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Posts published in June 2016

Transfer Station Meeting

[Jun 16] Those following the siting of the proposed Waste Transfer Station on Hwy 20 are encouraged to attend the meeting on the Revised Draft EIR on Thursday evening at 6 p.m. at Fort Bragg…

Protecting Our Elections

You can only lie, cheat and steal so long before the slumbering victims reach for their pitchforks and iphones.

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Fire Season;
AV Native;
Lewallen Book;
River Watch;
AVA Trailer;
Yosemite Paintings;
Parrish Recognised;
Divorce Celebration;
Marijuana Takeover;
V Dialogue;
Superdelegate Count;
Housing Benefit;
Boss Headquarters;
Farmers' Market;
Walk Away;
Park Imperiled;
Remco Plans;
Library Events;
Yesterday's Catch;
Cloverdale Rally;
Serious Spectacle;
Rape Story

Snowden Warned The NSA

The NSA, like Hillary and the Archdiocese of the Democratic Party, ignored the truth until it was too late.

Mendocino County Today: Monday, June 6, 2016

Voter Recommendations;
Bad Campaign;
American Socialism;
Survival Strategies;
Sleep Disturbance;
Arky Book;
Cav Stumblebums;
Fire Season;
Lewallen Book;
Mental Health;
No V;
Yes V;
Inn Fundraiser;
Political Crisis;
Codependency Activists;
Unlicensed Accountant;
Offshore Fracking;
Ripe Boysenberries;
Postal Banking

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, June 5, 2016

U Vote;
Hawaiian Homeless;
Big Lion;
Ali Reverberations;
Bassler Story;
Mendocino Deadwood;
Prop Documentary;
Photo Essays;
Yesterday's Catch;
Tight Pants;
Weed Tax;
Medical Marinara;
Prop 14;
Steinberg Questions;
Library Events;
Marco Radio
