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Posts published in May 2015

Too Many Straws In the Russian

On April 21st, officials with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the State Water Resources Control Board sent joint letters to property owners…


When we feel gratitude, we give ourselves the gift of concentrating on what's important, and when we share our gratitude, it helps others feel gratitude,…

Bird’s Eye View (May 13, 2015)

I am in the “big heart of England.” Birmingham, the second largest city in Britain after London, and enjoying a pint and a steak and kidney pie and chips at The New Inns, a classic old pub built in the early 1900s. As has been the case for centuries, the pubs are mostly very welcoming, particularly those outside the trendy city center areas, and intentionally provide a warm and cozy atmosphere somewhat representative of people’s living rooms.

Giants 3, Surveillance State 2

Bruce Bochy said Joe Panik sat for nine innings and then came up and squared the ball for a run and the win Friday night…

Hamlet on Tasers

Supervisor Hamburg on taser use by by patrol deputies. A Blue Meanie guy from way back, the 5th District supervisor knows the Blue Meanie bloc…
