gloomiest Cities | Flags/Firearms | Front Porches | Quiet Parts | The Lottery | Holy Petrol | Corporate Crime | Giant Sequoia | Coup Coo | Old Age | Ukraine | Milk Thistle

The Age of Bridges

There is “town vomit” on the streets of Elsinore (Helsingor in Danish), a mere cobblestone’s throw from Hamlet’s castle. Depending on your temperament the stench…

Sheriff Byrnes Makes Daring Double Capture

Fort Bragg Chronicle, November 25, 1913 — Like a chapter from the “Old Sleuth” series of dime thrillers or a page from the history of…

When Native Met City Lights

Five days after Ishi’s arrival in Yuba City Kroeber took him out for a Sunday drive through the city. Their initial destination was the ocean,…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, June 26, 2023

Coastal Clouds | Savannah Logan | Mustard Bloom | Blowing Public Money | Dragonfly | Save Pillsbury | Frontier Days | Ed Notes | Leaves | Bragg Compensation | Arena Meeting | PA Lighthouse | IRS Notice | Yesterday's Catch | Quit Drinking | Eternal Question | Three Shots | Selflessness | Y U | LatinX | Gav's Veto | Thank Jesus | West Candidacy | Just Asking | Ukraine | Hitchhikers | Russia | Freaks | Chet Baker | Black Oystercatchers

Win Friends, Influence People

One of the things Mendocino County taught me was the value of being a conscience-free liar when useful and/or profitable. People have been coming to…

Dan Ellsberg & The Bioneers

Daniel Ellsberg, who recently announced that he has pancreatic cancer and doesn’t have much longer to live, sent out an email in which he wrote,…

Trapping the French Casanova

At one point in my tumultuous Executive Editorship of Ramparts Magazine in the 1960s, it seemed time either to retreat or send in reinforcements. So…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, June 25, 2023

Warming | Spume Line | Short Outage | Bragg Fireworks | Open-Mic Poetry | Ukiah Buildings | AV Events | Shields Observations | Pet Tundra | County Comments | Grant Funding | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Marco Radio | Oystercatcher | Nuclear Waste | Juneteenth | Dam Deconstruction | Liston Training | Free Burger | Russian Rebellion | Graduation Photo | Prigozhin Halt | Ukraine | Bukowski Grammar | Trump Religion | First Scumbag | Night Window | Save TCM | Handspun Shake | Free Assange | Tangy Ketchup
