- Sunny Sunday
- Pets
- Tuttle Tats
- Heartsick Methodists
- Police Tips
- Public Baths
- Licensure Gaps
- UFO Seduction
- Ed Notes
- Mueller Investigation
- LakeCo Hemp
- Yesterday's Catch
- Miss Tallulah
- Al's Swamped
- Living Dead
- Border Closing
- Venezuela Coup
- Mister Chaos
- Lightning
- Federal Lawsuit
- Condo Owners
- Marco Radio
- Boredom Solution
- Gaga Interest
SUNNY SUNDAY, but more rain arriving Monday and Tuesday, clearing for a day or so on Wednesday. Then more showers on Thursday and Friday and Saturday. Highs in the 60s lows in the 40s. (NWS Eureka)
Butter is a 9-month-old, spayed, female, gray and white cat. Although Butter is a tad shy, she is also very sweet. She enjoys getting pets and attention. Butter will probably do best in a quiet, mellow home. Butter is a young cat who, we are sure, will come out of her shell once she is happy and secure in her new home, with her new family.

ATTENTION ROTTIE-LOVERS! Penny is a 3 year old, spayed, female, Rottweiler mix who currently weighs 80 pounds. Although Penny is a large dog, she is mellow and easy going. Penny is social and enjoys going for hikes and exploring. This high-flying girl wags her little stubby tail with abandon! She's happy, happy, happy! The Ukiah Animal Shelter is located at 298 Plant Road in Ukiah; adoption hours are Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday from 10 am to 4:30 pm and Wednesday from 10 am to 6:30 pm. To see photos and bios of the shelter's adoptable animals, and the shelter's programs, services and events, please visit us online at http://www.mendoanimalshelter.com For more information about adoptions please call 707-467-6453.
by Justine Frederiksen
(Editor’s note: According to his family, Lyle Tuttle died at his home in Ukiah on March 25. A service is planned for 2 p.m. March 30 at Eversole Funeral Home on Low Gap Road. This story, in which he described much of his life, was originally published in The Ukiah Daily Journal in March of 2011.)
Ukiah resident Lyle Tuttle is not ashamed of the tattoos that nearly cover his body from neckline to ankles, but it’s no accident that a long-sleeved shirt and pants will easily hide them.
“I love them, but they’re mine,” the 79-year-old said, explaining that when he walks outside, he likes that he can choose whether
people can see them. “I’m out in the public with them all the time. I like to have a day off.” It’s hard to imagine he’s had a lot of those days, however. His life, as well as his skin, seems to have been devoted to the art.
Tuttle said his fascination with tattoos began when he was 10 years old and saw men returning from World War II with the ink, forever equating it with adventure, travel and escape from small towns such as Boonville and Ukiah.
“As a kid, you couldn’t have tied me to a redwood to get me to stay,” he said.
The big city — San Francisco — constantly beckoned, and when he was 14, he finally made it there on his own. “Not to get tattooed,” he said. “But, I did run across a tattoo shop. And I didn’t know where it was going to take me.”
For $3.50, Tuttle got “Mother” drawn across a heart on his forearm. The price was right, he said, and “I liked my mom.”
After that, Tuttle said he jumped on any chance to go back to the city, “trying to convince anyone with a car to skip school and go.”
Eventually, Tuttle dropped out of high school and at 17, tried to join the world of tattoo artists. But in the 1940s, the world of tattoos was hidden, and the people who made them didn’t welcome outsiders.
But the brother of C.J. “Pop” Eddy, a tattoo artist in the city who built his own machines, worked for Tuttle’s father, so “that was my in,” Tuttle said. The “old curmudgeon” showed the teen the ropes, and at 18, “I went pro.”
After a stint in the U.S. Marine Corps and carving tattoos in “seaports” like Long Beach, Anchorage and Oakland, Tuttle opened up his own shop in San Francisco next to the Greyhound bus station. Luck had struck again, placing him in the right place at the right time.

“It was the hub of the West Coast,” Tuttle recalled. “I was in everybody’s favorite city, and the women’s liberation movement was just beginning.”
When women felt free enough to get tattoos, Tuttle said, they “put tattooing on the map. It went off like a rocket.”
Suddenly, the second half of the population was now available as canvases, “and they liked smaller tattoos, which I preferred to do anyway.”
In his “heyday” of the 1960s and ’70s, Tuttle tattooed celebrities such as Janis Joplin, Cher and Peter Fonda, and was featured on the cover of “Rolling Stone” magazine.
“As a high school dropout, I think I did pretty good for myself,” Tuttle said with a smile. “It was an unbelievable period.”
The collector
On his arm now, that first tattoo blends seamlessly with the “jumpsuit” of souvenirs Tuttle’s gathered over 65 years of travel.
“It’s like stickers on luggage,” he said, pointing out a tattoo he got in Norway. Tuttle has gotten tattooed on nearly every continent, and when he’s not collecting the art on his body, he’s collecting bits and pieces of the people and tools that created it for centuries.
“I’ve got the world’s largest collection of tattoo artifacts,” said Tuttle, describing that collection as 800 pieces ranging from wooden tools from Borneo to the traveling equipment cases tattoo artists used 100 years ago so they could hop on trains with everything they needed.
“There’s people in Europe who hate me now,” Tuttle said, explaining that he forged a path through there, scooping up items before “anyone else had the idea these things might be valuable.”
During a 1974 trip alone, Tuttle said he spent $54,000 buying pieces.
“I put all my money into that collection,” he said, explaining that he did display it for years in his “Tattoo Art Museum” alongside his San Francisco shop, but lost the building during the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989.
Since then, Tuttle said his collection has been without a home, stored away in the house he grew up in and wherever else he can find room.
He said he’s gotten serious offers from buyers, including the “Dutch government, but I want the collection to stay in the States.”
Tuttle said he wants to open the museum in Mendocino County, where now “you couldn’t tie me to the Golden Gate Bridge to keep me away from.” He said the museum would draw visitors from all over, but first it needs a building.
“I’d open it in my house, but I’ve got enough stuff to fill up the Louvre in Paris,” he said, explaining that he dreams of putting the collection in what is now the Mendocino County Courthouse, or the former library building near Alex Thomas Jr. Plaza.
In the meantime, Tuttle said he officially retired from tattooing in 1990, but travels extensively throughout the year to shows. In the next few weeks alone, Tuttle said he was headed to Massachusetts, Florida, Copenhagen and Amsterdam.

