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Posts published in April 2013

River Views

Mendocino Redwood Company remains chained to the practices of its predecessor-in-interest, Louisiana-Pacific Corporation, 15 years after purchasing more than 200,000 acres of Mendocino County timberland…

Mendocino County Today: April 23, 2013

ACCORDING TO the District Attorney’s statistics, 21 people have been sentenced to serve their prison time in the local jail under “realignment” some for multiple…

Mendocino County Today: April 22, 2013

THE GOLDEN SHORE, by David Helvarg is subtitled “California's Love Affair with the Sea.” This is an informal and very interesting history of the state…

Mendocino County Today: April 21, 2013

OBAMACARE BAFFLES MENDO by Mark Scaramella On Monday, April 8, the Mendocino Board of Supervisors listened to two and a half excruciating hours of impenetrable…

Mendocino County Today: April 20, 2013

ENTITLEMENT TANKS? Tanks But No Tanks In response to Ms. Cooney's gripping drama That Kemgas allegedly inflected her with such trauma So as not to…

Mendocino County Today: April 19, 2013

IT WAS EXACTLY ten on a recent Wednesday morning. I was on the south side of California Street waiting to board the 44, which would…

Off The Record

WITHIN AN HOUR of the Boston bombs, the conspiracy creeps were on the internet where one of the creepiest of all, Alex Jones, predictably claimed…

Alpha One On Patrol

The morning oozed in gray and wet. The monsoon sky at high tide. Clouds so wet, so low that you can feel them cold on…

Mendocino County Today: April 18, 2013

THE MARIJUANA LAWS, proposed and actual, change so often it's hard to keep up. But a useful bill introduced last by Congressman Rohrabacher, R-Orange County,…
