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Posts published in July 2018

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Measure H;
Ominous Sign;
KZYX Meeting;
Birdsell Selection;
Little Dog;
MUSD Representation;
Rougert Park;
Shelter Decision;
Costco Countdown;
New Regs;
Reduced Hours;
Daily Harvest;
Yesterday's Catch;
Orange Meltdown;
Clean California;
Putin Fanboy;
Dem Collapse;
Palestinian Land;
MCHSCoC Meeting;
Cancer Fundraiser;
Coming Floods

Caleb Silver Sentenced

“Nasty, brutish and short”—the Hobbesian view of life, has been replaced with “a long life of clean living” for one Caleb Silver, 28, sentenced to…

Local Vets & Their Legacy

As the calendar marks the dates for D-Day, Flag Day and on through Independence Day, my thoughts often turn to men I knew in younger…

Off the Record (July 18, 2018)

CHRIS SKYHAWK has officially ended his campaign for 5th District Supervisor. From Mrs. Skyhawk: “Given the severity of the stroke and the level of effort…

A Peach Of A Fire

Antoinette and I were about to leave Boonville for Ukiah on Thursday July 5 when our pagers went off. We immediately checked if they signaled…

Valley People (July 18, 2018)

BEYOND AWFUL. Monday afternoon, a little after 3pm, an eastbound SUV containing a three-person family of visitors from England was stopped at a bend in…

Drones Are Not Toys

I recently had the joy of shooting video with a drone. I haven't purchased one yet, especially with all the continued commotion going on around…

Fort Bragg Rodeo

[Aug 11, 12] Start time 1pm, Saturday and Sunday, tickets $10 at the gate, 30601 Turner Road, Fort Bragg.

Costco Melts Down Ukiah

Costco’s Grand Opening in Ukiah is scheduled for July 19. We predict the opening of the mega-retailer will result in total gridlock of the Highway…
