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Posts published in June 2016

Secret Rules For Spying On Journalists

What's Obama done for America again? His legacy is Trump, Hillary, Brexit and the 49ers collapse. Yes, it could be worse, but the Oval Office is increasingly a figurehead kindred to Queen Elizabeth. The real decisions are made in dark places far from public scrutiny or even prying governmental eyes.

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, June 30, 2016

OB Forum;
Salmon BBQ;
Navarro High;
FB Report;
Deitz Exit;
Pittie Pity;
Rio Austerity;
Herd Politics;
Hatred v Fear;
Ceramic Vandal;
Yesterday's Catch;
Jill Reasons;
Finite Limits;
Terrible Job;
Plan B;
NY Visit

Great America

If I were to sum up my personal philosophy in a single sentence, it would be this: Never try to encapsulate anything of import or…

How Are The Children?

Fatter and dumber every year, according to national statistics, but asked in Ukiah the question implies that our community is concerned in the usual way local liberals are concerned — symbolically.

Sierra Fest 2016

There was a striking man walking up and down 128 all weekend with a goat on a leash. At least he looked like a man,…

Engaging The Squares: Post-Orlando

Conservative writer P.J. O'Rourke, who used to butt heads with Molly Ivins on TV, came on the Tonight show once and explained right wing logic:…

Hoping For Transition

The Board of Supervisors, at their Tuesday meeting, again discussed the status of the transition of privatized mental health services from Ortner Management Group (OMG)…

Hospital Budget Without Obstetrics?

On June 21st the Board of Directors at Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) approved a 2016-2017 budget with a deficit of slightly more than $900,000.…

Valley People (Jun 29, 2016)

AS OF MONDAY, June 27th all outdoor burning except for campfires within organized campgrounds or on private property with landowner permission is banned. We're all invoking our mightiest mojo to prevent the big fires we avoided last year in Mendocino County, which seems even drier at the end of June than it was at the end of last June at this time.
