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Posts published in March 2019

MCT: Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sunny Sunday;
Tuttle Tats;
Heartsick Methodists;
Police Tips;
Public Baths;
Licensure Gaps;
UFO Seduction;
Ed Notes;
Mueller Investigation;
LakeCo Hemp;
Yesterday's Catch;
Miss Tallulah;
Al's Swamped;
Living Dead;
Border Closing;
Venezuela Coup;
Mister Chaos;
Federal Lawsuit;
Condo Owners;
Marco Radio;
Boredom Solution;
Gaga Interest

Wildfire Talks

[Apr 30, May 7 & 14] Living with Wildfire in the Navarro River Watershed, a free three part series on consecutive Tuesday evenings at the…

MCT: Saturday, March 30, 2019

County Fees;
Lyle Tuttle;
Help Stanisloo;
Weed Deficit;
Burglars Nabbed;
DNA Evidence;
Scott Dam;
FB Priorities;
Gangster Squad;
CCC Rejections;
Yesterday's Catch;
Wokester Nightmare;
New Attorney;
Fringe Festival;
Mob Psychosis;
TV Newspaper;
Rhododendron Sale;
Macho Catholicism;
Algorithm Compliant;
Creepy Joe;
Science Dude;
Silicon Warriors;
Mueller Report;
Early Barr;
Theatre Production;
Marco Radio;
Cat Therapy;
Opening Day

Slave Ship Savagery

            In the men’s apartment, on the lower deck of an African ship of 297 tons burden, the space allowed to each slave is six…

MCT: Friday, March 29, 2019

Dry Weekend;
Show Photos;
Water Cops;
Hunting Schoolchildren;
Domestics Organizing;
Buckey Walter;
Breaking Even;
Ed Notes;
MacLeod Art;
Wife Bomber;
County-Line Run;
Airbnb Wars;
Yesterday's Catch;
NATO Madness;
Chinese Connections;
Way Out;
Finding Something;
Unhappy Meal;
Poor Israel;
Divorcing Parents;
Jalopy v Billboard;
Weed Glut;
Cloud Shadow;
Ocean Protection;
Eclipse Broadcast;
Jocko's Mutt;
Future Mueller;
Police Transparency;
LA Babes;
Quake Science;
Yacht Lady;
Monk Visitation;
Brother's Keeper;
Never Again

MCT: Thursday, March 28, 2019

Thunderstorm Maybe;
Richard Bennett;
David Rounds;
Permit Denials;
Board Discord;
MCDH Meeting;
Dispatchers Honored;
FB Poll;
Quiz Night;
Assault Rifles;
Carillo Sentenced;
Police Reports;
Camp Host;
Lake Closure;
Sea Rancher;
Hippo Chariot;
Yesterday's Catch;
Retrying Mumia;
Mark Rothko;
Israeli Groveling;
Wildfire Prevention;
Bear Scenario;
Report Reaction;
County Line;
Bluff Vote;
Tax Cut;
Vaccine Choice;
Shoshoni Motel;
Mendo Ultramarathon;
Colon Whiff;
Human Race;
Arms Scorecard;
Museum Screening;

Letters (March 27, 2019)

While perusing page seven in the Feb 7 edition of the AVA I see Mendocino County advertising for a substance abuse program and services manager.