And at each stop, Tuttle said he will gladly tattoo his name for free on the first person who asks.
“I tell people to catch me early,” he said. “I’ve had people camping outside my hotel room.”
(Courtesy, the Ukiah Daily Journal)
Comment 1: "I had no idea Lyle Tuttle lived in Ukiah. He did my first tattoo 40 something years ago. He had a place near the bus station in SF at the time. I had heard he had tattooed Janice Joplin and Jimmy Hendricks. I still have his card somewhere among my souvenirs.It would be nice for the County to get the collection. I remember in the 70's everyone was talking about him/his work.
Comment 2: "For some unknown reason, when i was twenty-ish, i decided i wanted a tattoo. This was before everyone was inking. Tattoos were illegal in New York state, but when i made my break from NYC to Berkeley, and met up with an old boyfriend, he took me to Lyle Tuttle’s tattoo parlor, next to the Greyhound bus station in San Francisco. I got a real Lyle T on my wrist (which made my poor mother hysterical, offering me a thousand bucks to have it “CHIPPED OFF.”) Twenty five-ish years ago, i ran into him at the home of King Collins, during a meeting regarding some graphics work for Mendo College. I showed him the tatt; he was funny and a gentleman."
We of the Ukiah United Methodist Church are heartsick that the global United Methodist Church delegates passed in a narrow vote on Feb. 26, 2019, for the whole UMC denomination to deny full inclusion for our LGBTQIA siblings – denying them ordination and the ability to be married in our churches and by our clergy. This “Traditional Plan” also enforces new punishments for clergy and jurisdictions that will not obey the new rules. The world-wide vote was extremely close, with super-conservative delegates winning the vote by less than seven percent. In contrast, more than 66 percent of the United States delegates and 80 percent of the UMC bishops world-wide supported the “One Church Plan,” which affirmed the full inclusion of LGBTQIA persons.
We apologize to all who have been injured by this unconscionable vote that is in direct opposition to the words and life of Jesus. Although we are sad and angry, we are responding by deepening our love and our connection with those who are working to stop injustices like this. We will do whatever civil disobedience necessary to continue being an “open minds, open hearts, open doors” church. We are holding hope, realistically.
Ukiah UMC is part of the very progressive Western Jurisdiction of the UMC, which has elected the first gay Bishop, ordained many gay clergy, and married same-sex couples. We are confident of the support of our Jurisdiction and beyond to continue to ordain and marry and in all ways advocate for full inclusion of all God’s children. We remain a truly inclusive spiritual community, delighting in diversity and growing in love.
Ukiah United Methodist Church is a “Reconciling Congregation,” what we call a “Welcoming and Affirming Congregation.” We are intentional about extending welcome to all, regardless of personal identifiers, and we support full inclusion of LGBTQIA persons in the life of the church – including the right to be married in the church and to be ordained.
After the devastating vote, one of the delegates avowed, “I’d rather be excluded for including everyone, than included for excluding anyone.” That is the stance of the Ukiah United Methodist Church, our Western Jurisdiction, as well as of two-thirds of the Methodist delegates in the nation.
To learn more about how we interpret the Bible in light of these issues and other considerations relating to human sexuality, see our website, www.ukiahumc.org. To learn more about the Reconciling Methodist Network around the world, see www.RMN.org. To follow the Western Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church, see http://westernjurisdictionumc.org. One helpful video by Rev. Adam Hamilton, from the largest UMC in the world, Church of the Resurrection, helps with some background and particulars, https://cor.org/worship-online.
Everyone is welcome to our church. We worship at 10 a.m. on Sundays. We are proud to host P-FLAG meetings. We hope to increase our advocacy and collaboration with PFLAG, GLAM and Pride Alliance also. We host 12-Step groups, provide food for the hungry and personal items and blankets for Project Sanctuary, have Welcoming Potlucks, Bible studies, creative and musical events, and participate in actions for social justice locally and globally. This is how we follow our church’s teachings. On April 13, all are invited to our Attitude of Gratitude FUNdraiser, with an appetizer competition and live music. Come visit us at the corner of Pine and Standley Streets. For more information, you can call us at (707) 462-3360.
Pastor Judy Shook and the Administrative Board of Ukiah United Methodist Church
ED NOTE: We're trying hard to keep up, so, like, of the LGBTQIA what does the I and the A stand for?
Thank you for participating in the poll! 93% of the people who responded had the correct answer:
Other than calling 911, which phone number should you call to have a Fort Bragg Police officer respond? – Call Dispatch at 707-964-0200.
We want to encourage community members to call the police department if they are concerned about some activity in their neighborhood. In light of the number of incidents in Fort Bragg the past couple of weeks, we asked Chief Lizarraga to answer some questions about how to report crimes, suspicious activity and tips to the Fort Bragg Police Department.
1) How does someone report a crime? Suspicious activity?
• If there is a crime in progress where someone may be hurt, or the suspect is on scene, you can call 911. This should be reserved for serious in progress crimes (violent, burglaries, car thefts etc.).
• Reporting non-emergency type crimes or suspicious activity can be done by calling dispatch directly at 707-964-0200.
2) What is the difference between a crime, a tip, and suspicious activity?
• A crime is when someone is violating the penal code by committing a crime against a person or property;
• A Tip is when you have information on a crime that occurred such as people involved, or where evidence of the crime is;
• Suspicious activity is when you see something or someone acting in a manner that is not “normal” or “quite right for the situation”, something is out of place but you’re not sure what. Or you see someone that is acting like they don’t want other people to know what they’re doing. May not be a crime, but it could be. The only way to know is for our officers to look into it.
3) I’m scared of my neighbors. How do I report something and remain anonymous?
• If you want to remain anonymous, when you call into dispatch, let them know that. Tell them you don’t want your name or contact information broadcast. They will then have the officers call dispatch and they will relay information over the phone so it doesn’t go out over the air. Anonymous tips can also be left on the anonymous Tip-Line at 961-3049.
4) Is it required that I leave my name and contact information?
• It is not required, but we encourage it. This way, if we’re not seeing what you called in about, we or dispatch can contact you for further information and/or clarification on what is going on.
5) Anyone can have a police radio. How do you keep my information from being broadcast?
• See number three above. We can handle things over the phone. Not as fast, but it can be done.
(Fort Bragg Police Chief Fabian Lizarraga presser)

