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Posts published in February 2022
A month ago I wrote a column featuring former County Supervisor John McCowen’s thoughts on retiring CEO Carmel Angelo’s tenure in Mendo County. As I said then, a number of authoritarian, PC lunatics called McCowen’s…
My odd job for the morning was from a voice mail that came last night, in the early evening. A man said he was calling from a donut shop in the Sunset, and the guy…
The Johnnie Pinoli funeral at Evergreen Cemetery on a warm winter afternoon two weeks ago was a remarkable celebration of his life and roots in Anderson Valley. At least a hundred family and friends attended,…
Serial Coastal Thief Guilty Of Assault On A Sheriff’s Deputy With A Firearm; Will Receive Three Strikes Life Sentence. Defendant William Allan Evers, age 40, most recently a coastal transient, admitted Friday morning in the…
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Last week’s story of the Boonville People’s Park background promised that this week would reveal the details of the $178,000 funding recently awarded to the Park. The whole money trail started when Anderson Valley Community…