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Posts published in July 2018

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, July 21, 2018

Schnaubelt Permit;
Murder Suspects;
B Discussions;
Pea Pickers;
Quentin Bound;
Little Dog;
Busy Cops;
Weed Money;
Paper Railroad;
Redwood Trail;
Scott Plea;
Paving 253;
Costco Bus;
Planning Agenda;
Buckhorn Brunch;
Disaster Preparedness;
Yesterday's Catch;
Hemp Bill;
Supe Torlakson;
Lighthouse Lectures;
International Respect;
Chain Stores;
Tax Law;
Climate Change;
Overlay Meetings;
Radioactive Wine;
Clueless Progressives;
Training Programs;
PA Agenda;
Inside WikiLeaks;
Meddling Meddlers

Port Road Maintenance

[Aug 14-17] Port Road in Point Arena will be subject to one lane traffic control beginning August 14 through August 17 from 7:30 am to…

Mendocino County Today: Friday, July 20, 2018

Eddie Missing;
Clean-up Costs;
Bastille Band;
Philo Vote;
Removing Barriers;
Pot Permits;
EDFC Bill;
Little Dog;
Humco Underwater;
Boonville 1987;
Yesterday's Catch;
Trump 2020;
MCBG Events;
Ag Scholarships;
Meeting Adversaries;
Lassie Classic;
Group Death;
Cheap Golfballs

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, July 19, 2018

Triple Digits;
Scott Plea;
Woozy Striping;
Lumberjacks Gone;
Ukiah Shooting;
Little Dog;
Microphor Closure;
Wayward Youth;
Willits 1915;
Birdsell Selected;
Transient Problem;
No Quiz;
Money Radio;
Yesterday's Catch;
Homeless Programs;
Sheriff Costco;
Garden Cat;
Redwood Fair;
Gunny Bunnies;
Jim Picnic;
Infectious Man;
Measure Nixed;
Mental Defendants;
Williamson Act;
Yorkville Highlands

County Notes

THE UNSPOKEN THEME of Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting was Ignore All  Representatives of all advisory boards — the Behavioral Health Advisory Board, the Library Board, the…

Letters (July 18, 2018)

The Mendocino County Planning & Building Department is issuing a building permit for the construction of a 122 unit storage facility in the heart of “downtown” Redwood Valley.

Redistricting Fort Bragg

Monday night, July 9, on a breezy summer evening the terminally endangered Fort Bragg City Council met again in regular session to conduct a public…

No Country For Old Women (Part 3)

Arrangements are made to send her back to the home and put her in hospice care there. This is good: she goes back into the…

Death & Dying on the Mendo Coast

Recently when walking in the woods above Point Arena, my pal Michael and I heard hammers banging away. We followed the sounds and came upon…
