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Posts published in June 2016

Dolphins In The Tuna Net

A preliminary examination of the catch from a Laytonville pot bust revealed that a white American, Sydney Roach (sic), arrested last December with three Guatemalans,…

Letters (Jun 1, 2016)

Measure V is a public safety ordinance written and supported by local experienced firefighters and others in our community. Retired CalFire Air Attack Captain Kirk Van Patten is a primary proponent of Measure V and worked for 40 years for CalFire.

Off the Record (Jun 1, 2016)

GOTTA HAND IT TO MENDOLIB. They're always hustling — not to make the County (or the country) work a little better, hustling to get people…

Valley People (Jun 1, 2016)

LOGGER DAN KUNY continues to heal at his Ukiah home from the nearly fatal injuries he suffered when a tree fell on him three weeks…

Bird’s Eye View (Jun 1, 2016)

President Obama recently became the first sitting president to visit Hiroshima since America dropped an atom bomb on the city in August 1945. Mr. Obama did not apologize for it, nor for the bombing of Nagasaki three days later. Nor should he.
