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Posts published in July 2016

Off the Record (July 6, 2016)

ERIC DWYER, Fort Bragg inn manager and frequent presenter at Fort Bragg City Council meetings, was in and out of the County Jail recently on…

Valley People (July 6, 2016)

HUGE and unique collision at the intersection of 128 and Mountain View Road about 2am Monday (July 4th) morning. A very young man hurtling southbound…

Goodbye Mr. Dietz

Monday night, June 27, 2016 — I believe that it is more than ok to say it like it is in politics. It is essential…

Bird’s Eye View (July 6, 2016)

I am about to set off on my way back to the Valley and “normal service” will be resumed next week. However, before I leave Europe, here are a few thoughts on the concerns that folks over here have with regards to the possibility of Donald Trump becoming President in terms of his foreign policies.

Brexit Musings

When I heard that a majority of British voters wanted to leave the European Union, my first thought was, “Well, I would want to leave, too, after what that union did and is continuing to do to the people of Greece and Spain in order to funnel more billions into the coffers of the corporate overlords via their putrid toxic derivative hedge funds.”

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Durant Warrior;
Gender Fluidity;
Ranochak Summons;
Geology Hike;
Drought Farming;
Online Progression;
PA Fireworks;
V Effects;
Abstemious Abe;
Yesterday's Catch;
Independence Declaration;
Bush Biography;
American Corruption;
Hillary Investigation;
My Truck;
Clinton WikiLeaks

Mendocino County Today: Monday, July 4, 2016

Canadian Fourth;
Mendolib Stories;
Legalization Concerns;
No Wrong Door;
Emerging Choice;
New Business;
Yesterday's Catch;
SMART Fares;
Dem Pivot;
Riding Currents;
Who Decides;
Park Bench;
Bukowski's Characters;
That Loser;
Gregory Rabassa;
Read & Weep;
Regulatory Capture;
Library Events

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, July 3, 2016

Rough Chiefs;
Hospital Meeting;
Allegation Clarification;
KZYX Ukiah;
KLLG Willits;
Sun Prints;
Grow Storm;
Police Reports;
Yesterday's Catch;
Elie Wiesel;
Fictive Memoirs;
Rich Richer;
Unwashed Wrong;
November Ballot;
Hell Bat;
Marco Radio