The Bureau of Cannabis Control, California Department of Public Health, and California Department of Food and Agriculture are taking steps to prevent gaps in licensure when active temporary commercial cannabis licenses expire.
Each licensing authority is tracking expiration dates of temporary licenses and intends to issue a provisional license to qualified temporary license holders before their current temporary license expires. To qualify for a provisional license, an applicant must:
(1) Hold or have held a temporary license for the same premises and the same commercial cannabis activity for which the provisional license will be issued; and
(2) Have submitted a completed license application to the licensing authority, which must include a document or statement indicating that California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance is underway.
If you are contacted by your state licensing authority for additional information, please respond promptly so that processing of a provisional license is not delayed.
Please note that a completed application for purposes of obtaining a provisional license is not the same as a sufficient application to obtain an annual license. Licensees issued a provisional license are expected to be diligently working toward completing all annual license requirements in order to maintain a provisional license.
Temporary or provisional licensees must meet all statutory and regulatory requirements in order to receive an annual license.
California Department of Food and Agriculture

THE GIANTS are already in mid-season form, right down to Brandon Belt's game-ending take of a called third strike that might have been a gnat's eyelash high. During this last season of Bochy's reign the Boch will of course never bunt, never call any kind of squeeze, and pitch-count even if the guy has a no-hitter going. And poor old Larry Baer is suspended for not hitting his wife, the suspension's reason being that baseball people are role models, for whom has gone unspecified. How this team could go from world championships to rolling disaster is one of the Bay Area's great mysteries.
OCASIO-CORTEZ sure has the Fox haircuts scared, while her own party tries to figure out how to put her back in the box. Every day there's a headline somewhere like this one: "New poll reveals AOC's firebrand style of politics is not popular with voters, with less than a quarter giving her a favorable rating." Not one of the announced candidates has embraced her, and the entrenched dinos of the Pelosi type whimper that AOC "is too far to the left" when her ideas are really only an upgrade of Roosevelt's New Deal.

This seems relevant to the current discussion occurring in Mendo on the same subject. Don’t know if you know the new Record-Bee managing editor, Ariel Carmona, but as I understand it (vaguely) he was previously employed by the Ukiah Daily Journal. He is doing a wonderful job at the local “newspaper of record” and, for the first time in my almost-20 years in Lake County, the rag is readable and useful, thanks to him and the superior writer, Aidan Freeman. Together, they are covering issues and county/city management for the redneck mothers and chamber of commerce and farmers of all kinds of cultures on this side of the Cow.
Agricultural Commissioner Steven Hajik Suggests A Moratorium
By Aidan Freeman
LAKEPORT -- Next week, the Lake County Board of Supervisors will consider its approach to the recently federally legalized cousin of the marijuana industry industrial hemp.
Lake County Agricultural Commissioner Steven Hajik is asking for the board’s direction on whether to place a 45-day moratorium on industrial hemp as other Californian counties like Mendocino and Yolo have done, or to allow the crop to be grown with some extra regulations beyond that of other agricultural products in Lake County.
Industrial hemp has been federally legalized since Jan. 1, 2019 when Congress’s 2018 “Farm Bill” took effect, which deleted the crop from the fed’s list of Schedule 1 controlled substances.
Unlike the legal commercial marijuana industry, which is subject to heavy taxes and regulations and is regulated differently from other agriculture by federal or California agencies, industrial hemp is more closely aligned with other farm products and is taxed less.
While states like Oregon, Kentucky and Colorado have already allowed the hemp industry to grow, California is moving more slowly. The California Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2013, which authorized hemp production and allowed for registration of hemp farmers, took effect only after Proposition 64 passed in 2016, legalizing recreational marijuana and activating the 2013 hemp farming laws. The state then formed the Industrial Hemp Advisory Board to develop regulations for the hemp industry.
After proposing an initial plan in 2017 and an updated set of rules in May 2018, that board’s recommended method of regulating the hemp industry is just now coming up for an April 3 decision by the California State Office of Administrative Law. Among other things, the regulations would set an annual $900 registration fee for hemp farmers and a limitation on the amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, pot’s psychoactive ingredient) allowed to be present in a hemp crop.
But Hajik and other agricultural commissioners are concerned about how their counties will react to the state’s decision next week. Without regulations in place at the county level, a white paper drafted by the California Agricultural Commissioner and Sealer Association argues that “there is no clarity regarding many significant items of concern,” which include how to enforce THC content limits, and what credentials are required for a hemp farmer to be registered as being affiliated with an Established Agricultural Research Institution. With such EARI registration, hemp crops are allowed to contain more than the standard 0.3 percent THC content, blurring the line between industrial hemp and pot, its psychoactive counterpart.
Should the state approve the proposed regulations, as Hajik writes it will “probably” do, Lake County would have to issue registrations for hemp farmers. A 45-day moratorium on industrial hemp would give time to Lake County to create regulations to “catch up with the registration process,” writes Hajik.
Other business
Also Tuesday, the board of supervisors will discuss a limited moratorium on commercial cannabis cultivation that would restrict the influx of new cannabis permits until Oct. 1 to 12 each month. The moratorium follows a recent amendment to the county’s cannabis cultivation ordinance that allowed new permit applications to be considered.
The board will also consider appointments based on applications from residents to several county advisory boards. The appointments will fill vacancies at the Lucerne Area Town Hall, the Middletown Area Town Hall, the Scotts Valley Community Advisory Council, and the Maternal Child Adolescent Health Advisory Board.
The Lake County Board of Supervisors meets on the first, second, third and fourth Tuesdays of each month beginning at 9 a.m. in the board chambers at the Lake County Courthouse, 255 N. Forbes St., Lakeport.
CATCH OF THE DAY, March 30, 2019

DEBORAH ANDERSON, Ukiah. Disobeying court order.
ROBERT BASS JR., Ukiah. Disorderly conduct-alcohol.

