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Posts published in February 2021

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Feb. 26, 2021

Chilly Mornings | 5 New Cases | Valerie Morse | Heron | Seen Barbara? | Downed Redwood | Groundhog Dayish | Gaytonville WSJ | Unity Club | Graceful Farewell | Curbside Library | Coast Deputy | Vaccine Distribution | Fire Crew | Asians Good | Coral Mushroom | Rail Trail | Beacon Abs | Ed Notes | Choose Damnation | Wheelchair Gang | Objectively Drunk | Old Clippings | Rutherford Found | Closing State | Yesterday's Catch | Remembering Ferlinghetti | Portrait | My Friend | With Howl | Trans Althletes | True Optimism | Underlying Conditions | Frozen Angel | Gina Canceled | Cagey Titles | Manichee | Sound Silence | Flight | F-35 Failed | Lithium Valley | Empty Houses | Opposing Tanden | Never Together

First New Year, Floodgate Bar

New Year's Eve, 1971-2, my consort and my first in Anderson Valley.  We had moved here from San Francisco on April Fools Day, been in residence for nine months, had made a few friends among the…

McGuire’s Gravy Trail

In the huge, multi-million dollar study which McGuire’s Great Redwood Trail 2018 bill commissioned which was to be completed by last summer (it was), we found these interesting paragraphs: “Following an open bidding process, NCRA’s…

Rush To Misjudgment

The first time I heard Rush Limbaugh was on my father’s car radio decades ago. Rush was lecturing away on some topic, I think illegal immigration and the horrors thereof, and went on and on.…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Feb. 25, 2021

Dry Gusts | Single Case | Marijuana Enforcement | Boonville Hotel | Calendulas | Welcomed & Ignored | Maillard House | Small Claims | Maillard Ranch | Carmel's Choice | Vaccine Appointments | Mo Listens | McFarland Trucking | Graffiti Abatement | Castle Toilet | MacKerricher Sand | Bikers | Ed Notes | Under Arrest | Sheriff Reports | Yesterday's Catch | Racist Nation | Beggarvision | Yosemite People | Public Education | Writer Writing | Bigger Slice | Minimum Wage | Capitalism Failing | Why Pay | Lost Tourist | Two Founders

Tracking Dana Gray

Ah, San Francisco…greatly beloved since the very day of my sixteenth birthday, when, with the ink barely dry on my driver’s license, I sallied forth to begin years of rock concerts, strolls down Haight and…

Laytonville Council To Supes: 10% Pot Rule Bad

As discussed here last week, County officials have now decided to expand pot cultivation effectively removing all caps on pot and open up rangeland to growing weed, despite opposition from the Sheriff, small cannabis farmers,…
