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Posts published in February 2022

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Feb. 28, 2022

Mostly Dry | Geneva | Russian Bombing | Berlin | Stiff Resistance | Prague | Beautifying Boonville | Mendo Poets | Boonville Projects | Milan | Al Testimonial | Ukiah Aerial | Lost Forest | Chicago | Spain Paroled | Affordable Housing | Stehr Hospitalized | Amsterdam | Power Costs | Tbilisi | Enough Dispensaries | Loose Lips | Mural Fever | Yesterday's Catch | Oslo | Crypto Putin | Crisis Response | Two Sides | Athens | Ukraine History | Defense | Slovenian Response | Lisbon | Cold Warring | New York | Nuclear Threat | Not Russia | All Electric | Paris | Growing Old | London | SNL Tribute | Liberace Tells | Red Disease | Copenhagen | Community College | Country Women | You Decide | Madrid | Angelo Legacy | With You | More Censorship | Munich | War Propaganda | St. Petersburg

The Humiliation of Dr. Chen

The US government has dropped charges against Dr. Gang Chen, an MIT scientist accused of concealing Chinese affiliations when he applied for $2.7 million in…

Fixing the World (a Dog’s Advice)

Longtime readers may recall that when the Spousal Unit leaves the house and the dog and I are alone with our brandy, we often have…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Feb. 27, 2022

Rain Chances | Homeless Shelter | High Alert | Loyd Ballew | Stained Glass | Host Al | Rabies Clinic | School News | Pet Anita | CoCo Raise | Salmon Creek | Ukiah Dispensary | Hay Harvest | Covelo Investigation | Town Hall | Elk Roadside | Free Lunch | Pomo Land | PGrrr&E | Police Reports | Honeymoon Fighters | Yesterday's Catch | Ed Notes | Romanov Ball | Ukraine Defense | Bird Wings | Live Music | Puppetshow | Dr. Strangelove | Revolutionary Women | Disconnected Politics | Dream Bowl | Marco Radio | Ukraine Flag | Visionary Neumann | Pretty Smart | In Ruins | Jeanne d'Arc | Holding On | Resistance

Uh Oh, No O’io!

Honolulu -- Hawaiian bonefish, called o’io here, have shoulders. They’re bigger, beefier and warier than their Caribe cousins. Not to worry If one of these…

Democrats: The More Effective Evil

When all else fails, when you are clueless about how to halt a 7.5% inflation rate, when your Build Back Better bill is gutted, when…

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Feb. 26, 2022

Cold Front | 10 New Cases | Kyiv Alone | Redbeard Strikes Out | Coast Hawk | Ukraine's Fate | Navarro Redwoods | War Masters | Under Seige | Jenny's Giant | Bulk Sale | Cynical Poll | Dimmock Highway | Supe Correspondence | Yesterday's Catch | Memory Loss | Noyo Fog | Most Dysfunctional | Commune Girls | Hillary Sedition | Russian Character | Happiness | Hun Smash | Player Revolt | Socialism Monkey | Marco Radio | Only We | Priced Out | UFO Quality | Ineffective Sanctions | Wax Heads | Black Lady | Albion Crew | Last Words | Soviet Spelling | Nicolini Memoir | Nevada Test

Hate Speech Nonsense: The Solutions

A month ago I wrote a column featuring former County Supervisor John McCowen’s thoughts on retiring CEO Carmel Angelo’s tenure in Mendo County. As I…


My odd job for the morning was from a voice mail that came last night, in the early evening. A man said he was calling…
