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Posts published in July 2016

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Votecount Delay;
Homeless Services;
Permanent Underclass;
No Tresspassing;
Food Talk;
Next Move;
Drought Victims;
Police Reports;
Cannabis Fair;
Yesterday's Catch;
Durant Reaction;
Brown Environment;
Trump Tacos;
Dem Platform;
Living Longer;
Political Violence;
Economic Timebomb;
Banana Republic

Hospital CFO Forces Manager To Quit

Wade Sturgeon, the Chief Financial Officer at Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) has allegedly insulted and demeaned a hospital employee to such a degree that…

Disarm The Deranged?

Who's going to disarm Wayne LaPierre? If you want to see just how nuts he is, find a copy of the NRA magazine and read his column.

Leap Frog In The North Sector

California Highway Patrol Officer Luke Adams was on patrol north of Willits on June 24th of '15 when he saw two vehicles in close proximity traveling at a high rate of speed. Officer Adams hooked a U-turn and lit out in hot pursuit, lights flashing, siren wailing, and was soon pulling a white Chrysler, over. Having stopped one speeder, Adams soon pulled over the second offender. But just as he was getting out to ticket the SUV driver, the Chrysler shot past.

Letters (July 6, 2016)

The power elites own the two political parties in the United States. To control the outcome of an election, at the voter level, they deploy two main strategies to motivate the voters. The Republicans promote hatred, the Democrats promote fear.