JESSICA EWING, Philo. Addict with teargas, resisting, probation revocation.
NICHOLAS HALVORSEN, Fort Bragg. Elder abuse, protective order violation, probation revocation. (Frequent flyer.)
ADAM LAFLIN, Willits. Disorderly conduct-alcohol, failure to appear, probation revocation.

LAMAR MANUEL, Ukiah. Parole violation.
JOSHUA MENG, Ukiah. Contempt of court, probation revocation.
ARTHUR PETERS, Willits. Controlled substance.

MACIANO PICENO, Ukiah. Disorderly conduct-alcohol.
CIERRA SANZONE, Willits. Disorderly conduct-alcohol, resisting.

RACHAEL SEIVERTSON, Ukiah. Probation revocation.
EDWARD STEELE JR., Ukiah. Failure to appear. (Frequent flyer)
JONATHAN WOLFE, Redwood Valley. Parole violation, probation revocation.
After I had passed all my cryptography exams I was allowed a weekend in New York. So I caught that train through the snow, through the slushy streets of New York, and I went right away to the Plymouth Theatre. Because two weeks earlier, the Thornton Wilder play ‘By the Skin of Our Teeth’ had opened. With Tallulah Bankhead in the starring role.

And on the train with me coming from some other radio school or something I heard this boy who was in a private uniform just as I. And I said, "What part of the South are you from?" He said, "I'm from Greensboro, Alabama." I said, "That's not too far away from where I live." So we went together to the theater. He had never been anywhere. So I went to the box office and I said, "I declare, I know it's pretty late to get seats for tonight but we are from Alabama and we just love Miss Tallulah." And she looked at me and found two tickets. I've always said, If you can't put your southernisms to good use, don't use them at all.
Then I wrote a note and gave it to the usher, a very charming older lady, at intermission. It said, "Dear Miss Tallulah. I'm from Mobile, Alabama, and you might remember my name. I'm a friend of the Sledges." That was old Dr. Sledge. And see, Tallulah's mother was Eugenia Sledge. The old doctor was a first cousin of Eugenia. And I said, "I'd love just to come backstage and say hello afterward." I signed it, "Private Eugene Walter." When the show was over and I was in the lobby the usher to whom I had given the note was waiting for me. She said, "Miss Bankhead would be delighted to see you. Just go on backstage. Send in your name." So I went backstage and oh you know what a thrill to go in that alley. Just the idea of the stage door. New York, New York.
I was met by a snotty doorman who said, "No, no, no." And I said, "Miss Bankhead is expecting me. I'm from Alabama." He said, "Oh." So I went in and there were all these high-ranking naval officers and some very distinguished older people there. I stood very shyly with my new friend from Greensboro right there in the corner behind the Navy officers who were very know it all types.
Suddenly this English lady appeared at the top of the stairs. You could tell she was English because she was wearing a tweed skirt that had a pleat with little inner pleats and it. And a sweater set in a pale color and one string of pearls. Her hair was in a 30s sort of bob. And no makeup except a little bit of rouge. She appeared at the top and now I won't swear that she had a longnette, but it was the impression of one. Maybe she just extended her glasses to read this note, but maybe she did have a little longnette. She said, "Is Private Walter here? If you come this way, sir." Then they parted like the Red Sea. Or the navy blue sea. And I went through, you know, "Excuse me, excuse me," as I went up the stairs. I allowed myself to turn and look over my shoulder and go ha ha ha to those officers.
Then I went in and there she was. With this honey colored hair. She was one of those 100 brushstrokes a night Southern girls. And it shone. It's shone. And she had those twinkling eyes and she still had her cheekbones. She said something like, "Good evening, darling. Did you enjoy the show?"
And I said, "Oh, Miss Tallulah, I did enjoy the show." In the second act she runs down the aisle for her first entrance, you see. It's the convention of the Rotary or something in Atlantic City and she is a bathing beauty. She runs down the aisle of the theater in this red bathing suit, twirling this red umbrella. I said, "Oh, Miss Tallulah, when the show is over you ought to send that red umbrella to the state of Alabama because we ought to make a shrine over that like they made over Buddha’s tooth in Ceylon."
She went, "Oh, oh, oh." She was behind a little screen getting into slacks and a blouse. She said, "I'll give you — ho ho ho — something much better for the shrine." Woh, woh, woh. And she gave me three pubic hairs. One of which I still have. I traded one for a beautiful leather bound translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses by various people like Addison, Ben Jonson, etc., printed by the very famous Jacob Thompson, the famous typographer and bookbinder. I traded one pubic hair to an Englishman for that book. I have forgotten what I traded the other one for. The last one is in my reliquary by Zev. It's got the horn of the last known unicorn that was killed the day Voltaire was born. And in the bottom I have a 1926 rare English porcelain of a lady with a bob in striped pajamas. It's called First Cigarettes. She's smoking her first cigarette. Inside that porcelain, inside a plastic bit, is the pubic hair of Tallulah. When you go over there you feel this warmth. I get the electricity.
I saw her again after the war. It was 1946. I went to the theater and sent her a note and again she received me during and this is the image I really retain of her. It was snowing outside -- she didn't have a hat. She was wearing black velvet slacks and a white satin blouse and a big mink thrown over her shoulders. She never put her arms in the sleeves. And this honey colored hair was full of snowflakes. She was going to a party and I was going to meet some friends at a restaurant nearby. So I was going to escort her to the limousine. We were just chatting away about Alabama. And we looked down Shubert Alley and at the other end of Shubert Alley there was the Salvation Army girl with her tambourine, her scarf, and her hat with the bonnet, freezing to death, and she had this tripod with a little cauldron covered with chicken wire. Tallulah said, "Oh my God. Come with me, darling."
We went all the way down Shubert Alley. She reached into her slacks pocket and pulled out a wad of dollar bills and stuffed them in there. And she said to the Salvation Army girl, "There, there, darling, I know it's been a perfectly ghastly season for you Spanish dancers." I just loved it.
