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Posts published in April 2023

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, April 9, 2023

Warming | Trillium | Bridge Jumpers | AV Events | Little League | Loose Dogs | Garden Beds | Debra Keipp | Mushrooms | Housing Fundraiser | Puppies | Revenue Decline | Sierra Snowpack | Ed Notes | Fringe Festival | Mendocino Undercurrent | Yesterday's Catch | Ukiah Easter | Flick It | Marco Radio | Good People | Catholic Theology | Impaired Bunnies | Church Hypocrisy | No Eggs | Matzoh Message | Government Funded | Hide & Seek | Ukraine | DiMaggio Bros | Belle Ringer | Luke Easter | Lily Lady | Waffle Day | Frohliche Ostern

Donald Pardini Remembers Old Navarro (Part 2)

In 1942 Donald finished seventh grade at Navarro’s Laurel School, and began middle school, 7th to 9th grades, at Boonville’s Con Creek School, today the Anderson Valley…

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, April 8, 2023

Warming | Overlook | Grief Support | Parks Hiring | Garden Beds | Soul Firing | Tree Hugging | Cashier Position | AVUSD Update | Medicare Fraud | Mo Zo | Decal Pipe | Wild Gardens | MAC Meeting | Stoned Drivers | Gowan's Cider | Lawyer Run | Tomales Moon | Winegrowers Workshop | Montgomery Woods | Fresh Fish | Yesterday's Catch | Paul Robeson | Jim Crow | 1915 Fight | Fishing Speakers | Doing Nothing | Tenting SF | Fishery Disaster | Apache Bros | Marco Radio | Angry Griz | Starting Guns | No Bowtie | DNC Skullduggery | Travis Transcott | Hero's Journey | Betrayed | 1901 Arkansas | Ukraine | Indian Scaffold | Books/Novels | Raw Dog

Let’s Do Jail Different This Time

I remember the county jail when it was on the top floor of the courthouse, and I was on hand to watch the then-new jail…


Cesar Chavez's Birthday was Thursday, March 31st. As we remember the crucial movement Chavez launched, we remind persons interested in Chavez and the UFW that…

Mendocino County Today: Friday, April 7, 2023

Showers Clearing | Seafood Market | Cloudscape | Spaghetti Bob | Egg Hunt | Mobile CRV | Seed Potatoes | Beach Grotto | Slow Approval | Candidate Shattuck | Ukiah Markets | Prohousing Communities | Caltrans Bad | Supe Deceptions | Flirting | Rough Town | Mustard Field | Bragg History | Hush Money | SCP Lodge | Yesterday's Catch | Wine Hits | Facebook Power | Goat Meat | Butkis | Alphabet People | Moveable Feast | MSNBC Sucks | Needles | Payment Delay | Hardwood Houdini | Ukraine | Pioneering Videographer | Mushy Straw | Andy & Jared | 1955

Heavy Metal

I spent several summers on my grandfather’s berry farm in the Skagit Valley sixty miles north of Seattle. To irrigate his water-hungry crops, he had…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, April 6, 2023

Evening Rain | Red Dawn | Elementary Update | Otter Talk | Benefit Deadline | Skunk Conductor | Training Towers | Blufflands Trail | Eye Clinic | Ed Notes | Crane Photos | Gloriana Showcase | GJ Invitation | Fortunate Partner | Guest Artist | Estuary Walk | Hire Tyson | Yesterday's Catch | Fully Woke | Going Electric | Ham Sandwich | Well Wishers | Public Schools | Snowbank | Tax Whistleblowers | Indictment Scorecard | Hunger Cliff | Support Group | Time Goes | Greasy Street | Twitter Labels | Carefully Selected | Intense Awe | Another World | Ukraine | New People | Public Executions | Fat Lady | Police Work | Good Doctor | Pagan Babies | Major Kong
