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Posts published in October 2019

Veterans Day Service

[Nov 10] This coming Sunday at 10:30am prompt, the American Legion’s Kirk Wilder and myself will be presenting the Annual Veterans Day service alongside the…

Elderhome Benefit

[Nov 10] The AV Elderhome Annual Benefit Dinner at the Boonville Hotel is Sunday, November 10, 2019 from 3-7pm. $150 per person. Reservations required:…

Mushroom Event

[Nov 10] Mushroom ID hikes and Mushroom based culinary delights Nov. 10th at Jug Handle Creek Farm and Nature Center Jug Handle Creek Farm and…

MCT: Thursday, October 10, 2019

Day Two;
LakeCo Fubar;
Ed Notes;
Quiz Night;
Boys Soccer;
Boonville Raid;
Poleeko Roadhouse;
Philo Produce;
Elder Abuse;
Book Signing;
Candidate Soinila;
Disappointing Fundraiser;
Yesterday's Catch;
Caucasian Deportation;
Mo Memo;
Planning Agenda;
Ocean Cleaning;
Deep Stuff;
Sandbagging Bernie;
For You;
Detention Centers;
Rigged Elections;
Found Object

Symphony Concert

[Nov 9, 10] Symphony of the Redwoods, Fall Concert, Cotton Auditorium, Fort Bragg.

Book Signing

[Nov 9] Gallery Bookshop (45098 Main Street Mendocino) welcomes Katy Tahja back to share her new book, An Eclectic History of Mendocino County. Come say…

Cancer Fundraiser

[Nov 9] Autumn Evening In Willits Saturday, November 9, 6 to 9 p.m. Little Lake Grange, 291 School St., Willits There is a chill in…

Letters (October 9, 2019)

I see once again Ukiah’s fearless City leaders are going down the wrong road again literally with the State Street strangulation project.

Head of State

The body politic has human parts: head, limbs, heart. That body has an abundance of these in the case of the royal giant that brandishes…
