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Posts published in November 2020

Erasing Kayo’s Legacy

The New Yorker posted a piece Nov. 20 that reduced Terence Hallinan to a non-person. It had an odd title, "Kamala Harris and the Noble Path of the Prosecutor."  The author was a Harvard Law School…

David Norfleet

David Norfleet has died. In his memory we are posting the interview Steve Sparks did with the co-founder of the Boonville Brewery back in June 2009. We expect an obituary from the family next week.…

Mendocino County Today: November 27, 2020

High Pressure | David Norfleet | AVA HQ | Local Jam | Barn Collective | CJ Oregon | Art Sale | Creek | Silly Letter | Meadow | Forthright Rephrase | Hospitality Board | Logging Trestles | Allman Cove | Navarrette Sentencing | Carmel Candy | Outlaw Finley | Fort Braggery | AVCSD Impressive | Yesterday's Catch | Donut Holes | Hard Line | Prisoners | Pandemic Precautions | Kwakiutl Foraging | Salmon Restoration | Moon Pie | Very Descript | Holiday Wishes


Over the decades it wasn't just helping Sam Prather manage his sheep bands that introduced me to other ridgetops around The Valley. Sometimes it was other activities both agricultural and social, driving, for example, up…

Mendocino County Today: Thanksgiving, November 26, 2020

Dry Cold | Covelo Arrests | 17 Cases | Covid Active | Adrian Wallace | Homeless Meals | Feeding Troops | Unwritten Rules | Chopper Chopping | Ukiah Vote | Greenwood 1876 | McCowen Interview | McGourty Residence | Loggers | Ed Notes | Log Train | Signature Cure | Greenwood Parade | Capitol Insiders | Streetscape Update | Yesterday's Catch | Bostrodamus | Franklin Street | Bad College | Moving Day | Orange Jumpsuit | Downtown FB | Culture War | Noyo Wharf | Hollywood Joe | Loading Logs | Top Eleven | Engine Barn | Diego Maradona | Polarisation | Angler | Broader Perspective | Holiday Polka | Poetry Quiz | Pest Control | Hermaphrodite Radio | Startling Stories | Salmon Count | Climate Czar | Normal Imperialism | Wealthland | Attractive Meat | Happy TG

First, The Good Newes

Edward Winslow’s Good Newes from New-England published in 1624 in London begins its account in November of 1621. There is no word of the first Thanksgiving. As David Silverman shows in his This Land Is…

A History of Theater Fires in New York

A brief survey including Johnny Reb and his dastardly torches.