The last time I saw her was at a party in New York. It was an interesting group of people, actors and dancers and all that. And Thelma Carpenter was there, the black singer who comes from someplace up the road from Jasper, Alabama, where Tallulah comes from. Tallulah had never met her. She had never met Tallulah. And they just fell into each other's arms, you know. "Oh Possum Hollow. Oh Boogaloo Junction. Oh Jasper. Oh Coconut." And all that. Alabama meets Alabama. Tallulah was being escorted by this Harvard boy. I don't think he was a football player but he was a big Harvard boy with wide shoulders in beautifully tailored clothes. Just smelling of money. A young guy. He kept saying, "You know, oh come on, Tallulah, you said we'd go to your place, come on, Tallulah." He was just itching. She said, "I lived for many years near Jasper but the family house was not in Jasper." Then Thelma said, "Well, I went to high school in Possum Hollow you know." This boy was sitting there going mad and finally Tallulah said, "Oh darling." She carried a little purse just like the Queen of England — basics. I thought, Well, she's got a few thousand dollar bills and a little mother-of-pearl comb, and the lipstick, and that's all she's got in there. She opened it up, click, and took out a bunch of keys, and said, "Dear darling, you go on over to my place. If I'm not there in an hour start without me."
But you see, they made Tallulah what is called camp. She was not. She was a Southern lady who was frank in her speech. As real Southern ladies always were. All the Puritanism came late in the game. And you see, Tallulah used to come to Mobile on the sly every two or three years and buy cases and cases of this one postcard showing azaleas blooming at the entrance of the Bankhead Tunnel. She used to send that to everybody on earth for Christmas. They never knew that there was a tunnel here named for her father or uncle, whichever it was. They thought it was some bawdry that she invented. Bankhead Tunnel. Anyway, she was a great actress. And an elegant Southern lady with a down to earth quality. She really was a marvelous creature.
(from ‘Milking the Moon,’ by Eugene Walter as told to Katherine Clark)
Wanted: a place with solid ground to live and to do my hobby work…
I just can’t get over the fact that where I live now is not proper for me to do my hobby work when not out doing my handyman work. Swampy my whole area, can’t even drive my truck to my immediate area to load tools or whatever, back and forth with handcart or wheelbarrow, it sucks. I know I can do better than what I’m having to deal with there. My last place of stay I had an airplane hangar where I was making great progress on my future work truck, changing the motor and transmission, quality work and runs great now, but I still have a few more things to do to it. My hobby work consists of sandblasting painting welding fabricating restoring anything I have in my heart to do. I thought I was gonna be able to build a little shop for myself at my new swampy place of stay to finish my truck but I was told it was a bad idea, no can do in other words. My rent is $400 a month plus electrical bill which last month was $75, charging me 26 cents a kilowatt. This is not easy for me to do because its causing me more work physically and mentally causing a strain on me. Please someone help me, like really help me to get ahead or back to when I had it proper to do my life. I'm 60 years old, no drugs or booze, no dog no cat and no immediate friends. I moved here 1 year and a half ago from Leggett, then from Laytonville, then from Napa, and originally born and raised in San Francisco. HELP!!! 707-409-4147
Alfred Nunez allymotocat@gmail.com
by Juan Jose Millas (translated by Louis S. Bedrock)
Every single one of us that was in that subway car would die. One day we would die. I looked carefully at the faces of the travelers. They were my brothers and sisters in death. One by one we would be dropping, perhaps the youngest first. The car was full, packed to the seams. A lot of death: a veritable massacre.

I had found a seat and was holding a newspaper in my hands. I had read the sports news and the financial news, the cultural news, and societal news, and the domestic and worldwide political news in that order, without taking a single step toward understanding anything. The world continued to be incomprehensible. After reading, I only knew that sooner or later we were all going to die. Whenever you throw something in the air, it falls. Whenever someone is born, he dies. Etcetera.
I fantasized about the possibility that there were an immortal among the crowd. I looked for one but didn’t find any. Everyone carried the mark of death in his or her expression. I opened the newspaper once again, this time reading the editorial to absolutely no avail. I imagined a newspaper in which, the next day, on the first page, in five columns, appeared this headline: “90 people who are going to die happen to meet in a subway car at the same time on the same day. Juan Jose Millas, who was among them, preferred not to make any statement.”
I noticed that that news article helped me to understand the world better than the story about the cooling off of the economy. At that moment, the doors of the subway opened and an woman entered with whom I exchanged a casual glance that was nevertheless replete with meaning as if she too shared the secret about what was awaiting us. I got off the train at the Callao stop since the Gran Via was closed because of municipal construction projects.
INDIA PAKISTAN WAGAH ATTARI BORDER Closing Ceremony (By Sanjeev Bhaskar)
The concerted campaign by the US and Canada to install Juan Guaidó as the new ‘self-declared’ interim President of Venezuela has been met with initial failure. Unfortunately, the illegal and undemocratic attempts to destabilize the country and overthrow the democratically-elected President will continue with harmful consequences.
Trump hates health care for two reasons. First, it would apply to every US resident, white or otherwise. Trump does not like that otherwise part at all. It would also make the United States a more decent and caring place. To Trump's mind, that is weakness. Something losers and pussies do. To the Great Golden One things which accents his faux Augustinian presence and puffs up the phony is good. Anything which raises the common boat in a rising tide is bad for him because then his golden light can’t shine. An equitable society would prevent people like Trump from hiding in plain sight like the naked emperors they are. Trump hides behind chaos so his failures don’t get talked about and it works well for him. He has been doing it successfully all his life and is a master of the game.

