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Posts published in August 2019

MCT: Saturday, August 31, 2019

PG&E Returns;
Future Grid;
Bomb Dressing;
Calum Case;
Water Fund;
Cheap Propane;
Losing Plan;
Psilocybin Justice;
Yesterday's Catch;
Anniversary Flop;
Other Shoe;
Butterfly Babe;
Flow Kaka;
3-Day Weekend;
Museum Fundraiser;
Sunny Pinole;
LA County;
Nuevo Chamber;
Job Listings;
Military Spending;
Graham Greene;
Broadband Meeting;
Women's Retreat;
Fire Season;
Found Object

MCT: Friday, August 30, 2019

Energy Revolution;
Emergency Services;
EMR Course;
Foodshed News;
Traffic Delays;
Harnden Drawings;
Pot Hole;
1936 View;
Ed Notes;
Cigar Wisdom;
Ukiah Salon;
Census Jobs;
Willie Garrett;
Rental Scam;
Yesterday's Catch;
Biden Support;
Washington Farewell;
Questionable Quote;
Invisible Fist;
Famous Sexologist;
Art Walk;
Under Fire;
Replacement Cat;
Terrorist Coming;
Burning Man;
Dueling Etiquette;
No Wi-Fi;
Warrior Snobs;
Euro Measles;
Mad King;
Favorite Ride

Opus Opening Concert

[Sep 29] Symphony of the Redwoods - Opus Chamber Music Series This Sunday, September 29th at 3 PM in Preston Hall, Mendocino. The performers are…

Firesafe Fundraiser

[Sep 29] The Western Hills Fire Safe Council is hosting a fundraiser Sunday, Sept. 29th from 4-7 p.m. at Barra of Mendocino Wines, 7051 N…

MCT: Thursday, August 29, 2019

Dry Thunderstorms;
Flea Market;
Legal Expansion;
Strike Tour;
Cauckwell Show;
Slow Down;
Outdoor Grows;
Old Kitchen;
Holly Denied;
Tellie Case;
Lengthy Commute;
Silverman Show;
Ed Notes;
Navy Victims;
Rethink PG&E;
Loved Woolworth's;
Yesterday's Catch;
Foreign Policy;
Medical Expenses;
Threatening Officials;
Trump Matchups;
Staying Home;
Change Lawmakers;
Chez Eggplant;
Found Object

Measure V and Exemption

Measure V was a voter-approved 2016 local ballot measure that mandated that trees killed by herbicides left standing for 90 days were a public nuisance.…

Letters (August 28, 2019)

I very much wish that you would take a less negative view of the proposed multi use path along the route of the abandoned Northwestern Pacific rail line between Ukiah and Eureka.
