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Posts published in November 2020

3.3 Earthquake

Monday evening (November 30, 5:06pm) midway between Navarro and Ukiah (a few miles south of Montgomery Woods State Natural Reserve) a 3.3 magnitude earthquake struck,…

Mendocino County Today: November 30, 2020

Weak Front | 10 Cases | Mendo Covid | Patricia McKee | Early Branscomb | State Guidelines | Logging Days | AV Village | Under Bed | Brownie Points | OK Stoners | Trestle | Right Thing | Plumber Needed | Inez's | Ukiah Fantasy | Albion Bridge | Curfew Enforcement | Yesterday's Catch | Massive Fraud | Albion Store | Lady Di | Iron Age | Rich Kids | Mattel Marauder | Israeli Blinders | Hellish Musak | Religious Superspreaders | Always Paris | Palindromes | Found Object

History Doesn’t Repeat Itself, It Rhymes

I grew up in Cleveland during the 1950s and ‘60s, a time when the city was a powerhouse and a mighty industrial colossus. Everyone worked…

Mendocino County Today: November 29, 2020

Cool Dry | Covid Rising | Pet Timber | Take Out | James Creek | Peachland History | Caspar Mill | Bassler Papers | Company Store | Weed Heist | Towerhouse | Ed Notes | Ladder Extension | Vaccine Questions | Yesterday's Catch | Bostrodamus | Here Lies | Working Class | Above Gualala | Outfoxing Fox | Redwood Hospital | Class Divisions | Last Vaccinated | Skunk Depot | Next Four | Pacific Coast | Bloody Turnips | Blue Door | Learning Cursive | Ciudad Juarez | Marco Radio | Wreckage Report | Trudeau Calculus | Managed Austerity | Found Object

Trump: King Of Denial & Savvy Saboteur

Are we having fun folks? Are we there yet? On a recent edition of the NewsHour, columnist David Brooks suggested that Donald Trump was going…

Whose Light Is It, Anyway?

It’s difficult to imagine any juxtaposition between the Rod Serling’s ‘60s epic television series, The Twilight Zone, and Don DeLillo’s new novel The Silence, but…

Mendocino County Today: November 28, 2020

Cold Dry | Foodbank Fundraiser | Boontberry Guavas | Lighthouse Upkeep | Camp Navarro | Crescent Arch | Upper Peachland | FB Buildings | Lake Pillsbury | Dino Dognapped | Flat Sorters | Ed Notes | Coach Perkins | Dispensary Permit | FB Fellers | Dahlia Sale | Probation Violation | BOLO Invaders | Stolen Firearms | Yesterday's Catch | Detroit Turkeys | Three Towers | Pope-a-Dope | County Line | Swamp Thang | Chisholm 1972 | Corn Popping | Snowden Interview | Permit Violations | Guilfoyle Hungers | BofA Questions | Folger Occassion | Marco Radio | Giraffa Camelopardalis

Erasing Kayo’s Legacy

The New Yorker posted a piece Nov. 20 that reduced Terence Hallinan to a non-person. It had an odd title, "Kamala Harris and the Noble Path…

David Norfleet

David Norfleet has died. In his memory we are posting the interview Steve Sparks did with the co-founder of the Boonville Brewery back in June…

Mendocino County Today: November 27, 2020

High Pressure | David Norfleet | AVA HQ | Local Jam | Barn Collective | CJ Oregon | Art Sale | Creek | Silly Letter | Meadow | Forthright Rephrase | Hospitality Board | Logging Trestles | Allman Cove | Navarrette Sentencing | Carmel Candy | Outlaw Finley | Fort Braggery | AVCSD Impressive | Yesterday's Catch | Donut Holes | Hard Line | Prisoners | Pandemic Precautions | Kwakiutl Foraging | Salmon Restoration | Moon Pie | Very Descript | Holiday Wishes


Over the decades it wasn't just helping Sam Prather manage his sheep bands that introduced me to other ridgetops around The Valley. Sometimes it was…