by Dan Bacher
The Trump administration today filed a lawsuit against the State Water Resources Control Board for “failure” to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for its approval of increased flows for salmon, steelhead and other species on the San Joaquin River.
Fishing and environmental groups called the litigation a “frivolous attempt” to divert more water and “destroy salmon industry jobs and families.”
The Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) today filed its civil actions against the State Water Board in both federal and state court.
On December 12 of last year, the Board approved and adopted amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta Estuary and the related Substitute Environmental Document (SED) that would increase flows needed for imperiled salmon, steelhead and other fish species in the San Joaquin River and its tributaries, as required under state law.
The amendments set a 40% flow standard for three tributaries that flow into the lower San Joaquin River — the Stanislaus, Tuolumne and Merced rivers - and a revision of the salinity standard for the South Delta. Some environmental groups backed the flow standard, while many environmental and fishing groups had pushed for the adoption of a 60 percent flow standard, based on the science. A State Water Board report published in 2010 found that restoring native salmon and steelhead would require 60 percent of the San Joaquin River’s unimpaired flow.
The board also voted to "create a space" for a proposal regarding voluntary agreements outlined in the meeting by Department of Water Resources Director Karla Nemeth and Department of Fish and Wildlife Director Charlton H. Bonham. That proposal was promoted by San Joaquin Valley agribusiness interests and water agencies.
However, the Trump administration claims that the amended plan “fails to comply with CEQA and, once implemented, will impair DOI’s ability to operate the New Melones Dam consistent with Congressional directives for the project.”
New Melones Dam is a major storage dam operated by the federal Bureau of Reclamation on the Stanislaus River, a major tributary of the San Joaquin River, in California’s Mother Lode region.
“The environmental analysis by the California State Water Resources Control Board hid the true impacts of their plan and could put substantial operational constraints on the Department of the Interior’s ability to effectively operate the New Melones Dam which plays a critical role in flood control, irrigation, and power generation in the Sacramento region,” claimed Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Bossert Clark for the Department of Justice’s Environment and Natural Resources Division, in a statement. “The Department of Justice will continue to advocate on behalf of our federal partners, especially when it comes to the proper application of federal and state environmental laws.”
“As stated in our letter to the Board on July 27, 2018, today’s lawsuit affirms the Bureau of Reclamation’s continued opposition to the State Water Board plan. The plan poses an unacceptable risk to Reclamation’s water storage and power generation capabilities at the New Melones Project in California and to local recreational opportunities,” said Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Brenda Burman. “We pledge our commitment to environmentally and economically sound water management for California’s farms, families, business, and natural resources, and the American public as a whole.”
The lawsuits filed today allege that in approving the amended plan and final SED, the Board failed to comply with the requirements of CEQA in the following ways:
“The Board failed to provide an accurate, stable and finite project description, because the Board analyzed a project materially different from the project described in the project description;
The Board improperly masked potential environmental impacts of the amended plan by including carryover storage targets and other reservoir controls – mitigation measures – in its impacts analysis and by not analyzing the impacts of the amended plan on the environment without reservoir controls; and
The Board failed to adequately analyze the impacts of the amended plan, including with respect to water temperature and related water quality conditions, and water supply.”
As alleged in the lawsuits, the United States “will be directly and substantially impacted by the Board’s actions, which impacts include, but are not limited to, operational constraints on the New Melones Project, loss of available surface water supplies for New Melones Project purposes, including Central Valley Project (CVP) water service contracts, and involuntary dedication of federal reservoir space for Board purposes.”
Fishing and environmental groups blasted the lawsuit as “frivolous” — and said it is a “direct threat to states rights” and threatens similar processes taking place in other California river watersheds.
“California has authority over the waters in the state and exercises that through the State Water Resources Control Board which acted appropriately on December 12 to re-balance a badly out of balance water diversion scheme in the San Joaquin Valley,” said John McManus, President of the Golden Gate Salmon Association. “The lawsuit filed today by the federal government is a frivolous attempt to see more water diverted and more salmon industry jobs and families destroyed. The federal lawsuit pretends that ten years of hard work by the State Water board and thousands of pages of scientific documentation leading up to the December 12 decision never happened."
“The Trump administration is suing California for trying to restore water flows for salmon in the Bay Delta and San Joaquin under California's law,” said Regina Chichizola of Save California’s Salmon in a Facebook post. “This is a direct threat to state's rights and threatens similar processes in the Sacramento, Shasta, Eel and Russian Rivers.”
The Trump administration is represented in this action by Assistant Attorney General Clark and United States Attorney McGregor W. Scott; with lead counsel Stephen M. Macfarlane, Romney Philpott, Erika Norman of the Natural Resources Section; and Kelli L. Taylor of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of California.
CEQA is a landmark California law that requires state and local agencies to identify the significant environmental impacts of their actions and to avoid or mitigate those impacts, if feasible.

