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Posts published in March 2017

Dawn In The Redwoods

As we hoofed it down the county road, towards the logging gate and the main stage, the marchers sang the chorus and verses of "This Land is Our Land." Some had strap-on drums to beat. Some carried signs. Tears streamed down our cheeks. The effect overwhelmed both of us, but my pregnant girlfriend more.

Letters (March 8, 2017)

Only a scumbag would throw a trash bag or three off a road in our beautiful valley. This morning I saw three new trash bags on County Road D before the second cattle guard. I feel like climbing down the hill and looking in the bags for the scumbag’s address! Then drive to their house and dump them in their driveway so they can look at it for a year or three like I will have to after the critters open the bags and spread their trash on the hillside. I will drive by each day I go to work and see the work of a subhuman who lives here and has shit for brains. I know the dump fees are going up, but that is no reason to be a scumbag with a trashbag.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Washout Repair;
Legal Advice;
Animal Shelter;
Glyphosate Users;
Police Reports;
Republican Healthcare;
Massey Interview;
Mendo Metrics;
CEO Reports;
Salmon Forecast;
Little Dog;
Thistle Removal;
Storm Damage;
Dunnicliff Move;
Yesterday's Catch;
ICEmen Cometh;
Korean Missles;
CIA Hackileaks;
Big Club;
East Bay Express;
Academic Performance;
Broadband Notes;
Brewer Concert

Actor’s Workshop

[Apr 1-2] A Two-Day Improv/Scene Study Intensive, taught by Tracy Burns (formerly of Hit & Run Theatre), will be held on Saturday & Sunday, April…

Valley People (March 8, 2017)

ANDERSON VALLEY awoke Monday morning to snow on the hills, hope for Spring in their hearts, as Winter goes on and on, its random sunshine…

Bird’s Eye View (March 8, 2017)

First up again this week. “This Trump Thing,” or as it had been known for nearly 250 years up until now, The US Presidency. To…
