It's the secret cup of knowledge, only in a bowl fit for Annunaki gods. I'll take four and trade you three usurers and an oracle in velvet lederhosen.
Posts published in November 2015
This is what a good acid trip is like. (According to Ben Carson.)
Cold Outside;
Jail Scam;
Thompson Club;
Max Beerbohm;
Black Friday;
Marco for Manager;
Intellectual Ebola;
Yesterday's Catch;
Huff Does Paree;
Dancing Dogs;
Samoan Pipeline;
Flit King;
Brain Pirates;
Cancer Resource;
Mendo Magic;
Postal Banking;
Brownish Green
Fiction by Neil Van Gorder.
Organic Little Guys;
Vroman in Cement;
Crab Chat;
FB Central Business District;
Investigating CPS;
Police Work;
Spotlight Movie Review;
Theroux Book;
Valley Fire Aftermath;
Yesterday's Catch;
Otter Laura;
Snake Suicide;
Not Unusual;
Marco Radio
Cold & Waves;
Catholic Jocks;
Blood Drive;
Scam Timeline;
Acidic Crabs;
MRC's Greenstamp;
Measure U;
Lovers Lane;
Rainfall Collection;
Yesterday's Catch;
Ideological Purity;
Woodrow Wilson;
You're No Good;
Holiday Open House;
Regime-Change Wars;
Noyo Mural;
So Young