Xylem and phloem, xylem and phloem.
"Forgiveness at its heart is both saying that justice has been violated and not letting that violation count against the offender. Forgiveness is thus mad. It must plunge, but lucidly, into the night of the unintelligible." — Miroslav Volf (say MEE-doh-shlov FOOLF
The recording of last night's (2019-03-29) KNYO Fort Bragg and KMEC Ukiah pass-fair Memo of the Air: Good Night Radio show is available by one or two clicks, depending on whether you want to listen to it now or download it and keep it for later and, speaking of which, it's right here: https://tinyurl.com/KNYO-MOTA-0326
Besides that, also at http://MemoOfTheAir.wordpress.com you can find a fresh batch of dozens of links to not necessarily radio-useful but nonetheless worthwhile educational items I set aside for you while gathering the show together.
Such as:
Larry Williams - Bony Maronie. I love the buttery quality of these old kinescopes.
Speaking of which, Scott Walker sings Jacques Brel's Jackie. And here again the voice as well as the video has that buttery quality. I remember talking with a man from Thailand -I think it was Thailand- who told me that Asians all say Americans talk "with buttah in the mouth". Maybe this is what he meant.
And beautiful buttery old cars and motorbikes. It's still the Talbot-Lago for me, hands down. Also I just found out how to say Talbot-Lago. I was saying it wrong all along. It’s TAL-boh-lah-go. I hate it that every time I ever said tal-bot LAH-go to anybody they probably thought I was some kind of an idiot. Then they didn't say anything about it, didn't tell me. Assholes.
Marco McClean, memo@mcn.org,

