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Posts published in May 2015

Letters (May 6, 2015)

Today is Earth Day and I'm still in a state of shock after attending the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors meeting yesterday concerning the use of the herbicide imazapyr to destroy the noncommercial tanoak, madrones and shrubs by the Mendocino Redwood Company.

Where’s Our Deputy?

Supervisor Dan Hamburg and Sheriff Tom Allman appeared in Boonville last Thursday night to discuss Anderson Valley's popular but now-you-see-him, now-you-don't resident deputy, Craig Walker. Walker is often compelled to work in the Ukiah and…

Bird’s Eye View (May 6, 2015)

The news of Loretta Houck’s freakish yet awful accident last Thursday evening has resonated around the Valley as much as any such tragic accident in recent years.

Verily, Verily Veri-Trax

It was all circumstantial evidence, this cold case from three years ago. The matter had been set aside and apparently forgotten. The victim was an illegal alien, the alleged perp a black man. There was…

Off the Record (May 6, 2015)

EXPECT a recall petition to be filed against Fort Bragg mayor Dave Turner. There is huge anger at the present 3-2 domination of the Fort Bragg City Council by Turner, Doug Hammerstrom and Scott Dietz,…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, May 6, 2015

GJ Blasts PA Schools;
Ukiah Costco Delays;
Apparent Suicide;
Forgivable Loan on Shaky Ground;
Starhawk's Honorarium;
Catch of the Day;
Water Conservation Goals Unmet;
Electric-vehicle Stations;
Borodin/Cohen Concerts
