[Sep 29]
The Western Hills Fire Safe Council is hosting a fundraiser Sunday, Sept. 29th from 4-7 p.m. at Barra of Mendocino Wines, 7051 N State St, Redwood Valley. The Back Porch Project offers a musical extravaganza with their foot-stomping, rambunctious music. Neighbors enjoy food, grill, drinks, desert, and an opportunity to meet each other and mingle with community leaders.
The Western Hills Fire Safe Council (WHFSC) was created a year ago to mobilize residents of the Western Hills and educate them about fire-hardening homes and creating defensible landscapes. WHFSC has worked on evacuation routes and communication networks essential for surviving a disaster. Working in alliance with CalFIRE, the City, County, and Fire Chief Kevin Jennings, residents have been clearing brush, cutting trees, creating the recommended 100-foot buffer zones and hardening homes. However, not all residents have the income to hire workers for fire-hardening tasks, or the physical strength to undertake these tasks themselves. Monies from the Fundraiser will go toward hiring workers to assist residents in fire safety precautions, including vulnerable populations such as elderly, infirmed, and low-income.
Come party with us, help build our fire-conscious community, and raise funds for this critical work. The more homes and landscapes that are fire-hardened, the better chance for survival for all of us.
Tickets are $15.00 in advance through BrownPaperTickets.com and Mendocino Book Company. $20.00 at the door
Charitable Donations Welcome!
Make checks out to Mendocino County Fire Safe Council and in the Subject line put Western Hills FSC
Send checks to Kim Huffman, P.O. Box 1182, Ukiah, CA 95482
Questions? Contact Jeanne Wetzel Chinn at 415-672-1580 or jeanne@beingwithwolves.org.
“No one of us is safe until all of us are safe.”

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