No wonder people get confused. Writer's agent e-mail. Offered to be my agent. A real sense of success, on a par with getting a poem published in the Christian Science Monitor forty years ago. Minding my own business. Geezer morning stuff. This is major. Heady. Whoever it is must have seen essays in the AVA. Or maybe the collections on Amazon. Maybe this agent is a friend of Lady Gaga. Increases interest in e-mail. But I haven't contacted. I would rather write than sell. Besides, I already have a publisher. I have erased the e-mail. But I still get to be excited. Gulp. Eh?
An interesting circumstance this has gifted me with: all across the world there must be thousands, maybe millions, who pursue similar obsessions. These are the people whose obsessions get them out on the edge. They are, all of them, a bit odd. They are often the best in the world at what they do, or they are chipping away at becoming so. I feel a kinship with these people. They may be building fine furniture, fly fishing the Umpqua, building catamarans. Living in wild places, telling their truths. Kinship. Real love. And ever-building skill. I may get baseball back thanks to the good folks at tune-in. Nothing lasts forever.
Besides, they are always interesting. They imagine our world, from cell phones to cruise ships. One of the major features of our world they seem to have failed at predicting is the orange and evil mentally ill baby in the white house, denying everything, even his denials. And the lying about it. Them. Gaslighting all of us. Even this will pass away. It means nothing in the end.
Whenever we ignore him, it is always a shock when we turn to his world again. This, of course, means nothing either. If someone penetrates the stupidity enough to say as much, his hemorrhoids may bleed. May itch. And it, of course, doesn't, in the end, matter. The lampposts await. The clock ticks relentlessly. Meanwhile, I wait to hear. Lady Gaga wants the film rights. A kind of success. But I don't flash any signs of it. I have no physical baubles. I have given it all away. And you know? It doesn't matter. The Pacific continues to wash some of the most lovely coastline in the world. People did every day. It doesn't matter. Eh? Inhale, as always I love you. My friends, carry on.
(Bruce Brady)
Refugee Mendocino Complex firestorm wild bears, have woken up from hibernation, and are now reeking havoc west of the Mendocino County line.
The solecism “reeking havoc” wouldn’t pass muster in a bell epoch kindergarten, and the awkward noun-phrase “Refugee Mendocino Complex wild bears” paired with compound passive verbs “have woken” and “are now” shows a degree of contempt for the meaning of words and rules of grammar that could only emerge from an educational system gone so wrong that it has been corrupted to the point of doing more harm than good.
Mr. Sunsweat is a gentleman, to borrow the euphemism of the police, whom he routinely contemns on this page, to not only express his lack of respect for authority, but mostly, it seems to this reader, in order to thumb his nose at every conceivable convention out of no other motive than impudent stupidity.
What does his nonsense comment even so much as imply — never mind mean?
Does he want the sheriff, who he loathes, to go over there and arrest those unruly bears? (I do not address this question to him, because he invariably responds with incoherent balderdash.)
Hung over again McEwe, swilling that $5 million wrongful jail Neuroth death settlement martini glass, well after the Sheriff fought public release of surveillance video for FOUR years, meanwhile bad mouthing the victim. Some authority.
Speaking of authority, this is from California Department of Fish and Wildlife. To wit:
The primary goal of CDFW’s black bear management program is to maintain a viable and healthy black bear population. Biologists at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife closely monitor the state’s black bear population by collecting teeth from hunter killed bears. The rings in the teeth are counted to determine the age of the bear. Because over-exploited populations are younger than populations with low mortality rates, monitoring the median age in a population gives biologists the information necessary to maintain healthy numbers within a population. Biologists also monitor the number of depredation permits to determine the relative abundance of bears where they encounter people. This is all coordinated on a statewide level through CDFW’s Bear Management Program.
This problem goes right to the heart of our dismal political predicament. What Mr. Sunsweat is trying to do is to attain that lofty tone of the successful bureaucrat, he wants to sound like County CEO Carmel Angelo, because he intuits that no real ability is called for to get the good jobs, no talent to perform in the splendidly-paying positions at the top – no-no, none of that, the trick is all in mastering the application forms, performing swimmingly at the interview, and competence in anything else is a waste of time and effort. And so young Sunsweat mimics the style of bureaucratese, the kind of word-salads turned out by people in power to hide their incompetence and ignorance; or, in the words of Michael Crichton, he “plumps up [his] prose, hoping that complicated sentences indicate deep thought.” When he wants to hide the fact that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, he throws up a tangle of abstract words in long, complicated sentences, just like CEO Angelo does, bless her. As José Saramago says, “that is the great thing about ordinary words, they are incapable of deceit.”
Now the rest of the story:
Feds sue water board over flows decree
(Farm Progress)
The New Melones Dam is a federally owned Reclamation facility and a component of the federal CVP. The dam holds back water from the Stanislaus River under permits issued by the state, and delivers water from storage to irrigation and water districts under contracts entered into under federal reclamation law, the departments explain in a news release.
The lawsuits contend that the new flow objectives will significantly reduce the amount of water available in New Melones reservoir for meeting congressionally authorized purposes of the New Melones Project, including irrigation, municipal and industrial purposes, power generation, and recreational opportunities at New Melones. The reduced water available for New Melones Project purposes would also impair Reclamation’s delivery of water under contracts it presently holds with irrigation and water districts, the agencies assert.
More idiocy from the Trumpsters, I see. No surprise there. Poor James just keeps deluding himself, which seems to be his way of dealing with the real world.
By the way, in an earlier comment, the phrase “reeking havoc” was used. Does that imply that the bears smelled bad, or smelled like havoc, whatever the latter may mean? Or was the phrase “wreaking havoc” what the author meant to say?
Incidentally, Farm Progress, or “Farm Progress”, sounds like some corporate agriculture propaganda rag, or web site. Your references are appalling, James. Before long you’ll be up in Mr. Hollister’s league with respect to passing along, or creating, misinformation.
There is no indication the Water Board action will save any fish, or make conditions better for fish. Fish habitat is more than running water. And what happens to fish once they leave the river, and enter the Delta, where they quickly get eaten, is not changed by the rate of river flow, either. Of course, then there is the ocean. “Correlation science”, which the Water Board depends on, is not science, unless we are regressing to our pre-Enlightenment roots. Which, I guess, it looks like we are.
Judging from the “information” you peddle, George, some, including you, are already living in the Dark Ages.
Bacher forgot to mention the potential of billions of dollars worth of lawsuits the US Government would face from farmers and water districts if they failed to live up to the terms of their contracts. I supposed there will be a compromise somewhere down the road, requiring unimpaired flows up to 50% just won’t do.
“Suits by the U.S. Departments of Justice and Interior in state and federal courts allege the water board failed to follow state environmental laws in its Dec. 12 decision to require unimpaired flows of up to 40 percent to 50 percent in the Stanislaus, Merced and Tuolumne rivers.”
James Marmon MSW
Our vicious ruling class knows no bounds when it comes to subduing and subjugating people living south of our border. The record of our wealthy ruling monsters is abominable. Why do we put up with it? Are we really that stupid, that cowed?
Hmmm. There are different versions of the Grand Canyon lightning strike to be found on line. Could be innocent editing, I suppose.
Nice to have this edit function. After I posted, I found two different photographer attributions.
Curiouser and curiouser.
March 30, 2019
A mom refused to take her unvaccinated toddler to the hospital for a fever. Armed police officers tore down the door.
From his client’s perspective, Boca added, there was never a need for emergency medical treatment. He pointed out that hours had gone by before the doctor got in touch with DCS. “If this was such an immediate emergency, why didn’t the doctor put the child in an ice bath?” he asked. “Why didn’t the doctor have the child directly transported to the emergency room?” [break]
Arizona State Rep. Kelly Townsend, who earlier this month said that mandatory measles shots were “Communist,” told the Republic that it had been brought to her attention “that these parents may have been targeted by the medical community because they hadn’t vaccinated their children.”
After sitting in on the family’s juvenile court hearing this month, Townsend expressed concerns that the children had been permanently traumatized by being separated and placed into foster care after police broke down their door and placed their father in handcuffs. On Facebook, she described the episode as “a complete miscarriage of justice and a shame to the State of Arizona,” and called for the children to be returned immediately. Speaking to the Republic, she compared officials’ actions to that of the Gestapo.
When contacted by The Post on Thursday night, Townsend was somewhat more restrained, saying she understood the doctor’s perspective of better safe than sorry. The situation might have ended differently if the parents had opened their door and talked to police, she acknowledged. Still, Townsend said, she could easily understand the decision to hold off on an expensive trip to the emergency room, given that the child no longer had a high fever. The case raises larger questions about parents’ rights to make decisions about their children’s care, she added.
“Is the doctor an authority figure that you must listen to, or else risk losing your family?” she asked.
——>. New research indicates we transition between 19 different brain phases when sleeping
BIOLOGY Rich Haridy March 25th, 2019
——>. Is Biphasic Sleep Better For You?
by Florian Rosado April 15, 2018
The term biphasic sleep simply refers to the idea of breaking the sleep period up into 2 distinct and separate time periods.
Because members of modern industrialised societies, with later evening hours facilitated by electric lighting, mostly do not practice interrupted sleep, Ekirch suggests that they may have misinterpreted and mistranslated references to it in literature. Common modern interpretations of the term first sleep are “beauty sleep” and “early slumber”. A reference to first sleep in the Odyssey was translated as “first sleep” in the seventeenth century, but, if Ekirch’s hypothesis is correct, was universally mistranslated in the twentieth.
In his 1992 study “In short photoperiods, human sleep is biphasic“, Thomas Wehr had eight healthy men confined to a room for fourteen hours of darkness daily for a month.
At first the participants slept for about eleven hours, presumably making up for their sleep debt. After this the subjects began to sleep much as people in pre-industrial times had. They would sleep for about four hours, wake up for two to three hours, then go back to bed for another four hours. They also took about two hours to fall asleep.
Biphasic sleep typically involves:
A core sleep period of 3 – 4.5 hours
A secondary sleep period of 90 minutes. Many people affectionately refer to this period of sleep as a “nap.” The 90-minute time frame is important because most people have a sleep cycle of 90 minutes. A quick catnap is not the same thing.
One example of a biphasic sleep pattern is the practice of siesta, which is a nap taken in the early afternoon, often after the midday meal. Such a period of sleep is a common tradition in some countries, particularly those where the weather is warm.
The siesta is historically common throughout the Mediterranean and Southern Europe. It is the traditional daytime sleep of India, Spain, through Spanish influence, China, the Philippines, and many Hispanic American countries.
——>. https://www.wearethemighty.com/military-culture/best-power-nap?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1