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Posts published in June 2012

Off The Record

ASSEMBLYMAN TOM AMMIANO has dropped his bill that would regulate and tax California's medical marijuana industry. He said the bill "represents my best effort to…

Mendocino County Today: June 26, 2012

MENDOCINO COUNTY AND SEIU (Service Employees International Union) issued a joint press release earlier this year announcing formation of a Labor Management Committee (LMC). The…

Citizen Sweeney

FROM A FRONT PAGE story in Sunday’s Ukiah Daily Journal by Justine Frederickson: “The growers rely on the irrigation water to deliver intense nutrients, growth…

Mendocino County Today: June 24, 2012

THE SANTA ROSA PRESS DEMOCRAT finally got around to mentioning the Brooktrails real estate/County tax hole issue last Friday, only about nine months after the…

Mendocino County Today: June 23, 2012

“CALIFORNIA will close its projected $15.7 billion budget deficit by restructuring the state's welfare program, streamlining health insurance for low-income children, and reducing child care…

Mendocino County Today: June 22, 2012

FOOTNOTE to the discussion about Sheriff Allman’s recent request and approval to allow Studio Lambert to film a reality series with the Sheriff’s marijuana eradicators.…

Letters To The Editor

NO RAISED HALF-FREEWAY Editor, I enthusiastically support the lawsuit against Caltrans, Here is why. I will borrow a description of Caltrans [paraphrased] that I…

What’s With The US Left & Obama?

Regard the Greek political landscape and how dramatically it has changed from last November. On November 2, 2011, Greek prime minister George Papandreou flew to…
