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Posts published in February 2020

Letters (February 19, 2020)

[Francois Christen] In last week’s issue of the AVA, Bob Abeles took issue with the flyer that the AVCSD sent AV residents about the health issue posed by contaminated wells in Boonville

The Destruction Of California?

They don’t come to northern California for the bubbly, the marijuana or the luxury hotels and they don’t enjoy picnic lunches along the Russian River.…

Elk Store Adaptations

To our friends and neighbors in Elk,  Times like this call for creativity and community. As we are trying to heed recommendations to limit person-to-person…

Cesspool City

When I was little kid in the 1940s, in the early morning on New Year’s Day, my father would drive the empty streets to North…

The Noyo Center Gang

Out of power, booted from office and massively discredited by a $3 million dollar cash misallocation and a brazen cover-up, the old guard from ex-City…

Tony Linegar Retires

Tony Linegar was hired as Mendo’s Assistant Ag Commissioner in 2001. He became Mendo’s Ag Commissioner in 2009 when long time Mendo Ag Commissioner Dave…

A Cow Called Wanda

Dawn belongs to the heifers. Six of them wait every morning near the bottom of the hill. In fair weather a pickup truck brings alfalfa…

A Rogue Fungus

In the latter years of the Reagan administration, when even sophisticated urbanites were terrified of the AIDS virus and shunned those afflicted (never mind rural…

AV Land Trust Sues Peachland Family (Part 4)

There have been many board members who have quit the Anderson Valley Land Trust over the past few years. That might be normal for volunteer…
