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Posts published in January 2023

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2023

Cold | Swollen River | Open Highways | Afternoon Story | Creekside Follies | Struck Out | After Storm | 1918 Fortuna | AVUSD News | Brazill Photographers | Art Night | Blue Lake | Problems | Installing McKinley | Pianists Concert | Hurstory 101 | Where's Walton | Symphony Concert | Moving Again | Yesterday's Catch | Arcata Square | Resolutions | Guitar Hero | Israeli Propagandist | Wind Gust | Water Storage | Nature Hike | Generations | Next Dem | American Trinity | Brit Blinders | Hindsight | Finding Opposites | Knocked Out | Ukraine | Meet God | This Week | Swedish Windmill

The Place To Be

After clubs and concert halls shut down in March of 2020, the enterprising and exuberant pianist Emmet Cohen invited the cameras and microphones into his…

Brutal SF Weather

Woke this morning, Tuesday, January 3, 2023 and clicked on an email from the SF Chronicle, a daily paper that’s a shadow of its former…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Jan. 16, 2023

Calm | Navarro Bridge | BOLO Pinola | Creekside Concerns | Broken Bridge | Bales Support | Eagle Nest | Community Chorus | Blue Lakers | Water Retention | Navarro Estuary | Spanish Class | Dog Adoption | AV Events | SS Pomo | Ed Notes | SF Harbor | Regrets/Caravello | Yesterday's Catch | Forgot Mask | Raskin Travels | SF Piers | Other Freds | Cormac Joke | Develin Sisters | Stehr About | WSJ UFOs | Fools Folly | Humboldt Tracks | Extreme AOC | Gold Hunter | Jan. 6 Reports | Driftwood | ER Trip | Clipper Trip | What Then | SS Sequoia | Beauty Trance | Magic Ball | Ukraine | Ultimate Airbnb

GW Lowers Its Patent Boom

In 2021 an oddly named drug company headquartered in Ireland, Jazz, acquired GW Pharmaceuticals, a British company whose main asset was Epidiolex a cannabis-based medication…

Busybody Blues

I have a friend in his mid-seventies who still drinks two or more big drinks every night and I thought I would offer him an…

Your Humble Servant

What I consider the most cynical utterance in the entire literature of Americana — H.L. Mencken's "No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Jan. 15, 2023

Showers | Fir Down | 55 Flood | Go Away | 64 Flood | Sinkhole Update | Beer Drinkers | Can't Read | Humboldt Street | Jail Cost | Ed Notes | Fountain Boat | Eagle Nest | Inghams Saloon | Solar Incentive | Sailing | Theatre Season | Johanna Acorn | Marco Radio | Yesterday's Catch | Huxley Dinner | Nut Talk | Arcata 1908 | Niners Win | Boar Rider | Namath Guarantee | Device Addiction | Hedgehog | Russell Banks | Michigan Infantry | Not Racist | Whiteman Vacation | Harry Tale | Top Secret | Woke Me | Ukraine | Western Front | Jeff Beck | Morning

The War’s Aftermath

Seldom in European history has an invading power so exaggerated its own strength, and underestimated that of its enemy to the degree that Russia did…
