THE FOLLOWING POST appeared last week on Sheriff Allman’s Facebook page: "Hello my Facebook Community. I thank you all for the support I receive around the county each day. I appreciate the openness of this…
Posts published in March 2017
COSMO KNOEBBER, the sage of Comptche, nicely sums up the feeling of most of us about Daylight Saving: "YAY! My watch will soon be right again!" BRUCE PATTERSON WRITES: “Wow, finally got the AVA and…
First up this week. “The Trump Thing,” or as it had been known for nearly 250 years up until now, The US Presidency. On this occasion we have commentary from our top investigative reporter, The…
Every now and then, someone perusing this space with access to my ear will ask: Did that really happen? I expect that same question occasionally crosses the mind of those without the luxury of addressing…
AVA: What's your experience testifying in court? I gather that most deputies try to avoid it. It seems like sometimes the officer is on trial to prove that all the correct steps were taken rather than the suspect for the alleged crime.
[Apr 21-22] The Ukiah Uke Tones ukulele club will be hosting their first Ukiah Uke Fest Friday April 21 from 6PM - 9PM and all day Saturday April 22 from 9AM - 5PM at Holy…
Zip Ties Return;
PO Protest;
Real Sarahs;
Pardini Honored;
AV Footballers;
AVFD Fundraiser;
Whales Migrating;
Little Dog;
Scab Radio;
Death Spiral;
Save It;
Dysfunctional Disaster;
Local Artists;
Hopeful Palace;
Yesterday's Catch;
Perfect Fit;
Jay Lynch;
Car/Bed Needed;
Housekeeping Job;
GJ Recruiting;
Surreal Triangle;
Radioactive Boars