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Posts published in October 2021

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Oct. 28, 2021

Warm & Dry | 19 New Cases | Shirley Schield | Power Trio | Time Change | Montgomery Woods | Geniella Farewella | Budget Fudget | Young Safeway | Ed Notes | Parcel Tax | Massacre College | Spider Chart | Hopkins Disaster | Shasta Bioregion | One Storm | Moon Mountain | Dry Wells | Jacket Scuffle | Suspect Substances | Yesterday's Catch | Amish Lineup | Moldy Containers | Pirate Counsel | Palestinian NGOs | Jim Harrison | Stealing Home | Math Test | Teddy Roosevelt | Revolutionary Letters | Waterway Trespass | Kamp King | Grandfather Gruden | Mendo High

Supes Notes: Slouching Towards Clarity

An awkward moment arose at last Tuesday’s Supervisors meeting after the highly bureaucratic agenda Item 5h arose: “Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of Resolution…

Letters (October 28, 2021)

It seems like Election Day has become the most important day of the year with the partisan atmosphere we live in. Why not make it a federal holiday so people can vote in person...

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2021

Scattered Showers | 16 New Cases | Covid Boosters | Shirley Missing | Navarro Q&A | Estuary | Mudhole McCowen | Open Studio | Restrictions Rescinded | John Missing | Trent Q&A | Faulkner Update | Supes Briefs | Bunting Ukiah | Orr Springs | Pumpkins | Ed Notes | Marmon Shorn | Wildlife Intern | Hippie Highrise | Ganja Portal | Yesterday's Catch | Mort Sahl | Greenwood Waterfront | Skateboard Festival | Landscape 77 | Jewish Series | Ukiah Livery | Musk Tax | Garage | Wildfire Documentary | Neefus Gulch | Glass Beach

Off the Record (October 27, 2021)

COVID MISINFORMATION is everywhere, but I, a true believer in medical science and unimpeded speech, try to keep it outta here, the ava, where, when…

Valley People (October 27, 2021)

HOW LONG has it been since we enjoyed a Homecoming football game here in the Anderson Valley, with all its attendant ceremonies of student kings and queens?…

US Nursing Homes in Crisis: A Perfect Storm

This is the first in a two-part series in which we will examine the national picture for US nursing homes and then next week turn…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2021

Showers | 66 New Cases | River Resurgence | 128 Open | Muddy Noyo | Rainfall Amounts | Missing Lauren | Fabric Frolic | Harold/Maude | Death 88 | Gravel Job | Beach Surf | Pomo Massacres | Ed Notes | Gas Prices | Pot Futures | Yesterday's Catch | Silhouette | Hive Life | SJ Athletics | Woke Bookshelf | Vulgar Pansexual | Two Droughts | Ukiah Wall | Niner Washout | Space Oligarchs | Scattered Left | Lights Out | Baldwin Shooting | Chicken Ranchers | Heaven Sent | Kyrie's Name | Seminary Ave | Fishery Issues | Ukiah 1993 | Homeless Animals
