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Posts published in August 2021

Off the Record (August 18, 2021)

JAMES MARMON alerted us on Tuesday of last week that a suit had been filed in the Mendocino County Superior Court alleging that county law…

Valley People (August 18, 2021)

JOHN TOOHEY ASKS: Anybody have a best guess or strong suggestion of how you would say PANTHER in Boontling? Best I can come up with…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Shifting Winds | Red Flag Warning | 65 New Cases | 55th Death | Parting Shot | Highway Fire | Dumb Leader | Bragg Off | Cheap Vacation | No Snow | Ed Notes | Cannabis Invitational | Forest Confrontation | Free Testing | Picnic/Concert | Coast Clinics | Yesterday's Catch | Weed History | Careless People | Unmasked Staff | Chicken Top | Puppet Regimes | Domestic Manners | Vaccine Nightmare | The Past | Eddie Lepp | Butterfly | Comments | More Disaster | Turkey's Borders | No Comparison | Heads Roll | Facewall | Clueless Americans | Required Weapons | Strange Days | First Clam | War Profiteers | Newsom Worries | Send Off

Let’s Rodeo

Before we get started let’s learn how to correctly say rodeo, it’s  ro-dee-o, not ro-day-o. I never participated in a big-time rodeo venue. One time…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, August 16, 2021

Westerly Winds | Unhealthful Air | Possible Outage | Fire Watch | Unlearned Lesson | Imperial Hubris | River Cleanup | Anapolsky Memorial | Boonville Postcard | Wrong Number | Ukiah Switchboard | Ed Notes | Ukiah Baseball | Bunyan Hiring | Yesterday's Catch | Raise Coyote | Saigon Echo | Water Rights | Normal Bad | Stressful Times | WASP Pilot | Lemonade Stand | Fly Buzz | Psycho Rapist | Don't Recall | Fairytale Giants | Hannity Ode | Undeveloped Subdivision | Taliban Leader | Whitewashing Kabul | Landfill Logic | Mission Accomplished

Backdoor Maneuvers

ON JULY 11 we wrote about a very fishy Consent Calendar Item which had its origins going back to March:  Item 4ab). “Adoption of Resolution…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, August 15, 2021

Smoking Hot | Nye Produce | Bell Fire | Parched Mendo | Arson Blaze | Pet Sadie | Bridge Out | Long Walk | Mini Mini | Mendo Census | City Lights | Ed Notes | Bambino | Yesterday's Catch | Tiny Cottage | Marbles Lost | Mary's Lamb | Empire Graveyard | Kandahar Patrol | Defensible Space | Wooden Church | Barack Antoinette | Eyehold | Different Wars | Highway Act | Giant Bootprint | Do Nothing | Party's Over | Lynn Compton | Sako Radio
