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Posts published in January 2023

Holding Back The Water

For now, federal officials are planning to hold back releases from the rapidly filling Lake Mendocino because of continuing high waterflow downstream on the Russian…

We Begin 2023 With ‘Uhh, Sorry’

I wish all my several readers much happiness in 2023 and at the same time beg forgiveness for my behavior at the AVA’s annual New…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Jan. 19, 2023

Frosty Clear | Abalone Line | Creekside Update | Community Service | 101 Slipout | Schoolkids | Agostino Tarantino, III | Open House | Tall Trestle | Huffman Visit | Pothole Marker | AVHC Experience | Hammond Crew | Local Park | Woodwork Show | Williams Critique | Lumberyard | Reverse-Stiltskins | 49ers | MAC Donations | Piano Recital | Conrad Bullwinkle | Palace Thoughts | Essay Contest | Gold Miners | Axe Alternatives | Eureka Five | Ed Notes | Bigfoot | Positive Parenting | Yorkville Listing | Engine 8 | Just Rain | Berry's Place | Yesterday's Catch | Releasing Water | Class Portrait | Stormwater Management | Sako NY | Stehr Ukiah | Rent Control | Raskin MX | Elizabeth Mahon | Scariest Team | Ticket Prices | Cowboy Cuddle | Ukraine | Sub-Marginal | Profit Tyranny | Cheesy Ad

Martin Luther King, San Francisco, 1968

So we all take a day off, on the off chance we have a job to take off from, to celebrate Martin Luther King’s birthday…

County Notes: Efficiency, Mendo Style

Tuesday’s first Supervisors meeting of 2023 was back to no-business as usual. Nobody questioned the outrageous new $750k consent calendar threshold proposed by staff in…

Letters (January 19, 2023)

We've never met, and I'm sure you've heard some unpleasant -- and untrue -- things about me, but that past history is irrelevant…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2023

Quick Rain | Dawn | Huffman Visit | Parks Hiring | Boonquiz | Church Hiring | Pub Benefit | Flood Tips | Californians | Creekside Sinkhole | Wildfire Presentation | Flood Release | Eagle Nest | Theatre Space | Bales Firing | Public Hours | Log Camp | Ed Notes | Mo Assignments | Crannell Mill | Writers Project | Flea Market | Mendo Poverty | Garberville Crisis | Trestle Dog | Chamber Music | Crab Feed | Sheriff Reports | Yesterday's Catch | Winter-Time | Log Lift | Rural People | Logged Vista | Mugged | Women Workers | Military Musk | Weinstein Verdict | Ken Cole | Indistinguishable | Basic Instincts | Pilgrim Owl | Candidate Biden | Halftime | Scaremongering | Speeder Men | Ukraine | Valentine Gift

Off the Record (January 18, 2023)

FORT BRAGG RESIDENT, SUE STEVER, Identified As the Women Tragically Killed When A Tree Fell On Her House Early Monday Morning; Second Death Due To…

Valley People (January 18, 2023)

RAY AND JANE ZENI maintain their old family ranch 16 miles out Fish Rock Road, Yorkville. They had a very large pine tree fall on…
